Big and Bouncy
So the two numbers to look at are the continuous discharge rating in Amps (higher is better) and the capacity (higher is better) in mAh.That probably don't happen all that often! LoL
Is there any reason/s why the Molicel P28A seems to be favored over the Samsung 35E?
If I remember right, some folks on the reddit forum were saying the Molicel would get you to your set temperature a few seconds quicker than the Samsung would but may not last quite as long before needig to be recharged. (Or I have that backwards.)
For the P28A, continuous discharge is 35A so this explains why you can get to temperature faster with a higher number here. The capacity is what makes your battery last longer and I think it's 2800mAh for the P28A which is pretty standard. Check out the specs on the Samsung and you'll know if they're comparable.
Some vapes require a high continuous discharge rating (like the TM2) but not sure the Lobo is that demanding. However, better quality batteries may give you some advantages like getting to temp faster or lasting longer.
For example, maybe the Lobo only needs a battery that can do 20A continuous discharge so the 35A of the Molicel is fine but maybe more than you need. A battery with a higher capacity, say 3400mAh that still meets the required 20A continuous discharge, may give you an extra bowl or 2 per charge if that's more important to you.
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