Phase3 Vaporizers


@invertedisdead Any new updates on release dates for the ZXXL?

ZXXL's are just waiting for the wooden heater handle.
Things are a bit further behind schedule as the ceramic parts just cleared Customs last week.
I think there may have been a misunderstanding when I posted the ZXXL sneak peak that I had those parts in hand, but that photo is from the manufacturer. The machining delays on the ZX heaters and bowls as well as the import delays have pushed these orders back, that said everything is still coming together.

Due to a tragic loss in the family I will be flying into California this weekend.
I will try to get all the pending ZX orders and 3 shelf ZX Bowls out hopefully next week.
But please bear with me as much as you can, it's a sensitive moment so anticipate some delays.

ZXXL's will go out as soon as I have everything in hand to send them out.

I'm quite a bit behind on emails right now and will try my best to catch up on those today for anyone waiting for a reply.

Thanks for everyone's patience and understanding.


Well-Known Member
Hope you are doing good my friend @invertedisdead
Thankful for everything that you've given this community. It isn't a stretch to say that reading your thoughts/posts are definitely one of the highlights of my day, but i'd go so far as to say they're actually one of the highlights of my life! Needless to say, however long it takes is fine with me. I'm here chilling with my v1.8, Z8, SX, ZX, & ZXL. used the 1.8 the other day with various bowls including the electropath & ZXLB. i had forgotten how much I used to like it! 👍 thinking about the ZXXL Always gets me giggly like a kid in a candy store, can't wait till I pull some quality air out of that sucker! 😁

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
Hey FC crew,

My only ball vape so far is the Omega from CC, and I'm really happy with it.

However, I'm now looking for a ball vape that:
  • is ideal for microdosing
  • still produces decent clouds
  • and is well-suited for one-hitters I'm in the right place in the ZX thread, right? I don't want to start a comparison with the Omega here - but would you guys agree that the ZX (14mm) is a good complement to the Omega (which I use exclusively as a diffuser) and is different enough to justify buying a second ball vape (haha, "justify"...)?

I emailed/PM'd @invertedisdead some time ago with a few questions about the ZX. I wasn't aware of your situation. Please accept my apologies. Wishing you much strength and sending much love.

So I'm turning to the collective intelligence of FC:
  • Since I want to operate the Omega and the ZX on a single PID, I bought the following Dual PID: The description says regarding wiring: "Confirmed compatibility with Crossing, Vapvana, CH, Auber, Disorderly Conduction (DC) and 710 Coils." The Phase3 website only mentions "DNail Pinout only" - but that should be compatible with the Crossing PID, right? It's just important that I select "220V" under "Electronics" (Swiss here), correct?
  • Is it known whether the "ZX 14mm Plug-and-Play-Bundle" includes the new "3 Position ZX Zirconia Ceramic Chamber [14MM] (NEW FOR 2025!)"? Or does this 2025 version of the ceramic bowl have to be purchased separately?
  • I would also like the "American Glass Chamber [14MM]". It doesn't seem to be available for a la carte purchase at the moment, but I can add it to the bundle. Is it known whether the glass bowl in the bundle is actually available or not?
  • Are there any nice handles for the ZX coil?


Well-Known Member
so I'm in the right place in the ZX thread, right?

So I'm turning to the collective intelligence of FC:
  • Since I want to operate the Omega and the ZX on a single PID, I bought the following Dual PID: The description says regarding wiring: "Confirmed compatibility with Crossing, Vapvana, CH, Auber, Disorderly Conduction (DC) and 710 Coils." The Phase3 website only mentions "DNail Pinout only" - but that should be compatible with the Crossing PID, right? It's just important that I select "220V" under "Electronics" (Swiss here), correct?
I read it the same way. Correct.

I haven't seen answers to the next couple.

Are there any nice handles for the ZX coil?
Ed's Tnt makes elegant handles including a short version. They're normally Cocobolo but you can ask for a Blackwood. DFreeZ Designs makes handles, bowls, wireless handles, etc.
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El Duderino

The Dude abides.

I read it the same way. Correct.

I haven't seen answers to the next couple.

