Is there any way to tell a PV only stem from a Hybrid one? Or are they essentially identical?
BTW, the flavour of Doritos I got is basically my favourite Munchie ever... Get out of my mind PV

(imagine that's a smiling paranoid emoticon

Glad you liked the munchies Frederic, you can tell a PV only stem from an Arizer hybrid by the way the turbo is made. The PV only ones have a ring around the outside where the borosilicate has been formed to create a lip for the screen inside the stem/gong.
website is down?
Yes, sorry about that, our host did some "upgrades" and broke the link to our database from our site. It took us 24 hours to convince them that the problem was on their end and not with our website.
It took the PVHES GonG adapter for a test ride today with the solo on 7. Clouds comparable to the, well, the cloud....although a little harsher. Exactly what I was looking for and now I too am eating french Doritos. Very Happy.
Thanks Hoops, sounds like the two made a nice combination, thanks again for sharing your experience.
Is it normal not to hear back for a couple days, after an email inquiry? Or are they usually pretty fast?
Sorry Tweek, we really try hard to get back to everyone quickly, but sometimes one can slip past us. If we have not responded yet, please email us again and maybe also check your spam folder incase it went in there.
Wanted to thank PV for the fast shipping of my Solo power adapter, 18 PVHE GonG, PVHES straight and shorty. Have only had a chance to try the pa and I love it so far. My Solo runs hotter using the pa and I am able to get more hits when using concentrates now. I got some top shelf Green Cross and Skywalker OG yesterday that I will be using to break in my stems and GonG with later today.
Also wanted to thank PV for their great customer service as always. When I originally placed my order I had a discounted item that did not allow me to use the FC discount code. I subsequently cancelled that item from my order and when I got my shipping notice I saw that not only had they upgraded my shipping, they also took it upon themselves to apply the FC discount to my order. I am not sure too many other businesses would of done the same thing and I really appreciated it. They also refunded the difference to my credit card and it appeared on my account in just a few days.
You guys rock PV, and thanks for the munchies!
Thank you for the kind words VAPORIZER22, yes the power adapter works great with the Solo. Enjoy your new additions, glad everything worked out.
Peace and Love,