Phase3 Vaporizers


I just have to say the Phase3 is amazing. I have a ZX and I'm anxiously awaiting my ZXXL. I'd LOVE to get a ZXL but I'm interested in anything Phase3 puts out. Ryan, your designs are truly remarkable as far as I'm concerned. Thank you!!

Happy to hear it, thanks so much for rocking with me friend! :wave:

Did you mean it’s unclear whether the next batch might be the last one, or is it unclear if there will even be a next batch?

It's unclear if there will be a new batch, current preorders are low and I already have enough ZX kits on had to fulfill current demand, they are just missing the ceramic bowl for those orders to be fulfilled. These last few new kits would come with the new 3 position bowl.

There was plans to order a new batch of ZX's if the demand called for it but so far that has not happened.

I'm really curious about the new handle. I think I'll order one together with the new bowl.

The honeymoon phase is over with the Tempest, and in my opinion, the ZX can't be beaten. The taste is so pure, and I notice that the ZX really gives me energy and doesn’t make me tired the next day.
I do experience this with the Tempest.

I'm really glad I own both of these vapes; they’re both great in their own way.

Really love the wireless design, it looks badass. Unfortunately it's too big for me, I’m secretly hoping there will be a mini version one day, like the ZX.

Thanks a lot for sharing, I'm so stoked you're enjoying the ZX in all its pristine purity!!
I love how the ZX can extract such intense flavor from such a small amount of flower.

The PHASE3 handle is specifically designed to reduce leverage and weight applied to the side of the heater.
More compact than others but still grippy and comfortable to hold.
I'll post pics in here and on Instagram when the samples arrive.

I am convinced that a wireless ZX model will appear soon 😁

It's tempting my friend and I really want one myself.
The ZXW design is really cool too.

But let's be realistic, that's probably gonna go over about the same as RBT Ryan trying to make the Milaana again.
A wireless ZX will appeal to current ZX owners, and perhaps a few new faces.
But PHASE3 must release something with way more mass appeal to survive.
I can't repeat this enough.

I want to sell more ZX's, so naturally I think maybe I need to keep improving the ZX.
But the ZX is great. It's already been refined over more generations than any ball vape or ball vape company on the market.
If vapor quality was truly the most desired feature of a great enthusiast vape, they'd be flying off the shelf.

Owner comments speak for themselves; there's some great ones right on this page; but for whatever the reason is, the appeal remains low.
Lower right now than ever. Last 2 months have been terrible for ZX sales.

It is what it is, all one can do is adapt or die.

I only use it on these two pieces. I'll post a video later showing some rapid fire half bowl hits.

Terp injectors :drool:

Small rigs with high airflow is where it's at for the ZX.
You can just steam right through a full bowl in seconds, with as close to instant vapor production as you can get with a pure convection device.


Well-Known Member
But let's be realistic, that's probably gonna go over about the same as RBT Ryan trying to make the Milaana again.
I learned that due to lack of interest since its return... after the last pre-orders which are currently in progress, RBT will close its site.
I read them yesterday on one of the FC threads
It seems to be tough for small vape companies these days.
I sincerely hope that your portable vapes find a wide audience.
You can count on me to support you.


New Member
Thanks again for your feedback.

I want to sell more ZX's, so naturally I think maybe I need to keep improving the ZX.
But the ZX is great. It's already been refined over more generations than any ball vape or ball vape company on the market.

These are just my thoughts, but I feel like maybe the ZX needs more 'marketing' rather than further improvements.
I mean I spent some weeks comparing different ballvapes, looking especially for microdosing ballers.
And just found the ZX at the last moment, when I was just about to order another device.
Now I see that I overlooked some posts suggesting the ZX but in the end I only discovered it from the Troy and Jerry video, just because of the interesting video title (What a sexy injector :D)
Just want to say it was not easy to find, and I bet there are more people looking for smaller (-load) ballvapes and also looking for the best possible flavour.
I can see the effort and passion you put into your products, but apparently not enough people are aware of the products and benefits they offer.

You got my order and I hope you can keep selling this stuff!


Well-Known Member
Just my opinion but I think you should bring back the stainless ZX. People are looking for budget friendly vapes. Once they purchase the stainless version and see how well it performs, you can advertise the zirconia ZX as the premium line.


