You can use your card to buy one of those green dot moneypaks and then transfer it into your paypal account also...Well fuck I just figured it out. Vanilla Visas apparently don't work outside of US and PV is located in Canada. Sorry planetvape next time, I guess I get my adapter of ebay...
I would but paypal won't let me add money to my acc. unless I link my bank acc. to paypal... which is why I got the Visa cardYou can use your card to buy one of those green dot moneypaks and then transfer it into your paypal account also...
Well then I should have gotten the moneypack to begin with. I just have had bad experiences with greendot in the past, never tried money pack though. I've had the best luck using visa gift cards online until pv, I just didn't read the fine print ya dig?I dont think your bank account needs to be linked with the green dot money pack but i could be wrong
Yeah now you know for next time. Sorry I couldnt chime in soonerWell then I should have gotten the moneypack to begin with. I just have had bad experiences with greendot in the past, never tried money pack though. I've had the best luck using visa gift cards online until pv, I just didn't read the fine print ya dig?
We accept all Visa and Mastercard gift cards, pre paid etc. Top 3 reasons why they sometimes don't work are:Ya I think you have to use a "real" credit card with PV. I've had trouble with those stupid gift cards too and I'm in Canada.
Theres no o rings posted...We will be including a free high temp 450F o-ring with every PVHEGonG, PVHES stem and Solo Stealth Adapter purchased starting today as well as sell them in 5 packs.
Peace and Love,
Theres no o rings posted...
Thanks for your order, support and kind words Tweek and great to hear you had a good experience calling in about a warranty issue.I just wanted to pop in and share my love. I had to call in about a warranty issue once, and the guy on the other line was so chill, the anxiety I was feeling about life in general just melted away. Felt like I was hanging with a buddy chatting after a few tokes
Needless to say, I am saving up to grab a few items from the store soon!
Loving that TY Expo, will have our herbalAire GonG adapters at the herbalAire booth in the vapor lounge, bring your favourite water tool and take one for a rip.PV,
Any chance you guys are going to be at the TY Expo this year ?
So are we satyrday.I'm in love with that girl with the PV face tattoo.
Theres no o rings posted...
I called them on the phone after I posted and the guy said he was adding them to the web site "as we speak".I think they were reading it on here.
Sorry for any delay getting them posted, we were trying to figure out a way to offer a lettermail shipping option. If anyone wants to purchase just the o-rings on their own, contact us first so we can arrange to send them to you via lettermail for a couple dollars instead of regular parcel rates.
Hi baltik, we will definitely consider that as there is a lot of interest in the stubby GonGs.Any chance you guys could do a "production" run of stubby GonGs? I think there would be demand for that given how many people are using their solos with small bubblers and Pinnacle water tools. I realize that you can do it as a custom piece but at $35+s/h we are basically looking at 1/3 of the price of a sale priced solo. Thanks for providing a great service on this board!
Hi vakedcow, thanks for sharing your experience. We try hard to make all orders arrive as quickly as if you ordered locally, from our same day shipping to filling out all the customs paperwork ahead of time for no delays or customs hassles for our international and US customers.Just recieved my first order from PlanetVape, as expected form this thread all was perfect and it arrived faster the the scarfs which my wife ordered a week earlier, also from Canada....
Perfekt description an no customs hassle, great work, thanks!
A Live demonstration of the Sublimator, requiring / using less plant material than most vaporizers on the market today yet the extraction is so complete that the true, full potency of medicinal herbs and concentrates are expressed in a way usually felt only through combustion or ingestion. The Sublimator is a paradigm shift in itself as it opens new avenues for delivery systems. It may also be used to collect the sublimate, this pure air collected extract that can then be re-vaped for a no loss, greatest ''return on investment'' possible.
We will try to answer as many questions as possible, time to get Sublimated.
Peace and Love,
Hi jambandphan03,I've been watching the guys on using the Sublimator for a few months now... they seem to love it.
It is described as sublimation instead of vaporization, we are not scientists by any means, but we can tell you the effects from 0.1gram is a profound difference from any other vaporizer we have used. It looks simple, but there is a lot going on inside to be able to perform like it does.Really interested to know more about the sublimator. Is the extraction process patently different from vaporization? How does the sublimator go about doing such, if it is? Are all actives extracted from the material? The ABV in all of the sublimator vids looks rather undone.
The performance looked nice, but the form factor and ergonomics don't look all too impressive IME for a product [cliché]in this price range[/cliché]
Has anyone out there tried the sublimator and the cloud?
I'd be interested to know how they compare
I would also like to know!! Because I can take dabs out of my cloud as well as flowers which it handles both amazingly!!