Lonesome Planet
Here’s my review of the POTV ONE:
Nicely packaged and presented, if you care about that (I do not).
Unit has a nice solid feel to it. Charged it as recommended (2 hours), then did 3 burnoffs at 430F. Still had a plastic odor coming from the body mouthpiece attachment area, and a slightly different odor coming from the silicone gaskets. Quick start manual said to do 1-3 burn offs, so I was hesitant to do more. Decided after burn off 3 to load it with some GSC and see how that went. Flavor of herb is very good, but still a lingering plastic taste. (Subsequently went to full manual online, where it says to repeat burn offs until there is no odor. Oops!)
The plastic and silicone smells did fade after I ran some herb through it, about 6 uses. With that gone, I’ve got no complaints about this vape.
I like the way the glass pieces work—they are easy to keep clean, and can be hot-swapped easily, if I decide to finish out a bowl through water. Bonus: the Hula cooling stem for dynavap that Sneaky Pete sells fits well in the ONE’s accessory mouthpiece (and in smoke color, looks great, see below).
I love the quick heat up, and the fact that I can microdose easily with it. That was my intention for the miqro and it worked less well for my usage pattern. I rarely use a whole 2 minute session on the ONE; I tend to just need 2 or 3 good long slow inhales. I’ve taken to taking two, turning it off, and using the third to help cool down the bowl, which I’ll return to later.
I’m not concerned about the aluminum bowl, YMMV. (There’s good discussion elsewhere on the forum.)
Flavor is quite good. Not at the level of the Lotus, which many consider among the best-tasting vapes around, or a good log vape, but quite pleasant for about the first half of the bowl. The later hits are fine too.
It feels easy to use out and about, though truthfully I usually just bring a vape pen when away from home. Fits in a pants pocket, albeit a bit bulky compared to miqro because it’s thicker. This kind of stuff is so individual. I like the haptic feedback. You can turn on and return to your pocket until it is ready to hit. Increases the stealth factor.
Wish that a silicone mouthpiece cover like the one that comes with the Fury 2, or something of similar function, was included with the vape.
My preferred mouthpiece is the bent black glass one. Straight one it comes with hits noticeably warmer.
Bottom line: highly recommend.
(With Hula cooling stem, long)
Nice review, String!
Does the ONE come with the standard mouthpiece like the iconic Fury, as well as the adapter
Don’t you already have a Fury, as well as a mIQro?