PUFFiT portable


Well-Known Member
im getting the sense that puffit and MFLB are more comparable units on the lower end of cost scale and arizer solo and pax are more comparable on the higher end??

It's reasonable to compare this way I guess. The Puffit is more convenient and more stealthy than the MFLB, but if you work with it the MFLB is more powerful.

Never really used the Pax or Solo much so can't comment on those.


Well-Known Member
Gonna be real with you guys.

Had a session today in the car on the way to basketball, and holy shit was i getting the biggest clouds.

I said outloud, damn, a coulpe times.

Either you guys aren't hitting it right or somethings wrong. Wait a week or two of use to make your mind up.

I'm just finding the perfect technique for pulling hits, and it's working great. You have to inhale from your lungs, don't suck. That's my biggest tip. Expand your chest and don't suck with your mouth. Use your lungs and send the vapor right back.

I may consider doing a demo video if you guys are really not getting decent clouds, but i was blown away today.

Disclaimer: i was hitting it one after another, and that seems to make this unit work the best. If you keep your hits very close together, it works like a dream. Sure it may not be how you want it, and maybe your not happy with that, but for me its working very well.


Well-Known Member
Yea I don't doubt you at all, sir. I just think conflicting reports on the power of this device are a testament to a bit of inconsistency in manufacturing. Which may be understandable as we are all still early adopters. I PROMISE you I'm hitting mine right and I don't get huge clouds or anything. But it works. We will agree on that, my friend. It works :-)
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My friends call me "Menz"
mine is still out on RMA and i dont expect to get it back very soon. my experiences with GV have not been good to this point so i do not have my hopes set too high (no pun intended really). i will post when i get it back and how it is after i test it. i NEVER got big clouds. in the right light i could see a brief sputter of a cloud SOMETIMES but never big clouds. and it does smell if you are in a car. when i last used it i was on vacation and my wife and family went shopping. i stayed back at the car and vaped an entire bowl in my Puffit. i was medicated for sure so i can account that the unit works but i never saw a "big" cloud only small wispy ones that i had to be in the right light to see. my wife came back too the car and she gave me the "my goodness does this car smell" look. i did have the windows cracked too. so just keep that in mind if you go to a movie theater or other "inside" public venue and wanna try and use this


Well-Known Member
Any successful stealth stories out there? Just out of curiosity as this is the draw of the device.

I'm pretty sure there was a guy in the movie theater using it last night when I saw Batman again. I saw him hit the inhaler rather casually in the bathroom but didn't smell anything, so I was kind of thinking maybe it was just a black inhaler (I've never actually seen a black inhaler used for a MDI) but definitely was very suspect. Then during the film I smelled the distinct odor of herb cooking and started looking around. I didn't see anyone smoking. The guy I saw in the bathroom was kind of off by himself in the back though so it COULD have been him using the inhaler. I don't know. Never saw him hit it or anything but I'm pretty sure he was. The thing that made me really suspect was that when I looked back at him more than a few times, he got up and left the theater and didn't come back. I wonder if I spooked him unecessarily lol.

A movie theater makes sense to me because it's dark, the popcorn smell might cover up any hint of odor as long as it's not too strong, and everyone around you is focused on the screen so they're typically not concerned with what you are doing. If I didn't see this dude casually hitting a black inhaler before the movie I probably wouldn't have noticed much. But I DID smell the herb cooking.

I've used it outside but I don't really think it's an intelligent idea to use it indoors, especially in a captive environment like a movie theater where if you are approached by someone who is concerned with what may be in your device, you really have no where to go. I've read some crazy stuff on youtube comments about people using it right in front of others and no one noticing. I am not that brave. I also don't see a purpose to that kind of behavior ether but I'm not 16 so whatever.


My friends call me "Menz"
i did use mine while i was in a restaurant standing on line waiting for the bathroom. i casually pulled it out and clicked the top to start her up. i took 2 maybe 3 puffs right out in the open till the bathroom was free. there was two other people waiting outside with me. i then took a few more in the bathroom. no one said a word to me or even looked at me funny


Well-Known Member
So this morning I picked up my long awaited unit at the PO. To avoid GV I ordered from the factory in Hong Kong (thanks again for the information folks), I paid an extra $5 and it got here in 3 days. $160 USD total.

First look is pretty favorable. The red/green color issue has been fixed it seems, us color blind users can now tell when the heating is over (when it stops flashing). I did smell 'rubber' when I opened the package, but it seems to have been the case causing it. It had a very modest 'plastic taste' to it when brand new, like a good number of vapes do, nothing overpowering or even out of the ordinary IMO. After a bowl or two I expect that to disappear.

