PUFFiT portable


Well-Known Member
So I just finished my first bowl and thought I would write some quick thoughts while the Puffit starts recharging. The top lid of mine is quite a bit tighter than the last model, especially if I put the lid on one particular direction, so that is a big plus for me. The battery lasted one large packed bowl, just like my old Puffit did. The battery gauge appears to be just as worthless as my first one, says green most of the time and is randomly yellow. There is a clearer distinction now between orange and red when the Puffit is heat cycling. Now onto the taste...It is much better. There is a definite taste there, but it is nowhere near as strong as the original and it doesn't reek like chemical even cold the way my old Puffit did. I have high hopes that the unpleasant flavor will fade in a few bowls as it is a flavor i could imagine going away, compared to the (literally)unbearable flavor of my original. If you have a preorder Puffit and are at all unhappy with it, I would highly suggest sending it back to gotvape for replacement. I will continue to report on flavor as/if it changes, I will sit here and vape all night if I have to (ahhh, the sacrifices I make for you people).
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Well-Known Member
So I just finished my first bowl and thought I would write some quick thoughts while the Puffit starts recharging. The top lid of mine is quite a bit tighter than the last model, especially if I put the lid on one particular direction, so that is a big plus for me. The battery lasted one large packed bowl, just like my old Puffit did. The battery gauge appears to be just as worthless as my first one, says green most of the time and is randomly yellow. There is a clearer distinction now between orange and red when the Puffit is heat cycling. Now onto the taste...It is much better. There is a definite taste there, but it is nowhere near as strong as the original and it doesn't reek like chemical even cold the way my old Puffit did. I have high hopes that the unpleasant flavor will fade in a few bowls as it is a flavor i could imagine going away, compared to the (literally)unbearable flavor of my original. If you have a preorder Puffit and are at all unhappy with it, I would highly suggest sending it back to gotvape for replacement. I will continue to report on flavor as/if it changes, I will sit here and vape all night if I have to (ahhh, the sacrifices I make for you people).
Im happy to hear this, though was hoping the battery indicator was fixed......cant win em all

Edit: clouds? Improved temp at all?


Well-Known Member
Im happy to hear this, though was hoping the battery indicator was fixed......cant win em all

Edit: clouds? Improved temp at all?

I never had problems getting decent clouds out of my 1st Puffit and had no trouble with this one as well, the temp does seem to be slightly higher than my 1st one, but I can't be certain yet.


Well-Known Member
I never had problems getting decent clouds out of my 1st Puffit and had no trouble with this one as well, the temp does seem to be slightly higher than my 1st one, but I can't be certain yet.
Your posts are beginning to get my hopes up, tolerable taste and slightly higher temp, I'm excited...I don't like that just in case:(

Kidding, keep the comments coming. If yours turns out well but I get another bad unit it goes right back.....


Well-Known Member
The top lid of mine is quite a bit tighter than the last model, especially if I put the lid on one particular direction, so that is a big plus for me.

The battery gauge appears to be just as worthless as my first one, says green most of the time and is randomly yellow. There is a clearer distinction now between orange and red when the Puffit is heat cycling. Now onto the taste...It is much better. There is a definite taste there, but it is nowhere near as strong as the original and it doesn't reek like chemical even cold the way my old Puffit did.

Sounds like several substantial and most welcome improvements. Very happy to hear of a red/orange change not the problematic red/green choice used before at a personal level. Makes it more useful for us with the often ignored color blind handicap. Simple fix, but important to some.

However, as I understand it, the battery life 'reading' is a calculation based on history. A guess at best. The necessary hardware to actually measure things just isn't there, a more far reaching fix than a program and a few simple parts changes is needed. This is a feature that should have been designed in from the start or left off IMO.

Anyway, thanks for the encouraging news. Now if we can only get a 'non GV source'......



My friends call me "Menz"
Anyway, thanks for the encouraging news. Now if we can only get a 'non GV source'......


there is one sir. Puffitup.com has the Puffit, errr sort that is. it is on their website but is currently marked "sold out" http://www.puffitup.com/PuffIt-Vaporizer-p/puffitvaporizer.htm

you can also now get it from discreetvape direct as well and they are selling the "blue" one there https://discreet-vape.myshopify.com/

i am not trying to sell this unit as i am still not a fan of it yet. after i get my RMA back and test it maybe i will. i was just pointing out there are other places than GV to get it.