Well-Known Member
Stainless would add some weight to the heat head. I'm not a fan of stainless steel vapes. The whole reason that I purchased the ZX was because it wasn't stainless steel or titanium. It's my personal opinion that the Ceramic zirconia provides the best flavor. It's lighter in overall weight than a stainless steel version would be, and taste better than any titanium ball vape that I own. The ceramic is also very durable and the bowl is very east to keep clean. And the black color makes it look a bit more classy and less industrial looking than a titanium or stainless ball vape would look. I suppose none of those things may matter to the next person. It's all just personal preference I suppose. But that's just my two cents on the subject.


I learned that due to lack of interest since its return... after the last pre-orders which are currently in progress, RBT will close its site.
I read them yesterday on one of the FC threads
It seems to be tough for small vape companies these days.
I sincerely hope that your portable vapes find a wide audience.
You can count on me to support you.

Cheers friend I appreciate your enthusiasm!

It's always been tough for small vape companies, but it doesn't seem much easier these days, despite all the legalization progress taking place around the world. I've spoken out in the past that in some regards it almost seems to have hurt vape sales, as discretion and efficiency were two of the main selling points to dry herb vaping; and legalization can make those much less of an issue for people to continue combusting.

A lot of effort will be going into my competitor for the Anvil/Tornado/Tempest/Hyper category as I feel I can provide a unique and different optimized experience there.

Just my opinion but I think you should bring back the stainless ZX. People are looking for budget friendly vapes. Once they purchase the stainless version and see how well it performs, you can advertise the zirconia ZX as the premium line.

I considered bringing the SX back, but O'Connell did the budget SKO and I don't think It sold so well as it was discontinued after like one batch.
I figured after Cloud Connoisseur and DHgate did the modular stuff that it wasn't much of an opportunity.

I was also thinking of making the new wireless design in stainless steel instead of zirconia, but I think there's just way more demand for induction click-vapes.

I totally agree that people want and need budget friendly vapes, and I could compete with everyone if my order volume was higher.
There was a plan to do a very price competitive ZXL kit designed for retailers.
But I can't offer epic prices while doing small 50 pc runs that take 6-12 months to sell.
And no retailer has committed to carrying any P3 products thus far.

Thanks again for your feedback.

These are just my thoughts, but I feel like maybe the ZX needs more 'marketing' rather than further improvements.
I mean I spent some weeks comparing different ballvapes, looking especially for microdosing ballers.
And just found the ZX at the last moment, when I was just about to order another device.
Now I see that I overlooked some posts suggesting the ZX but in the end I only discovered it from the Troy and Jerry video, just because of the interesting video title (What a sexy injector :D)
Just want to say it was not easy to find, and I bet there are more people looking for smaller (-load) ballvapes and also looking for the best possible flavour.
I can see the effort and passion you put into your products, but apparently not enough people are aware of the products and benefits they offer.

You got my order and I hope you can keep selling this stuff!

Thanks so much for giving the Z Tribe a chance, I appreciate your support and hearing that you heard about the ZX on Troy & Jerry.
I agree P3 definitely needs more marketing help, but there's just not a ton of avenues to get the word out.
The website could be better at addressing the benefits of the ZX, not enough has been demonstrated to truly emphasize the extreme efficiency that the ZX can provide. The full hits with rich flavor you can pull with just a few crumbs is pretty remarkable.


Well-Known Member
Stainless would add some weight to the heat head. I'm not a fan of stainless steel vapes. The whole reason that I purchased the ZX was because it wasn't stainless steel or titanium. It's my personal opinion that the Ceramic zirconia provides the best flavor. It's lighter in overall weight than a stainless steel version would be, and taste better than any titanium ball vape that I own. The ceramic is also very durable and the bowl is very east to keep clean. And the black color makes it look a bit more classy and less industrial looking than a titanium or stainless ball vape would look. I suppose none of those things may matter to the next person. It's all just personal preference I suppose. But that's just my two cents on the subject.
I think the SS suggestion was to help grow the brand. Not necessarily what the existing Phase3 users want.

I wouldn't buy a SS ball vape, but I would be happy to see anything that puts Phase3 on the map more. Wheh you look at the quality of the products, compared to lack of market share, the discrepancy is absurd to be honest. Personally I want Phase3 to stick around long into the future, so I'm hoping for some breakthrough success.


There was a plan to do a very price competitive ZXL kit designed for retailers.

To add to this briefly, this was the plan for the 16MM ZXL.
It's basically a blend between the ZX and the ZXL.
The bowl is closer to ZXL size to appeal to that audience (no adjustable screen shelves) but it tapers down to the same 14MM joint and screen size as the ZX, so you still can just run a few crumbs for a concentrated micro dose.