A quick check with .25 gram of fine grind herb on it's way to the MFLB (two trenches) shows it has promise. A couple of thin hits, but potent enough for many uses. More to come later when I get a chance to play with it some, but for now I'm optimistic. As an 'only vape' it might not make it, but I think it'll see some use.

It's charging now, too bad the inner sleeve blocks the USB connector, there are 3 spares in the pack, maybe I'll try cutting a window in one......

One thing sure, it's never going to fool anyone who knows inhalers up close, it's too big by far, even if it were the right color.


Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
I don't think I would cut a window in one. The sleeve is there to prevent your saliva from getting in and around the USB connector and the temp selection knob. I imagine after awhile it will get messy from the build up.
Slightly Medicated,


Well-Known Member
I don't think I would cut a window in one. The sleeve is there to prevent your saliva from getting in and around the USB connector and the temp selection knob. I imagine after awhile it will get messy from the build up.

Understood. Then again, I try to be careful where I drool. In checking it without the sleeve I didn't seem to get near the connector, after all you can use it while it's plugged in can't you?

I tend to put my lips on it (like with MFLB) more than sticking it in my mouth like a pipe.

I see no need to get to the dial routinely but I figure I'll be charging it every few sessions? And while the cover snaps on and off easily (nice magnetic catch), that sleeve is a SOB to get off, I can see why they sent so many spares, I bet folks break them all the time prying them off for each charge?

I've got a few extra spares, if I goof it up I can scrap it or even patch it I think?



Well-Known Member
My sleeve is off. I'm a grown up so I'ma do my best not to drool in the usb connector lol.
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Well-Known Member
My sleeve is off. I'm a grown up so I'ma do my best not to drool in the usb connector lol.

Spoken like a 'real man'. Safeties are for wimps!

For a first try I've filed a 1/4 or so wide notch maybe 1/16 deep (just wide enough for a thumbnail) in the 'corner' under the power dial (5 o'clock). This is in the back edge, the legendary "Drool Seal (tm)" has been preserved, it probably didn't weaken anything but the sleeve is now easy to get on and off.

I used a flat file, but I bet a fingernail file would do fine, the plastic is soft and easy to work with.

I played with it a little last night. I got a couple of very nice thick hits, it is possible but I'm not sure advisable. I found 'just dried out' bud that had been dumped out and finger crushed like you'd do with MFLB and returned then 'double tapped' (heat it again rather than hit when the light goes solid) got the load hot enough to really produce. Shaking or otherwise mixing between hits is mandatory if you want maximum output seems to me?

Anyway, time for more experiments. Right now my take is it's OK for a 'top up' but as an only vape it's got some shortcomings. Light users are going to favor it far more than heavy ones.

BTW, I'm still trying to sort out the charging. It seems like all I ever see is flashing green when charging? Anyone have a clue for me? TIA.



My friends call me "Menz"
hey OF... it will flash green while charging and when fully charged it will just turn off (no flashing). if you pull the USB and put it back in immediately it will start flashing green again but for only like 15 or 20 min.

on a side not... i got an email from the GV shipping dept. that my RMA'ed unit is on its way back to me. according to UPS i will get it next Thursday. that sucks.. i send it to them USPS and it costs me less than $5.00 and only takes 3 days. they return it to me and it will take 6 days. hmmmm well i wont be able to test and report back till next week
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Haha I wasn't trying to come off like a big shot, just saying I can't be bothered with that sleeve. I use my puffit if I'm out and about, it's rare I can find a place to plug in and safely keep all of my pieces together, so I keep it simple. I keep my sleeves and cap at home. Just try to control my drool myself and haven't had any problems yet.
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Well-Known Member
hey OF... it will flash green while charging and when fully charged it will just turn off (no flashing). if you pull the USB and put it back in immediately it will start flashing green again but for only like 15 or 20 min.

Thanks very much. I actually came back and found it dark and had a 'what happened here moment', checked the plugs and it was flashing..... I had a feeling I'd set myself up. I read the 'book' (more like a poster seems to me....) but couldn't figure anything out.

Sorry to hear you're without your machine for a while, hopefully it'll be a single trip. I take it you don't have a backup?