Well-Known Member
there is one sir. Puffitup.com has the Puffit, errr sort that is. it is on their website but is currently marked "sold out" http://www.puffitup.com/PuffIt-Vaporizer-p/puffitvaporizer.htm

you can also now get it from discreetvape direct as well and they are selling the "blue" one there https://discreet-vape.myshopify.com/

i am not trying to sell this unit as i am still not a fan of it yet. after i get my RMA back and test it maybe i will. i was just pointing out there are other places than GV to get it.

Thanks very much. Do you know if they get theirs through GV? At one point I understood GV to be the soul importer, all the other dealers had to go through them? Buying it direct is news to me, last I heard it was a ways off, I guess somehow I missed that news in this thread??? Anyway, that solves the GV issue for me (although I'd rather support a dealer who's supporting us as well).

As to not being a fan or not, I guess I won't know until I try it. Sounds like they quietly fixed my early issue (LED color), the remaining one is what prevented me from taking a chance on it and it seems there's a 'work around' for that.....

Thanks again.

I think they all got their stock from GV. It used to be up on Vapor Nation too FYI, don't know if it still is.
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Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
there is one sir. Puffitup.com has the Puffit, errr sort that is. it is on their website but is currently marked "sold out" http://www.puffitup.com/PuffIt-Vaporizer-p/puffitvaporizer.htm

you can also now get it from discreetvape direct as well and they are selling the "blue" one there https://discreet-vape.myshopify.com/

i am not trying to sell this unit as i am still not a fan of it yet. after i get my RMA back and test it maybe i will. i was just pointing out there are other places than GV to get it.

We still don't know if you get it from discreet if you will have to send it back to hong kong to service which will make it not worth it. Also it is more expensive from discreet.

OF I posted it a page ago maybe two. It was on FB that they are selling direct now and that they have the blue one. I also mentioned that they update FB but not us so they seem to have abandoned this site.
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Well-Known Member
OF I posted it a page ago maybe two. It was on FB that they are selling direct now and that they have the blue one. I also mentioned that they update FB but not us so they seem to have abandoned this site.

I recall the post, I got the FB part (I don't do FB.....) and the 'you can get the blue one' (again, not of personal interest) and didn't pick up on the important part about getting it by non GV means. I'm sorry to have not picked up on that, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

I'm a bit confused though, perhaps you can set me straight? Is Discrete vape direct from the factory (it seems so)? I got the more expensive part, but I guess I'm willing to pay the extra (within reason) to not support what I disagree with? Principle often costs Principal you know......

Thanks again.

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Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Discreet is the manufacturer but since the site doesn't have much info I am not sure if that is now there US distributor part or if it is going to come directly from Hong Kong. It also doesn't say if you will be able to send it to the US distributor part(if it is) or back to HK for repairs or issues. I am waiting for more info.

I hate FB as well but use it for reading mostly local stuff and political stuff. I try very hard not to post cause I was getting into a lot of battles with people so I defriended almost all and only have company type stuff on there. I like getting my grocery store flyer a day in advance and coupons from various local places as well. FB is ruining the earth lol.
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Well-Known Member
BTW I finally got my parts. I haven't gotten a chance to put them in yet, just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you guys that Andrew over at Discreet Vape did right by me. I came in here and bitched but I was 100% wrong and way too reactionary. Whatever happened, once he became aware of it he made sure things got done. I'm really impressed with the way he handled my problem(s) and took care of it right away.

+1 to them for customer service in my book.


Well-Known Member
BTW I finally got my parts. I haven't gotten a chance to put them in yet, just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you guys that Andrew over at Discreet Vape did right by me. I came in here and bitched but I was 100% wrong and way too reactionary. Whatever happened, once he became aware of it he made sure things got done. I'm really impressed with the way he handled my problem(s) and took care of it right away.

+1 to them for customer service in my book.
agreed, so far everything GV and Discreet have done Customer Service wise has been great. I give them a lot of credit for working hard to resolve the dissatisfaction and try and do right by people who dropped 130 on this thing.


