So I have a next door neighbor that has gone thru a few different back surgeries and is currently in a LOT of pain. His wife has called 911, and the ambulance came out and took him to the hospital on a few different occasions because he was in enormous pain. He is on huge doses of Vicodin, Oxycontin, and few different muscle relaxers, and even with these scripts, at times, he is still under enormous amounts of pain. They are seriously thinking about fusing his spine and is awaiting consultation on that surgery. I suggested to his wife to try some MJ. They are both in their late 50's and have never smoked herb in their life and are very much anti-pot. I informed them both that MJ was a helluva lot safer than all the opiates that he is taking, but they have a real aversion to it.
About 5 nights ago, his wife knocked on my door in tears saying that her husband was in terrible pain and they would like to take me up on my suggestion being that nothing else was working.
I have two PD's, so I immediately ground up some bud, grabbed my PD that was currently hot, and headed on over. When I walked into the bedroom, Frank was curled up in bed in a fetal position, with his hands on his forehead, tears streaming out of his eyes, teeth tightly clinched and moaning in pain. On his night-stand were huge bottles of pills, mostly Vicoden and Oxycontin.
I plugged the PD in, waited about 10 minutes being that it was already warm, loaded up the stem and as his wife held up his head, I told Frank to put the stem in his mouth and inhale. They are both cigarette smokers, so this came kinda naturally. He took 3 hits, back to back, and laid back down. I told him that this wouldn't take the pain away, but may take some of the edge off.
The next 10 minutes was a sight to behold and I am still stunned. I could literally see the pain fading from his face. He relaxed his fetal postition and began to talk. After 15 mintues, he said that he could still feel the nerves firing in his back and in his hip and legs, but it was doing so without any pain.
I was like, WTF

? He's on all this Vicodin and Oxycontine and still in major pain and 3 hits off the PD and his pain was literally gone? All 3 of us were in shock.
I ground up a few more grams and brought it over and told him to keep the PD as long as he needs it because I have another. His wife cryed and hugged me as I left. This was about 5 days ago. I've gone over there a few times to check up on him. The pain has returned a bit, but NOWHERE NEAR what it was before he used the PD and its totally manageable. He's still taking his pain meds, but he's been able to cut one of his doses of both Vicodin and Oxy every day as he hits his PD once every 4 to 5 hours.
He says he just keeps in PD running on the nightstand, and if he wakes up in the middle of the night in pain, he just leans over, takes a hit or two, and he's back to sleep.
Just thought I'd post up a PD success story. With all the negative shit being posted up regarding shipping and availability, I thought this thread could use something a little more positive.
So, to Tom and Pammy, just to let you know that one of your creations is now sitting on someone's night stand and has made a dramatic improvement in the lives of two very nice people.