Hi, all! In hindsight, I wrote a book.

(Hurry, someone call my publisher!

) Sorry for my review taking so long to post... especially after I chided
@DVision44 &
@His_Highness about the very same thing.

Sorry guys.
Also, sorry for my review being painfully long, but it's a one-shot, finite deal. So, if anyone feels it's tl:dr, I fully understand.
The One was delivered this past Wed. While charging (forgot to pay attention to length of initial charge time), read all POTV's website articles & even HR's Fury manual; I'll explain in a future post as to why. I cleaned the stems, screens & mps. Then did (3) 4-min. session burnoffs. I only needed 2 cycles, but I did another 2 to experience how the haptic feedback felt. After charging, I took a rung-out q-tip with warm water & swabbed around the bowl, & didn't pickup any mfr'g oils or visable particles, nada. Then, I vaped a bowl.
Have put through 3 bowls dry & only 3 bubbler hits. I'm a microdoser - 1 bowl/5 hits & I'm good. Through water, those 3 hits hit me like a Mack Truck; equivalent to 6 hits (1-1/2) bowls on my Splinter Z. From what I presume from reading the Tera thread, the ONE would be considered on par with the Tera through water; hard hitting.
I ran the dry bowls at 376°F & through water @ 400°F. The vapor was harsh at 400, so next time I'll start at 376 & step up as needed.
Now, as to my opinion of flavor: If you're someone being all about the flavors, like me, & who only buys what's considered to be top tier flavor vapes, you will be disappointed in the lack of flavor. Out of the 5 hits I get from a bowl dry, the 1st hits have nice, mid-level tasting, convection flavor; the 2nd hits only have light, but pleasant, convection tasting vapor; 3rd hits completely neutral; & the last 2 hits bitter, conduction taste - the last is terribly bitter; to me, akin to the smell of a dirty cig. ashtray for all you former/current cig. smokers. 1 more hit, no-doubt, would be G-d-awful, if not combustion.
Compared to the Z & Ghost, the One's vapor is less dense. I have to inhale with a fair amount of draw in order to pull air through the airpath, thereby, causing the vapor to be drawn up from the bowl into my mouth.
I'm so glad I bought from POTV because I like the haptic feedback (much better than taking cues from lights) & the stems not sliding into & taking up valuable, limited bowl space. The 2 features that the Fury 2 has that would complete the One is the inclusion of stealth mode & ss used for the bowl. I'd buy the One again over the Fury because I really like the haptic feedback, the mouthpiece cutout design & the stems removed from the bowl. I assume that the attributes that each vape has is incorporated into an agreement with the mfr. that these features are, inessence, patented, solely, to each respective retailer.
As far as accessories, it would have been beneficial if it came with some type of a mp protector, even if POTV charged a couple dollars more. The Fury cover can be had at PIU for $20 + PUFFEDUP 15%-off code + free shipping. Before I buy a tiny $15 piece of silicone, I'm gonna see if I have a soft-sided clam shell compact case to slip it into, or I may just put my money into purchasing a cushioned change purse.
As far as stem accessories, I added in the waterpiece because, from previous experience, these types of adaptors work well as stems, too. The stealth mp will work great for my outside use, but the waterpiece will be good outside for non-stealth use. If I had disposable $, I'd buy the POTV curved water mp & the spikey stem from PUI for outside the house use in non-stealth situations like at a party or bbq.
I'm sure at some point I'll need extra screens & mouthpieces because I tend to think that the mp hinges, catches really, will wear away with repeated use as they are only super-thin plastic.
I just read a rumor that the Fury 3 may be on the horizon. Depending on what accessories are included I might pick up a F3 on sale. $100 to have a silicone cover, extra mouthpiece & to check out how much more resistance the Fury ss screens really have. Also, if I'm somewhere where someone wants to try it out, instead of me having a 4-min. bowl & then passing it over to them, we both could have our own bowls - but the One is mine. We'll see.
I bought this strictly for stealth usage AND convenience in doing such things as going for a walk, walking a dog (if I had one

), a barbeque, the beach, boating, fishing, an outdoor concert AND because I wouldn't dare take my Ghost anywhere with sand or water.

For this usage it fills that niche splendidly in my vape arsenal. As far as the lack of flavor, who cares, as it gets my head where it's going. I'm very happy. I think that POTV needs to have enough stock for BF as I think sales will be good.
Wish the One would have been named something else so when referencing it,
one wouldn't have to decipher in their head if "
One" means
ONE, or
1, or
one as aforementioned above, especially if the "o"ne is lowercase.
@POTV' I have something to say about the directions: 1) the font is too tiny to read 2) the lack of print intensity (think toner/ink running out, 3) why can't you incorporate the 2 extra sheets into the instruction manual so we only have one phamplet to keep track of. Good grief, one of the pieces of paper is smaller than the size of an open matchbook! The print is so small & faint that I had to use an LED flashlight at night to read it. Couldn't find a magnifying glass. Be advised that after age 40, the eyes take in 50% less light at night.
There was 1 final thing I wanted to mention, but I forget what it is right now ... Is it any wonder?