Well-Known Member
To me it shows a commitment in the product. The way I understand it this would be far from the first time a initial model of a vape came out, they worked out some kinks, and came back with another model that was better and more fine tuned.

If they were trying to scam everyone they wouldn't work this hard to attempt to make us happy.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
That is what I am hoping for. You can't beat the stealthiness so hopefully an improvement will come.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the above few posts. Hasty reactions when you think moneys wasted are common i think.
My only gripe would be the no US center yet, either ship to HK or heres replacement DIY parts.
Luckily GV got that covered. If the unit makes me happy tomorrow my tune will change and ill sing praises.
Can't beat that stealth look

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
I had another 5 sessions out of the device since I last wrote about it. The odor/smell is about the same. I feel like it is acceptable for the materials used. It seems more in line with the other portable vaporizer I have that use similar silicone parts. I an still let down by the amount of active compounds this device gives off. I always end up using another portable 10-15 minutes after I finish my session. In order for me to get anywhere near the performance I desire. I have to power cycle the device constantly through the entire session.

Improve the Preformance
Improve the Battery Life
Improve the Battery Life indicator
I would like different internals other then a silicone vapor path.

I am hoping to see some most of suggestions in the next version... if there will be one. I would also like to see them get rid of the "power cycle" "puff" gimmick. Have an on and off switch and keep the heater running while I use the device. I think that would improve performance.

I am not saying this product does not work... It just does not work well for my needs.
SliM -
It's funny how the world works. I was sitting around thinking "I wonder if changing the silicone tubing in the airpath with stainless steel tube would improve the taste of the Puffit?" Then I saw your post. I agree with everything you say but really wonder if many of these goals could be achieved based on what we know. Bear with me......

Better performance to me means more power. I "double tap" every hit but my Puffit just doesn't seem to generate enough heat to properly generate the clouds I desire nor does it last long enough between charges. It is cool to show people but gets used rarely if ever because its hard for me to get wispy clouds and anyone unfamiliar with vaping usually cannot generate any clouds at all. I need higher temperatures! More power!

More power! means better battery. On the PAX thread some users have found alternative batteries that provide longer intervals between charges but the Puffit is limited to charging from a USB port and I believe somewhere on this thread minds more powerful than mine concluded that there are limitations associated with USB port regarding power capacity and the ability to recharge quickly. It would seem they are pushing the envelope with the technology they are using already. Better performance would probably need a major redesign incorporating the lessons learned on the Puffit Mk1 and definitely cost more than it currently does.

The Puffit Mk2 should have a dedicated charger which would allow higher capacity batteries that would recharge quicker.

I do think they could utilize a stainless steel tube in the air path and change the heating algorithm on the current units to incorporate longer heating periods so I wouldn't constantly be "double tapping" hoping to generate a cloud. Likewise I agree that the software for Battery Life should be corrected. Lets say that could be Puffit Mk1.5

Another idea I would incorporate in the Puffit Mk2 would be the ability to update software through the USB port or modify and saving heating parameters for different smoking materials and be able to save them locally. I would like to be able to receive updates digitally and flash them into the unit locally.

Am I smoking too much?

I just thought of the ramifications of giving access to the unit like that. Oh my goodness, the support problems that would generate!


Well-Known Member
My review will be postponed a week. GV's service is great, their shipping department is run by monkeys on acid however.
My defective unit was shipped back to me, I'm positive almost, I can smell/taste the old iff white silicone....

Mflb, thank you for your reliability


saw this in the store a few days ago, store owner didnt know much about it and didnt know anything compared with the pax, anyone have both, any thoughts?


Vapor concierge
just search for posts by 'slightly medicated' (the poster above you). he's got all the vapes you've posted about today and has compared them all for you!


I have a PUFFiT and am not to impressed with it either..... the magic flight costs less and works much better!


im getting the sense that puffit and MFLB are more comparable units on the lower end of cost scale and arizer solo and pax are more comparable on the higher end??


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
im getting the sense that puffit and MFLB are more comparable units on the lower end of cost scale and arizer solo and pax are more comparable on the higher end??

IMHO that would be a good assumption.
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