The idea was to try to design one product that could sort of pull double duty between both of these models so I could keep offering a zirconia desktop, without needing all the different sized parts that make this business more complicated for a one man operation.
And if there was a way to grab enough interest the price could be very competitive with other stuff while still retaining my unique ultra pure ceramic angle.
Maybe with a lower quality surface finish, less polished, as that adds a bit to the price, and people on a budget probably don't care so much.

I notice some of the cheaper metal stuff going around looks like it just has the surface finish straight off the CNC lol, while I've been paying for a very fine polished finish trying to impress people :cool:


Cheap fit/finish is how you move single product lines in bulk, attention to detail is how you build loyalty. We ain’t here cuz you’re cheap bro ;-)

I'm with you of course, but if the idea was to create something easily accessible for beginners there's only so many routes to achieving that.

I think if it's about compromises, I'd perhaps rather do a less polished finish than just switch the Z's to metal like everything else out there.
Plus the bespoke versions could still exist if there was a driving sales force coming from any additional product line.

It's just an idea to get the orders coming back in and keep the Z line buzzing.

Does anyone have a window on shipping of the tiered ZX bowl? It feels like I am waiting for Christmas to start in September, which is sad.

I don't currently have any updates right this moment but I will try and pull something.

Right now there's only plans to order 25 of them.
Interest in the 3 tier bowl has been lower than anticipated.



I reached out to my Instagram following regarding wireless vapes, you can see the data above.

Based on some of the comments I read around here I was expecting a landslide vote, but I see a good portion of enthusiasts seem less convinced about wireless than the reviewers and outspoken members have led on to. Granted, it’s still a majority vote saying YES, but the results weren’t quite a runaway train.


Well-Known Member

I reached out to my Instagram following regarding wireless vapes, you can see the data above.

Based on some of the comments I read around here I was expecting a landslide vote, but I see a good portion of enthusiasts seem less convinced about wireless than the reviewers and outspoken members have led on to. Granted, it’s still a majority vote saying YES, but the results weren’t quite a runaway train.
I'm surprised at that, and I don't have anything wireless yet.

Besides isn't going wireless just an easier way for existing wireless users to get into Phase3? If they only need to buy the head and bowl combo then it's a lot less friction. Maybe I'm overvaluaing that aspect.


Well-Known Member

I reached out to my Instagram following regarding wireless vapes, you can see the data above.

Based on some of the comments I read around here I was expecting a landslide vote, but I see a good portion of enthusiasts seem less convinced about wireless than the reviewers and outspoken members have led on to. Granted, it’s still a majority vote saying YES, but the results weren’t quite a runaway train.

Wireless is better.
Honestly, I still love my ZX but very recently I bought a wireless kit from a competitor and I use my ZX less only because it's less practical.
But a discord guy helps me set up and convert my ZX to a wireless setup.
So yes for me it is the future of this type of vaping.


I'm surprised at that, and I don't have anything wireless yet.

Besides isn't going wireless just an easier way for existing wireless users to get into Phase3? If they only need to buy the head and bowl combo then it's a lot less friction. Maybe I'm overvaluaing that aspect.

It would be, but most shoppers are only going to make a single purchase, so existing wireless users are most likely done shopping for a new vape for the next 3-5 years. Most vape enthusiasts don't have VAS, so only the most hardcore enthusiastic hobbyists are going to buy more than one desktop.

These purchases are supposed to be "end game" so most won't feel compelled to try others or end up with any kind of a collection.

This thread is an outlier compared to a lot of other brands because my products mostly attract the hardcore enthusiasts, which makes these patterns seem more common than they truly are.

Wireless is better.
Honestly, I still love my ZX but very recently I bought a wireless kit from a competitor and I use my ZX less only because it's less practical.
But a discord guy helps me set up and convert my ZX to a wireless setup.
So yes for me it is the future of this type of vaping.

Having pioneered the original wireless ball vape in this very thread, the Electric Sandcastle, I think wireless is great for solo use and lots of fun to hand to a friend.

But I think the reported benefits are sometimes a bit hyperbolic when nothing is removed other than the power cord, during your hit.

There's still a PID controller plugged into the wall.
You still have to physically walk up to the electronics to remove the vape.
You need just as much equipment and space.
It's not safer.

Yeah you can walk away from your vape station while taking your hit, but you still need to walk up to your vape station to find a flower, grind a bud, load the bowl, and grab your heater and water pipe.

Then you have a bit of freedom to wander around the house to take your hit and THAT is a wonderful feeling, BUT you still have to walk back to your vape station to empty the bowl, set your glass pipe down, and put the heater back in the coil.

