In some ways this is your dilemma. I'm perfectly content with my ZX and it has killed BVAS completely. All I need now is the tripledecker bowl and I'm done.
Appreciate your patience and support friend!
3 shelf bowls are ALMOST done, they are just being touched up a hair - my manufacturer found a discrepancy in my digital model versus the draft drawing where the joints on the bowl were a different length. Turns out the clearance got modified while I was playing around with the O-ring handle groove symmetry. Whoops! Luckily the parts are still completely usable and just need that end shaved down a fraction of a millimeter. It's probably not even completely necessary to be honest, but import glass joints are more random so I want to ensure good compatibility with those as they are the most prevalent.
@invertedisdead you have shared the 16MM bodied ZXL render before, and I also think its an awesome design! Would love to see this one come to life, however, in my mind this would def replace the ZXL from a product mix standpoint. If you just re-release the proven ZXL design, and then began offering this tapered bowl tho… that would be an awesome add-on to pair the ZXL down to 14mm glass, and if you ever decided to phase out the ZXL design, then you already have the bowl launched. Just some food for thought.
That being said i want all of them regardless lol. I have a ZX and ZXXL on order. Still an unseasoned member of thread so to speak.
Thanks so much for choosing PHASE3!
I'm super excited to get these vapes out into some new hands as I've been out of inventory for a while.
Appreciate everyone's patience and understanding for real!
The original inspiration for this concept was a model that could theoretically take the place of both the ZX and ZXL cause I have this compelling obsession with refinement; but exactly as you mention, my other designs are already tested, proven, and favorited so as of now it's just an idea.
The only thing I didn't like about the 20MM ZXL is I found the assembly surprisingly a lot more involved than the ZX.
If I did build this concept I figured I could port over the 18MM bowl from the 20MM ZXL to offer for larger water pipes.
I love my ZXL just as much as I love my ZX. I use the ZX a little more often because of the insane efficiency but if you ever feel like you want a larger ZX bowl then the ZXL is exactly what you desire. I think it tastes a smidge better than the ZX but my gosh it's close.
I can't wait to compare the ZXXL to both of them soon!
The ZXL definitely has the benefit of holding quite a bit more herb and increasing the terpene percentage of the hit which helps a lot for that dab like flavor punch, but I'm still impressed at the flavor the ZX can extract with such big hits and small amounts of material
Will be interesting to see how the 3 shelf ZX bowl compares to the ZXL
I like the idea of the tapered bowl. I mainly have 14mm glass but also want to take biggers hits then the zx allows some times. I missed the zxxl pre order but would probably grab one if you did another run. A 14mm bowl for that would also be cool.
Appreciate your input friend, thanks for rocking with me!!
Looking forward to what 2025 brings.
The ZX brings out the delicate aromas and flavors better but at times I am looking for a bigger bowl capacity. While the ZXL allows me to take bigger hits and the sweet spot in terms of potency and effect with less flavorful follow up hits.

16mm bodied zxl yes please I’m a grower not a shower, less is more ,David not Goliath imo bigger is just bigger definitely not better. If I want more, I just hit the ZX back to back with two different strains.
This is definitely my style as well as I prefer the smoothness above all and I tend to find this often results in a more potent high IMHO.
Not to take anything away from a big slammer as I like an ear-ringer occasionally, but there's something about a true one hit, single pass extraction, which minimizes condensation losses and maximizes bioavailability and absorption that I feel the ZX truly excels in punching way beyond its herb capacity.
That's one message that's been a bit hard to get across is that I actually made the ZX for people with high tolerances just as much as people looking to do micros.
Honestly, the vape from my past that I miss the most is the quartz 1.7 I was offered over with a 110v coil but didn't want to risk separating it from the coil for my voltage so I passed. Even though I have a 20mm ZXL I'd grab the zx7 (sorry Ryan, couldn't resist naming it lol) in a heartbeat.
I'm curious if you'd guess that the 20MM ZXL has more airflow than the 16MM 1.7 or if you think they are about the same.
I remember the 1.7 to be very open and comfortable, but it's been a while since I used one.
I do have an old quartz 1.5 back in California but there's definitely something fun about the small, agile size of the later generations
Thanks for the reply Ryan! Love the video

Definitely got me thinking regarding a 16mm ZXL, I also think there is something for efficiency before size. Will keep an eye peeled for when the ZXL drops and see if budget allows. Otherwise, I would be really interested in a potential 16mm. And thanks to everyone else for chiming in, great to get some input and not let VAS run too rampant
Cheers friend thanks for following along