hi hi everyone!
I received 2 packages today... My first concentrates... and the proxy (big investment...!! 🫣)
So, I start with the concentrates,
and I'm starting with the Proxy.
(It's a detail but I bought several grams of live resin at wccannabis, and I opted for the desert version of the Proxy)
I will come back to the experience but the effects produced by two grains of rice are... wow! I know you already know this, but this is all new to me! it's a success on that side!

one grain of rice was not enough for me, two is a bit too much!
Now in terms of taste, and the experience itself, I have a few questions...
the easiest way would be to be patient and keep experimenting, but it wouldn't be reasonable, at this stage, to take other grains of rice...
So I washed everything before using...glass and chamber in iso, silicone in soapy water. Left the room to dry*. rinsed off the rest.
[*as I'm writing I think maybe I didn't let it dry long enough, but I probably let it dry for an hour...]
So for questions:
- Reassure me, the taste/smell of silicone will subside and then almost disappear?
-Is it normal that during heating, there is steam coming out of the carb of the cap (I put the version with the transport accessories?)
-I should have taken pictures... once your session is over, is it normal that there are residues left in the chamber? damn' I should have taken pictures... yes it's normal, but in what proportions? I have the impression of "wasting" the concentrate...
well, I'm going to experiment, watch videos and improve my technique...
Is there a trick to know when "it's over"?
-Has the smell of the carrying case gone for anyone? I put mine on the balcony for now... but it reminds me of items where the smell never left... It's unimaginable that I store or carry the proxy in it for the instant!
(ok...I just realized that I only have portable wooden, steel or glass vaporizers left...none with proxy materials...nor any more that are regulated.. . I have to give this unit some time...!)
A few other remarks...
-For the moment I find that you have to press the button really hard. I would have preferred a little less.
- Visually I like the desert version. the whole is rather beautiful. Really unfortunate, even annoying, that the glass is not flat on the underside. I installed the silicone accessory from the transport pack, but it's less pretty!
-I like the texture of the base. I find it much smaller than I imagined!
-Overall I liked the experience... are we talking about "dab" with the proxy?
- I am disturbed by the smell of steam released during heating... I don't know if it's normal or not, even if I tend to believe not. maybe there was residue despite washing... maybe there was iso residue (although I doubt it)... maybe the Sweet Diesel gives off an odor particular .. or maybe there are electronics that heat up too much ...
or maybe... (ok, who comes to my house to give me a lesson on the use of concentrates and tell me if it's normal

I will probably answer my own questions with a little experience... but these questions made my experience mixed!
On the other hand, I've never had a crush (okay, once!) and it always took me a little while to love my vaporizers!
Okay, thanks for reading. Sorry for the novel.
And I'm going to redo one anyway to see...
Edit : photo