so you got an RMA from GotVape and replacement parts from the manufacturer too??
Yes please. I could really use the parts for mine.
i was also told by the GV rep i would get a "fan pack" because of all my troubles when i get my unit back. anyone want to take bets on whether i get this "fan pack" or not??? lol
They're fucking up. Anyone, everyone, excuse my French.....but they're fucking up.well everyone should be glad they did not take me up on my bet. here is what was in the email from the GV rep BEFORE i did the RMA:
"As far as the shipping cost, please let me make it up to you by sending you out some accessories such as Got Vape Wipes, a poker, and a grinder."
well i opened my box just now and inside was my RMA'ed Puffit (more on this soon) and a clear envelope, the kind you put shipping labels in, that had some Vaprizing for your Heath brochures, a Got Vape sticker, and one pack of Got Vape Wipes. there was no poker and there was no grinder in the box. considering my experience with this company (the puffit was my only purchase ever from GV) it does not surprise me that i did not get the extras i was told i would get.
as for my RMA'ed Puffit.... it is sitting on a charger now, getting ready for me to test it later. i do NOT have high hopes for it to taste better. the reason being... i took a "dry pull" (a pull from the unit empty and not powered on) and i could still taste the silicone taste. whether it gets better after i power it on remains to be seen and if it gets better with multiple uses is also yet to be determined. i will be using it sometime today thats for sure so i will know later.
till then........
well everyone..... i am at work today and i checked the UPS tracking site and it says my RMA Puffit has been delivered. YAY!! i was hoping it would so i brought some meds with me today. i am going to the mailroom now to see if i can get it and get it on the charger. MAYBE... i will have time to get a test in and report back before i even leave work at 5:00pm today.
will report back later......
well everyone should be glad they did not take me up on my bet. here is what was in the email from the GV rep BEFORE i did the RMA:
"As far as the shipping cost, please let me make it up to you by sending you out some accessories such as Got Vape Wipes, a poker, and a grinder."
well i opened my box just now and inside was my RMA'ed Puffit (more on this soon) and a clear envelope, the kind you put shipping labels in, that had some Vaprizing for your Heath brochures, a Got Vape sticker, and one pack of Got Vape Wipes. there was no poker and there was no grinder in the box. considering my experience with this company (the puffit was my only purchase ever from GV) it does not surprise me that i did not get the extras i was told i would get.
as for my RMA'ed Puffit.... it is sitting on a charger now, getting ready for me to test it later. i do NOT have high hopes for it to taste better. the reason being... i took a "dry pull" (a pull from the unit empty and not powered on) and i could still taste the silicone taste. whether it gets better after i power it on remains to be seen and if it gets better with multiple uses is also yet to be determined. i will be using it sometime today thats for sure so i will know later.
till then........
Can't afford to drop another hundred something, assuming I got even close to retail selling the new one....I received the same clear envelope pack.
I took out the one got vape wipe and trashed the brochures and stickers.
I think you and VisiblyVaped should do what i did.
Sell the Puffit and buy the Pax.
You will be both happy you did.
I still attest that, before the Puffit release and the pre-order shambles, they were much better and clearly more organized as a business.
I think you and VisiblyVaped should do what i did.
Sell the Puffit and buy the Pax.
You will be both happy you did.
Can't afford to drop another hundred something, assuming I got even close to retail selling the new one....
I'd go inhalater probably, as the pax is said to be somewhat restrictive, if i could.
Can't afford to drop another hundred something, assuming I got even close to retail selling the new one....
I'd go inhalater probably, as the pax is said to be somewhat restrictive, if i could.
What do you actually think of the puffit compared to the other conduction in the same price range MFLB? What do you think of the silicone taste now? Is it totally fixed or just a new vape issue that will go away?
To be entirely honest, I'm disappointed in both companies.
And DiscreetVape, well, they should have done a more thorough testing of the original units, and definitely offered a replacement plan....even on a case by case basis for unsatisfied customers who preordered.
That DIY and void the warranty option was pure crap, period.
Although thus far they've done a piss poor job, the distributor is trying to make it right.I like the LB, I actually own 3 (an original, a pretty walnut one and a 'user'), I like them all individually and collectively and did so before Puffit so I'm far from objective... But I like both for different reasons. IMO MFLB is a more personal tool. The user takes a very active role. Like driving a stick shift car. Puffit is more like being driven and riding in the back seat. Both have their place. One is modern in appearance and function, the other is fun and kind of a work of art. Then again, I also like Vapman, another conduction vape that gets little play in our modern world of instant gratification. Vapman and MFLB tend to bring out the little kid in me when I'm in the mood to sit and enjoy the process, Puffit is more for getting the business done. You have a LOT more control with MFLB and have PA and WP adapters to further it's usefulness.
Any of that make sense?
I understand what you say about DV, and to some point agree. I wasn't here for the first batch, but some at least seem to have been OK with the smell? For sure if there was a big issue with them all I'd have expected GV to have discovered it, wouldn't you? You could, I guess, argue that they didn't 'give any of the bad ones to their own employees' but that seems a little thin. All I can say for sure is the one I got is fine by me (very slight taste and smell that I now can't find) and I'm told the rubber parts got changed (as a result of complaints). While they have the lead in developing the fix, the burden of distribution I think falls to the Dealer you bought it from? That's where the contract is. It's also much more practical logistically not to ship to and from Hong Kong.
My understanding is the DIY kit is owner's call? I'm sure if you foul it up (easy enough to do, IMO, it's not so straightforward in there), I'm confident they'll take the 'basket case' and make it right......same as I'm sure your attempt won't void the warranty. Get real, it's a factory authorized repair/upgrade.
Not to be all defensive of DV but I do understand at least some of the issues they're up against. I'm kinda tickled Capitalists way over there take the risk on such innovative products for us to pick over. A lot of panic and misinformation can get mixed up on this here Internet. Personally I'm no so sure Al Gore really did us a favor inventing it, are you?
Nice write up OF. I am glad to hear it is fixed for the most part but that price for what it is needs to drop.
After emailing DV for a week, I was told if I ship to Hong Kong itll only be refurbished, and I was specifically told they could mail me parts, but if I screw it up in anyway it'll void the warranty.
I think I still have the email, straight from the manufacturer.
1) the silicone taste was till there but i will say not as bad as it was but the after taste of most of my pulls tasted like a "heated snorkel" there is a slight chance i believe this may go away
2) I could NOT taste my blend again, which to me is a big disappointment, one of the biggest to me. I will hold out hope that this MAY change. I was using the unit on 8 right off the bat... perhaps lowering to 4, 5, or 6 first may allow the taste to come through. i will test that theory later when i get home and have access to my stash. It may also be my meds are not as strong tasting although i can taste my current stash when using my buddha or my solo. since this is not an MMJ state i can't "shop" for flavorful meds.. i get what i can get.
mmenzie - I look forward to seeing if your taste dissipates in the next week.
How improved was it? I have flavorful meds and still couldn't taste it because of the snorkel taste being so overpowering......
OF- when did you get one? You don't have a taste issue anymore at all?