Ed's Tnt makes elegant handles including a short version. They're normally Cocobolo but you can ask for a Blackwood. DFreeZ Designs makes handles, bowls, wireless handles, etc.

Thank you very much, helpful as always! :luv:

The handles fom Ed's TnT look great! And how could I forget DFreeZ, I've even had them make some handles for me... :doh:


Well-Known Member
  • Is it known whether the "ZX 14mm Plug-and-Play-Bundle" includes the new "3 Position ZX Zirconia Ceramic Chamber [14MM] (NEW FOR 2025!)"? Or does this 2025 version of the ceramic bowl have to be purchased separately?
I can answer this one, I actually initially bought the bundle + the new 2025 bowl, and I confirmed with @invertedisdead that the same bowl already came with the bundle and got a refund for it


Well-Known Member
Hey FC crew,

My only ball vape so far is the Omega from CC, and I'm really happy with it.

However, I'm now looking for a ball vape that:
  • is ideal for microdosing
  • still produces decent clouds
  • and is well-suited for one-hitters I'm in the right place in the ZX thread, right? I don't want to start a comparison with the Omega here - but would you guys agree that the ZX (14mm) is a good complement to the Omega (which I use exclusively as a diffuser) and is different enough to justify buying a second ball vape (haha, "justify"...)?

I emailed/PM'd @invertedisdead some time ago with a few questions about the ZX. I wasn't aware of your situation. Please accept my apologies. Wishing you much strength and sending much love.

So I'm turning to the collective intelligence of FC:
  • Since I want to operate the Omega and the ZX on a single PID, I bought the following Dual PID: The description says regarding wiring: "Confirmed compatibility with Crossing, Vapvana, CH, Auber, Disorderly Conduction (DC) and 710 Coils." The Phase3 website only mentions "DNail Pinout only" - but that should be compatible with the Crossing PID, right? It's just important that I select "220V" under "Electronics" (Swiss here), correct?
  • Is it known whether the "ZX 14mm Plug-and-Play-Bundle" includes the new "3 Position ZX Zirconia Ceramic Chamber [14MM] (NEW FOR 2025!)"? Or does this 2025 version of the ceramic bowl have to be purchased separately?
  • I would also like the "American Glass Chamber [14MM]". It doesn't seem to be available for a la carte purchase at the moment, but I can add it to the bundle. Is it known whether the glass bowl in the bundle is actually available or not?
  • Are there any nice handles for the ZX coil?
Thought I was reading on the "compare ball vapes" thread. Reading what you are looking for "ZX" was blaring in my head. It's the absolute perfect choice for your needs.

The crossing tech PIDs work. Make sure to order a 220v heater coil from Phase3 if you are based in Europe or UK.

It has been confirmed that the bundled now come bundled with the new 3 position bowl.

The question about the glass bowl will have to answered by Ryan. I will say though that you may love the Zirc bowl so much that you cab never go back to glass.

Ryan mentioned he was working on a handle design. You can also buy any other existing coil handle. Try to get smaller ones with a shorter handle. As oversized once will look silly on the diminutive heater. Some people like this one from Ed's TNT as it is shorter. You can make it fitnthe ZX by putting a little electrical tape around the coil underneath the handle.

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
Thought I was reading on the "compare ball vapes" thread. Reading what you are looking for "ZX" was blaring in my head. It's the absolute perfect choice for your needs.

Awesome, thank you for the confirmation!

The crossing tech PIDs work. Make sure to order a 220v heater coil from Phase3 if you are based in Europe or UK.

Thanks, I ordered the 220V version.

It has been confirmed that the bundled now come bundled with the new 3 position bowl.

The question about the glass bowl will have to answered by Ryan. I will say though that you may love the Zirc bowl so much that you cab never go back to glass.

Haha, yeah, I honestly think so too. I've just gone ahead and added the glass bowl to be on the safe side. Better to have it and not need it than the other way around...

Ryan mentioned he was working on a handle design. You can also buy any other existing coil handle. Try to get smaller ones with a shorter handle. As oversized once will look silly on the diminutive heater. Some people like this one from Ed's TNT as it is shorter. You can make it fitnthe ZX by putting a little electrical tape around the coil underneath the handle.