In other news, I'm now working on my second bowl. I'm convinced it will give heavy enough levels for my needs and IMO most others. Maybe not show stopping show off clouds, but plenty dense with uniform, well done AVB. I think the key is understanding it and feeding it right. Being a conduction vape it's only going to do the good work where the (gold plated) metal touches herb. Not filling it up is working against you. Overfilling is likewise bad. Dry is very important, we only have a little energy available not to waste it making steam. Fine grind is also important, very fine in fact, as long as it's not in danger of going through the screen. You also need to shake it or stir it to keep fresh material coming in contact with the walls, I shake it a bit between each hit. I also dump it out into my palm and 'finger grind' it a time or two until it free flows like in MFLB. It's also important to keep the temperature of the entire load in mind. A cool core in the load is going to condense vapor as it's made, robbing your hit. You need to hit it a few times, shaking between, until the entire load is at least pretty warm. Then the energy on the next cycle can go into making vapor (rather than more herb heating, which always comes first) that will actually get delivered.

I'm using 'top shelf bud' which makes a big difference no doubt. But I'm loading .25 grams and getting several sessions for my troubles. AVB looks even and well spent.

A fun machine to get a few hits to 'top up' IMO, I'm still not sure it's a good 'everyday vape' nor is it likely a good 'only vape'. At least that's how I see it thus far. If you care....


Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
on a side not... i got an email from the GV shipping dept. that my RMA'ed unit is on its way back to me. according to UPS i will get it next Thursday. that sucks.. i send it to them USPS and it costs me less than $5.00 and only takes 3 days. they return it to me and it will take 6 days. hmmmm well i wont be able to test and report back till next week

That really sucks you have had some bad luck with the GV shipping stuff. :( Hope it arrives before Thursday.
Slightly Medicated,
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My friends call me "Menz"
Thanks very much. I actually came back and found it dark and had a 'what happened here moment', checked the plugs and it was flashing..... I had a feeling I'd set myself up. I read the 'book' (more like a poster seems to me....) but couldn't figure anything out.

Sorry to hear you're without your machine for a while, hopefully it'll be a single trip. I take it you don't have a backup?

In other news, I'm now working on my second bowl. I'm convinced it will give heavy enough levels for my needs and IMO most others. Maybe not show stopping show off clouds, but plenty dense with uniform, well done AVB. I think the key is understanding it and feeding it right. Being a conduction vape it's only going to do the good work where the (gold plated) metal touches herb. Not filling it up is working against you. Overfilling is likewise bad. Dry is very important, we only have a little energy available not to waste it making steam. Fine grind is also important, very fine in fact, as long as it's not in danger of going through the screen. You also need to shake it or stir it to keep fresh material coming in contact with the walls, I shake it a bit between each hit. I also dump it out into my palm and 'finger grind' it a time or two until it free flows like in MFLB. It's also important to keep the temperature of the entire load in mind. A cool core in the load is going to condense vapor as it's made, robbing your hit. You need to hit it a few times, shaking between, until the entire load is at least pretty warm. Then the energy on the next cycle can go into making vapor (rather than more herb heating, which always comes first) that will actually get delivered.

I'm using 'top shelf bud' which makes a big difference no doubt. But I'm loading .25 grams and getting several sessions for my troubles. AVB looks even and well spent.

A fun machine to get a few hits to 'top up' IMO, I'm still not sure it's a good 'everyday vape' nor is it likely a good 'only vape'. At least that's how I see it thus far. If you care....


thanks OF but i do have backup vapes. i have my Buddha and Solo to keep me going. those are my main units anyways. this unit was bought just for the purpose it was designed for... stealth and usage outside the home. i am ok without it for now, i use my Buddha when in my home office, i use my solo "naked mode" (explain this in a second) when i am in my house but not in my office, and i use my solo "stealth mode" (solo inside a McDonald's cup) when i am in the car or where i can handle carrying a McDonald's cup. the puffit was used for those extra "sneaky" moments.

OF, i am not sure if you have access to make videos or not but i would love to see the "power cycle" method and other ways to maybe improve how i am using it. ALSO.... this is a HUGE question..... can you taste the taste of your medicine??? i know you said there was a slight plasticky tatse that you hope goes away, but can you taste your blend over the plasticky taste?? that was my biggest complaint of the unit. i like the taste of my blends and i just couldn't taste it in this unit


My friends call me "Menz"
That really sucks you have had some bad luck with the GV shipping stuff. :( Hope it arrives before Thursday.

i was also told by the GV rep i would get a "fan pack" because of all my troubles when i get my unit back. anyone want to take bets on whether i get this "fan pack" or not??? lol


Well-Known Member
OF, i am not sure if you have access to make videos or not but i would love to see the "power cycle" method and other ways to maybe improve how i am using it. ALSO.... this is a HUGE question..... can you taste the taste of your medicine??? i know you said there was a slight plasticky tatse that you hope goes away, but can you taste your blend over the plasticky taste?? that was my biggest complaint of the unit. i like the taste of my blends and i just couldn't taste it in this unit

Glad to hear you're not stranded. Good show.

