Well-Known Member
Crazy rambling thoughts from my first and second sessions...
Let's start with the fact that I just love this thing. It could not be more perfect for my situation, but I agree with Tom that this is not for everyone or other situations. For small doses that pack a punch whenever I want them, it's great.
Let it warm up for the full hour. Had a nice "wood shop" smell in the room. Others have said that the smell and taste of wood should go away in a couple of days. I like the smell, but I think the unit will be better without it.
....I love how the stem fits into the exchanger. Mine is very tight, with enough give to have it stand up straight on it's own with a slight angle. That was how I pictured it and I am happy it works like that.
Feels warm in my hands, which is great in the colder months..... The vapor is not too hot for my throat at all like I read here, but I also agree a glass of water, etc. is a good idea..... Can't stop looking into the tube to the suspended vapor, cool!! .....Almost no smell. I can vape without blowing it out a window and not be scared of the odor. Nice change of pace from combustion.
...Not used to ABV herbs, lol. I want the bag to transport the PD, so using a glass jar. Have forgotten both times just how pipin' hot the stem is, lol. That quick burn reminds you! So bad that I am just going to throw the ABV of top quality away, but since I am diabetic using it for all those treats is wasted on me.
..... Dry herbs indeed make a huge difference..... After only a couple of uses I can already tell I am going to take some advice I read here to reinforce the plug with electrical tape.
...Getting very noticeable vapor clouds on most hits.
I am going to give 'er a nice buzz butter buffin' tonight while she's hot.
I love this thing. Thanks Tom & Pammy!
Let's start with the fact that I just love this thing. It could not be more perfect for my situation, but I agree with Tom that this is not for everyone or other situations. For small doses that pack a punch whenever I want them, it's great.
Let it warm up for the full hour. Had a nice "wood shop" smell in the room. Others have said that the smell and taste of wood should go away in a couple of days. I like the smell, but I think the unit will be better without it.
....I love how the stem fits into the exchanger. Mine is very tight, with enough give to have it stand up straight on it's own with a slight angle. That was how I pictured it and I am happy it works like that.
Feels warm in my hands, which is great in the colder months..... The vapor is not too hot for my throat at all like I read here, but I also agree a glass of water, etc. is a good idea..... Can't stop looking into the tube to the suspended vapor, cool!! .....Almost no smell. I can vape without blowing it out a window and not be scared of the odor. Nice change of pace from combustion.
...Not used to ABV herbs, lol. I want the bag to transport the PD, so using a glass jar. Have forgotten both times just how pipin' hot the stem is, lol. That quick burn reminds you! So bad that I am just going to throw the ABV of top quality away, but since I am diabetic using it for all those treats is wasted on me.
..... Dry herbs indeed make a huge difference..... After only a couple of uses I can already tell I am going to take some advice I read here to reinforce the plug with electrical tape.
...Getting very noticeable vapor clouds on most hits.
I am going to give 'er a nice buzz butter buffin' tonight while she's hot.

I love this thing. Thanks Tom & Pammy!