When using a powerful device like the ZX that can extract the whole bowl in seconds, there's not going to be a lot of time to go anywhere.

It's not like a Volcano bag where you can walk around with it for an hour and still take hits off it like back in the day.

It's super tough for me cause I truly, sincerely dig the wireless, as I've said a few times the original PHASE3 product release was going to be the Electric Sandcastle.

In the end I decided the plug in was more versatile to develop first as it could handle group sessions with zero downtime.

But I see that most people are vaping by themselves, and the heat retention of wireless is sufficient.

If I can ever drum up enough interest I'd still like to do the ZXW.
Until then its just going to be the 25MM ZXXL :science:
Around 10 spots left for those!
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Well-Known Member
Cheers friend I appreciate your enthusiasm!

It's always been tough for small vape companies, but it doesn't seem much easier these days, despite all the legalization progress taking place around the world. I've spoken out in the past that in some regards it almost seems to have hurt vape sales, as discretion and efficiency were two of the main selling points to dry herb vaping; and legalization can make those much less of an issue for people to continue combusting.

A lot of effort will be going into my competitor for the Anvil/Tornado/Tempest/Hyper category as I feel I can provide a unique and different optimized experience there.

I hadn't even considered how legalization might be something holding back the popularization of dry herb vapes. Everyone dabbing correctly (at or around 500 F) is vaping.

Just got a Tempest. I still can't quite believe I can get such big direct to lung hits off a little handheld. Would be very curious to see what you come up with for a portable.


I hadn't even considered how legalization might be something holding back the popularization of dry herb vapes. Everyone dabbing correctly (at or around 500 F) is vaping.

It's always boggled my mind how people understand that you need the correct temp so you don't burn your extracts when dabbing, but don't think about the same thing when it comes to flower.




Rendering I posted on my Instagram story.

16MM [Coil] ZXL with 18MM joint and 14MM bowl
Lid is threaded on for quick coil attachment and bead changes
Lightweight compact design like the ZX
Z8 style slotted air intakes
Biocompatible medical grade zirconia ceramic construction
Tapered bowl has a larger max capacity than the ZX, but uses the same size screen as the ZX for that concentrated micro dose blast
Fitted O-ring grooves for the insulated ambidextrous handles.
Head is compatible with any other 18MM bowls

It's sort of a condensed mix between the ZX and ZXL.
The idea was to leverage alternate manufacturing methods to produce an aggressively priced kit while still retaining all the benefits of the Z heritage.


Chime in if this is something you'd like to see :wave:
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Well-Known Member
If I already had a ZX and was waiting for the new bowl with more capacity it would be redundant to get this one, wouldn't it? Also the airflow maybe wouldn't be as different as that between ZX and old ZXL, right?


If I already had a ZX and was waiting for the new bowl with more capacity it would be redundant to get this one, wouldn't it? Also the airflow maybe wouldn't be as different as that between ZX and old ZXL, right?

The bowl in this 16MM ZXL concept is larger than it looks.
It's over 30% larger than the 3 position ZX bowl.
Closer to the 18MM ZXL bowl that I previously offered.
It's big enough for very heavy extractions, enough to still be worthy of using the ZXL name, but the heater is downsized like my previous quartz/boro InVerzion 1.7,
Screen installs would be the easiest of anything yet due to the tapered bowl interior, it's going to basically "walk" the screen right down to the ledge.

The idea is by making a larger bowl, but tapering down to this smaller screen, we can still leverage an effective microdosing option with the same bowl.
And 14MM was chosen on the bowl to glass end since 18MM easily reduces down versus enlarging up. A dedicated 18MM bowl with an even larger capacity could be done down the road, my existing 18MM ZXL bowl would be compatible, for example.

It should be less airflow than the 18MM ZXL, but based on previous 18MM to 14MM setups I built, I think it would be more open than the ZX.
You can also adjust that by using a different bead size.

Additionally, I have an alternate handle design that's different from the Viton O Ring approach that could be realized as well.

If there was enough interest in doing this design I could change over any pending preorders over to this if one wanted to do so.

I'd be in.

Appreciate you supporting the Z Tribe!

Put in a pre-order for the ZX. Can't wait! I've been using a Screwball and a rigged up 14mm glass microdose bowl. Looking forward to see if the ZX hype is real! Anyone happen to know the wait times for the ZX preorder?

You're definitely in for a treat! :science:
Things are quite a bit behind right now, hoping to have all pending orders done and shipped out before the end of October!

Thanks a ton for the opportunity to serve your premium vaping demands!
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