Well-Known Member
my comment got deleted gasp
o well. all i was trying to do was tell people about check4change and thus end peoples bitching and say how u shouldnt go and whine to tom, pam. and vapenow because they all are nice people who are trying there best..... just imagine, the stupid criticism that u are about to send- now imagine receiving that message after receiving basically that same message almost every min of every day. trust me i know that at times every one feels infuriated and kind of left out, but u have to try and put your self into other peoples shoes and see through there eyes, its called COMPASSION. Tom and Pam are just regular old people who use med cannabis and saw a problem with their vaping units. So they made up one for them selves and then made a company out of it. They make their product to the best of their ability's and make it for a price that no other company would dare do. Then after working all day they get smacked in the face with the harsh criticism. That just sucks.... If it was me i would just sell the rights to pd and go on with my life. So i respect Tom and Pam very much for this and thank them for everything and wish them a very happy and prosperous life.