I've been reading quite a bit about auto-immune disorders since I have several. Starts with one and others snowball. The chemicals in plastics are being held responsible for the plethora of auto-immune disorders today. The only thing I don't like about the Purple Days is the plastic part.
Did you know that PBDE's are chemicals that manufacturers use in almost all products. Everything they think could be flammable. Your computer, tv, footwear, insulation in your wall, upholstery, cushions, carpets, toys, way more. Problem is that PBDE's are not molecularly bound to anything. As a result, they leach out of whatever they're put in. They end up all over the place, fall to the floor and attach to dust. You have them all over your house. We all inhale it everyday. If you drop food on the floor and eat it, you're eating pbde's. Children especially as they're on the floor and chew on stuff landing on the floor. They saturate mattresses with them, especially the petroleum based memory foam. If you get a latex mattress you're ok. Latex doesn't burn. I use to put out my prairie fires with a rubber mat.
A wide array of environmental chemicals such as pbde's, dioxin's, pcb's, and way more act as endocrine disruptors, They mimic natural estrogen. Once in the cell, these imposters bind with estrogen receptors and begin to send things askew by sending out false signals to the rest of the body. It turns on cellular interactions that shouldn't be happening. When they coat the receptors natural hormones cannot get through and this causes signals that should be sent out, not to. This all results in autoimmune diseases.
Sure not trying to talk Tom into anything. I know he's got enough work to do. lol. If I have a problem with plastic it's up to me to find the solution. I'm sure it's still the least toxic vape out there. It's why I picked it. Thanks Tom. I plan on searching online for something that could substitute. Or maybe find a local woodworker who could craft something.