Thanks for the tip about the handle size. I'll definitely pay attention to that. The handles from Ed's TnT look great. However, I'll probably check with DfreeZ to see if they can make a handle for me, as I've already had them make my handles for the Omega.

Thanks for all the feedback! Oh, the excitement...


Well-Known Member
Haha, yeah, I honestly think so too. I've just gone ahead and added the glass bowl to be on the safe side. Better to have it and not need it than the other way around...
To be honest I don't like the American bowl.
The screen doesn't fit well, it's pretty terrible.
You should know this before buying.
And since I use zbol 95% of the time, I find that this investment is not really necessary.
Buy a 14mm adapter which will make an excellent glass bowl, with a screen that fits optimally.
I live in Europe, and I purchased the Couchlog glass bowl, which was a great option for me, if you want a more stylish bowl than just an adapter. Really nice this one.
VGoodiez also has 14mm injector bowls on its site.

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
To be honest I don't like the American bowl.
The screen doesn't fit well, it's pretty terrible.
You should know this before buying.
And since I use zbol 95% of the time, I find that this investment is not really necessary.
Buy a 14mm adapter which will make an excellent glass bowl, with a screen that fits optimally.
I live in Europe, and I purchased the Couchlog glass bowl, which was a great option for me, if you want a more stylish bowl than just an adapter. Really nice this one.
VGoodiez also has 14mm injector bowls on its site.

Thanks for the info, much appreciated! Yeah, I saw the comments about the screen fit with the glass bowl, and I guess it won't be my daily driver anyway. Since I already ordered it, I'll see how it goes.

Good to know about the Couchlog bowl too, thanks! The Couchlog has been on my radar for a while now, and I'll definitely pick one up eventually. I'll grab the bowl then too.
El Duderino,
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info, much appreciated! Yeah, I saw the comments about the screen fit with the glass bowl, and I guess it won't be my daily driver anyway. Since I already ordered it, I'll see how it goes.

Good to know about the Couchlog bowl too, thanks! The Couchlog has been on my radar for a while now, and I'll definitely pick one up eventually. I'll grab the bowl then too.
There's also the Joda bowl, it's pretty awesome for the ZX and Couchlog, just hit up @VaPeD&CoNfUsEd:

And @VGOODIEZ also has 14mm injector bowls:


Well-Known Member
I use both the ZX and Omega, but neither of those is my choice for a one-hitter.

My preferred small dosing range is (.030g to 0.055g) and usually tastes better in the ZX but is fine in the Omega with its glass bowl rigged as a diffuser.

Both vapes can produce decent clouds, but capacity counts, so the Omega has the cloud edge.

The one-hit winner, in my case, is the Cloud Connoisseur. Its hybrid heating is capable of near-combustion single hits of my preferred load sizes. Between the ZX and the Omega, I can get almost equal results.

For handles, my current approach is to cut a section of silicone whip to the desired length, split it lengthwise, install it on the heater stem, and secure it with a cord wrap.

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
There's also the Joda bowl, it's pretty awesome for the ZX and Couchlog, just hit up @VaPeD&CoNfUsEd:

Thank you very much! The Joda bowl has been on my "to-buy-someday" list for a while now, as it has been mentioned several times in the Couchlog thread.

And @VGOODIEZ also has 14mm injector bowls:

Good to know, thank you. I'll wait for the glass bowl from P3 (as I said, I've already placed the order) and if I need another glass bowl despite the Zirc bowl, then I obviously have many great options. Thanks! 🙏🏻

I use both the ZX and Omega, but neither of those is my choice for a one-hitter.

My preferred small dosing range is (.030g to 0.055g) and usually tastes better in the ZX but is fine in the Omega with its glass bowl rigged as a diffuser.

Both vapes can produce decent clouds, but capacity counts, so the Omega has the cloud edge.

The one-hit winner, in my case, is the Cloud Connoisseur. Its hybrid heating is capable of near-combustion single hits of my preferred load sizes. Between the ZX and the Omega, I can get almost equal results.

