PD review
This thing rocks. Ill give you guys a rundown of how my first day with it went. Let me preface this by saying when I finally got a chance to use this baby I was @ 4500ft
I open up the packaging excitedly, stopping briefly to notice it says "paisley" on the brown paper bag wrapping. This is odd because I ordered an original bottom, and it says original on my invoice...must be a typo I think...nope just a mix up. I'm not tripping though, would rather get this than wait longer for the original bottom.
First impression: The unit is very minimalistic, I can see why the creator doesn't consider it art. The homegrown packaging and inserts give it a ton a character. I felt like I was opening an xmas gift with lots of goodies inside.
I plug the unit and start prepping my herb. I play with the tubes impatiently, get all three loaded up and ready to go. After about 15 min I figure ill give it a try, whats the worst that can happen right? I take a long slow draw and to my surprise blow out a huge vapo cloud! Excitement! It actually works! I look down into the tube and see some milky goodness, it entices me to take another draw. The next one is not as large but makes me cough. Its kind of hard to realize how big a hit you are getting. 5 min later Im surprisingly high. I finish the other two tubes and Im blazed.
After this its time to let my stoner friends have whirl at it. Get in the car and plug it in to keep it warm on the ride over.
First friends house: Two other guys there, both have been smoking about a decade or more on a daily basis. At first it doesn't work. I figure its because we are in a cold garage and the unit needs to warm up more. WRONG! The outlet was broken lol, stupid no LED

Once we actually get it warmed up it blows my friends away. They both have used a Cano' and realize this is so much more of an every day user. With three people though it is easy to see that this isnt the best party vape in the world. We spent more time waiting for and talking about the vape than actually using it.
2nd friends house: When I get there I ask if my friend wants to match some bowls in it. He says hes down to try it but relates to me that he is basically outta weed, so I pack it up and let him try. Something hilarious came on adult swim while he was half way through his first draw....
"bwaahhhahha/choke choke wheeze gag". Regroup, regain composure, the second pull my friend is in love. I load a couple more tubes and we keep puffing. After a while he realizes how little weed this thing takes to load and he starts loading bowls too. (even though he said he was out

) Usually when me and this guy sit down for a session we blow through a couple grams easy. I think we vaped maybe 1/2 a gram and called it quits.
He hooks me up with a beer coozie and Im out. Once Im in bed I realize I am totally fucked up. I havnt been that high in a long time.

I though I was gonna be let down coming off of bongs, but nope!
The next day its time to drive back to sacramento, to do this I have to go over donner pass. Im interested in how elevation changes affect the unit so I pack up the tubes before I leave and plug in the car charger. Theres a rest area at the top of the mountain, about 7000 ft up. Once there I puff through a tube and all I can say from my antecdotal evidence is:
Vaping at high altitudes works better. I got 5 large verrrryyyy visible puffs off a tube before calling it quits, I didn't even need the other two tubes. I took a nice stoney walk through the forest, good times
Back in Sacramento it still works well, but not as well as it did, especially way up at 7500ft. My girlfriend likes it but complains about what she calls a "Cedar" taste. I kinda notice it too, besides the normal vape taste im used to there is some sort of wood like flavor. Maybe it will go away with time?
So if you didn't read though my whole narrative (I don't blame you) here is a list of pros and cons:
Efficiency Yes it really is that effective.
Ease of use There is a learning curve, but I think its easier for a newbie to hit this than figure out a bong.
Taste Even with that slight wood flavor I love the taste I'm getting!
Health Its only been a few days but I'm not coughing unless Im vaping. Usually I have a cough throughout the day (I kinda annoys me and I'm sure others while I'm in class). I know this is a general benefit to vaping and not just the Purple Days model, but I'm still stoked about it!
HAND WARMER!! I kid you not, once the unit is completely warm it makes a great hand warmer/heating pad.
Slow Pace This is really apparent if you have 3 or more people. The time it takes to take three draws off a tube, clean the tube out, chop up herb and refill it adds up. It still can get a large group of people stoned, there just might be some awkward waiting around time that isnt there with a pipe/bong/joint/blunt. Time to work on your social skills!
This can actually be a good thing when you are by yourself. It helps me be more aware of, and regulate my intake than packing monster bong loads.
Mouth irritation Its slight but its there. I guess its because the air you take in is so warm?
The tubes I dont know why but I was under the impression that these tubes were glass. I really don't like the way this material feels on my lips. I know that I can add on things, and I will...I have also had some little pieces of herb falling into the heating element and stinking things up. Perhaps its just part of learning how finely to chop my herb and how tightly to pack the tube?
Overall this thing is the most impressive method of ingesting pot I have ever had. Haven't felt the need to combust since getting it. It does make we want to get another vape though
Thank you Tom!