Sorry, I'm not a video kinda guy, not even big on photos really. Although lately I've posted a few of those. The idea is simple, build heat up over time. We'd love to roast the whole load at once if we could, but that's not possible with the sort of machine it is. A convection vape would do a better job, but at the expense of a lot of power we can't spare. So we want a series of heating cycles, but stirring between so it heats uniformly throughout. The last few times I've gone four cycles or so more or less as fast as I can. I don't have to open it up, since it's loose enough to shake. Not pulling much air not only lets the THC collect in the herb mass but also keeps from pulling in cold air we'd waste power heating. Just a 'test puff' to see if it's good and ready. 3 or 4 cycles and there was thick vapor ready. A final shake, reheat and Bob's your uncle.

Yes, I'm tasting my herb, more so on the first few hits (I enjoy this part) before I get serious about pulling the THC part out (the stuff that gives flavor is 'lighter' comes off at lower temperatures, it's basically gone before much THC comes off (they're like 100 degrees apart)). The first bowl I wasn't so sure of, what with getting used to it and the other tastes going on, but the second load was a well known friend, Sour Diesel, with a fairly strong flavor that came screaming through.

A subjective thing, of course.

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My friends call me "Menz"
if i can taste my blend then i will be happy. that was my major issue with the unit i sent back, i could not taste my blend. the only taste i ever got was a "heated snorkel" silicone taste


Well-Known Member
As far as "over filling" this device goes, I know you said .25 grams but I don't have the means or desire to weigh each bowl, especially with this thing if I'm on the go. I just take my fine ground materials, and loose fill it to the top, then pack it down fairly tight with a pen.

Do you think I'm overfilling it?

BTW I really do love the internal stirrer. It works well for me and being able to stir up my mix without uncappign in stealthy situations is a great little plus. I hit it maybe two or three times, then internally stir the next few hits. After awhile, I'll uncap, restir everything up, and repack it down. I usually sneak another couple of hits then I'm generally done. The ABV does come out a very even toasty color, much lighter than the stuff that comes out of my DBV.


Well-Known Member
As far as "over filling" this device goes, I know you said .25 grams but I don't have the means or desire to weigh each bowl, especially with this thing if I'm on the go. I just take my fine ground materials, and loose fill it to the top, then pack it down fairly tight with a pen.

Do you think I'm overfilling it?

You know, I just don't know. .25 grams ground this way just fills the bowl to the top. I gently pat it down, but don't pack it by any means. I want to pull the vapor out freely as it forms. Maybe you should try it that way and see?

I'm a fan of shaking if possible since it's easier than stirring and tends over time to evenly mix but mixing some way is the important bit I think.

if i can taste my blend then i will be happy. that was my major issue with the unit i sent back, i could not taste my blend. the only taste i ever got was a "heated snorkel" silicone taste

I woke up from a nice nap thinking of this. The little voice in my head screaming at me. I'm sorry I got mind blocked earlier since I was on a quest for heavy hits. Wrong technique. Time to pay due respect to Pakalolo of MFLB fame. Low heat is the key. He runs his PA very cold, after stretching out the flavor phase. This automatically brings other factors down, further isolating the terpenes and stuff you're after at the expense of the THC (which is still there, waiting....). I forgot about the knob! I suggest you try winding it down to little numbers and see what you get?



Well-Known Member
You know, I just don't know. .25 grams ground this way just fills the bowl to the top. I gently pat it down, but don't pack it by any means. I want to pull the vapor out freely as it forms. Maybe you should try it that way and see?

I packed it down because a video they put out told me to. Haha. I dont like jam it in there but I pack it down so that the materials are secure in there for my first few hits, which are always the most dense. I don't shake too much because it makes me nervous. The electronics in this thing aren't the most top-quality. Plus, doesn't your stuff go all over the place under the cap? I don't know how yours fits but my cap goes over the heating chamber pretty snug, but there's plenty of room for materials to get out and betweent he cap space and the heating chamber a bit.
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I recently purchased one of these as well and have been trying to find the perfect techniques for packing a drawing hits. I have just been filling the chamber and packing it down like crazy, but that's only because a video told me to. I try to vape it as much as possible before opening it to stir it (It's packed too tightly to shake) because it lets all the heat out and then uses more energy to reheat but I feel like there's a much better way to do this.
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