Interesting, thanks for sharing. My load for microdosing is 0.05 - 0.08 at rather low temperatures. I'm really excited to find out how the ZX compares to the Omega.

For handles, my current approach is to cut a section of silicone whip to the desired length, split it lengthwise, install it on the heater stem, and secure it with a cord wrap.

Very cool and practical idea!

EDIT: Double post! 😱 I’m sorry! (just had an Omega…)
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Fearless Disaster

Well-Known Member
I use both the ZX and Omega, but neither of those is my choice for a one-hitter.

My preferred small dosing range is (.030g to 0.055g) and usually tastes better in the ZX but is fine in the Omega with its glass bowl rigged as a diffuser.

Both vapes can produce decent clouds, but capacity counts, so the Omega has the cloud edge.

The one-hit winner, in my case, is the Cloud Connoisseur. Its hybrid heating is capable of near-combustion single hits of my preferred load sizes. Between the ZX and the Omega, I can get almost equal results.

For handles, my current approach is to cut a section of silicone whip to the desired length, split it lengthwise, install it on the heater stem, and secure it with a cord wrap.
Can I ask for clarification? It seems like you said that neither the zx nor the omega is your choice for a one hitter, then it seems like you said your choice for the one-hit winner is the "Cloud Connoisseur". Which "Cloud Connoisseur" vape is your one hit winner?

I'm asking because it looks like my usage is mostly 20-25mg loads, double that sometimes. I have been hoping the zx would ohe these amounts and am wondering if i should consider other vapes.

right now the tempest has displaced my other vapes because it can handle 10mg loads easily in ohe. i was hoping the zx would be able to at least go down to 20mg loads and then i was going to sell most of the other vapes from my exploration.
Fearless Disaster,


Well-Known Member
Can I ask for clarification? It seems like you said that neither the zx nor the omega is your choice for a one hitter, then it seems like you said your choice for the one-hit winner is the "Cloud Connoisseur". Which "Cloud Connoisseur" vape is your one hit winner?

I'm asking because it looks like my usage is mostly 20-25mg loads, double that sometimes. I have been hoping the zx would ohe these amounts and am wondering if i should consider other vapes.

right now the tempest has displaced my other vapes because it can handle 10mg loads easily in ohe. i was hoping the zx would be able to at least go down to 20mg loads and then i was going to sell most of the other vapes from my exploration.
My question is do you tend to use the diffuser or the 18mm or 14mm nozzles? I think the Z lineup is a more precision approach and I prefer the results, but I think with your load size requirements you might be happier with the ZXL (or the ZXXL). It and its bowl are capable of doing ZX-sized loads (~.1g) but would be the better choice for loads more like those you're used to doing. I think it can do up to .5g. Looks like both are sold out but I'd check with Ryan to see if you can claim one if someone can't take possession of their order for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Hey Fearless. Thanks for the catch, I messed up, my brain was thinking one thing and my fingers were going their own way. I should have said The Rouge Wax Works, 14 mm quartz cap is the one hit winner, instead of the Cloud Connoisseur. Capacity wise, the QC holds between .0253g and .0348g, depending on how it's screened. Once again, sorry for the confusion.

Fearless Disaster

Well-Known Member
My question is do you tend to use the diffuser or the 18mm or 14mm nozzles? I think the Z lineup is a more precision approach and I prefer the results, but I think with your load size requirements you might be happier with the ZXL (or the ZXXL). It and its bowl are capable of doing ZX-sized loads (~.1g) but would be the better choice for loads more like those you're used to doing. I think it can do up to .5g. Looks like both are sold out but I'd check with Ryan to see if you can claim one if someone can't take possession of their order for some reason.
hi @coolbreeze ! Were you directing these questions at me? I currently have A 25mm Ch wireless diffuser setup and shovelhead bowl and i’d say 100mg is the smallest load i’d put in there. It seems the 20-25mg loads i am doing right now might be too small for the zx so i’d assume they would be way to small for the zxl etc. Generally 100mg is the largest load i’d do personally. Right now i’m trying to keep my entire daily consumption to 100mg for science!

i still can’t wait to try out the zx! Based on the diameter of the screen (1/2“ i believe) it should be able to take loads at least as small as 50mg. My ch matrix bowl with the basket screen can do load sizes like that. We will find out :)
Fearless Disaster,


Well-Known Member
hi @coolbreeze ! Were you directing these questions at me? I currently have A 25mm Ch wireless diffuser setup and shovelhead bowl and i’d say 100mg is the smallest load i’d put in there. It seems the 20-25mg loads i am doing right now might be too small for the zx so i’d assume they would be way to small for the zxl etc. Generally 100mg is the largest load i’d do personally. Right now i’m trying to keep my entire daily consumption to 100mg for science!

i still can’t wait to try out the zx! Based on the diameter of the screen (1/2“ i believe) it should be able to take loads at least as small as 50mg. My ch matrix bowl with the basket screen can do load sizes like that. We will find out :)
I just weighed out .025 and dropped it into the Zbowl. I haven't roasted it (it's not plugged in atm) but I think i'd rather start with ~.03, just to make sure there's enough herbs to slow down the heat sufficiently to roast it well.

To be honest I think I got ahead of myself and was answering both you AND @El Duderino! I think in your case it might like a slightly larger load, in ED's case it probably would be fine. If I was regularly doing .025g loads, I think I'd go for a Dynavap & Woodscents or a Vapman.

Fearless Disaster

Well-Known Member
I just weighed out .025 and dropped it into the Zbowl. I haven't roasted it (it's not plugged in atm) but I think i'd rather start with ~.03, just to make sure there's enough herbs to slow down the heat sufficiently to roast it well.

To be honest I think I got ahead of myself and was answering both you AND @El Duderino! I think in your case it might like a slightly larger load, in ED's case it probably would be fine. If I was regularly doing .025g loads, I think I'd go for a Dynavap & Woodscents or a Vapman.
thank you! right now the vapman is still not working right so my goto is the tempest. it has no problem with 10 or 20mg ohe. we will see where the tolerance experiments end up. right now i am trying the super low but i could see ending up somewhere between 50-100mg a dose
Fearless Disaster,
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Howdy friends wanted to post a quick shipping update,

All the ZX heater heads are built and 3 shelf bowls assembled, I still need to attach coils and finish packaging everything up, print stickers, and prepare everything for shipping. I sliced my finger open on something unrelated so I’m just trying to get the strength back in my good hand to get the coils put on.

Got a lot going on this weekend with personal stuff but these should be out next week as long as I don't run into any more surprises.
Thanks for your patience everyone. Really liking the new 3 shelf bowls, I wanted to make it way easier to change the screens and I think I achieved that. The new bowls went together real smoothly and they seem really nice, the new ZX kits are super nice overall.

ZXXL's are realistically probably about a month out still, I apologize for the extended surprises friends but all of my ceramic hardware for the heater handles was seemingly lost in the mail. Luckily USPS found the parts and just completed the delivery, but they just arrived to Ed's so nothing has really started yet for the wood. We lost a few weeks of time from that mail incident. I was really hoping to send all of these out at the same time so sorry about that guys.

That said things are still moving forward and making progress and I feel good to see things being crossed off the to-do list.

I'm way behind on emails so spread the word if you see anyone asking about their PHASE3 orders, I'm gonna try and get in that today but I'm way behind after everything that's been going on and a lot of family is flying in today (all week really) so I'm a bit busy.

Thanks everyone for your patience and understanding, cooperation and support.

It means and helps a lot,

Kind regards Z TRIBE thanks so much.
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Microbe minion
From my perspective buddy, you can take as much time as you need. Family needs to come first! I realise my post alone won't relieve the pressure of getting stuff done but seriously, I'm in no rush, whenever the zxxl arrives it will be delightful, I have no doubt.

Spy Car

Well-Known Member
Sorry for all your travails Ryan.

I'm hoping the universe will send some healing and joy as recompense for what you've been through.

My only ask, is that you review my emails or PMs so you have my correct (new) address prior to shipping mine.

I don't want my eagerly awaited ZX going to an empty address.

Sending good thoughts!

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