Yes do not worry. Tommy is one of the most honest people I have ever had the pleasure of doing business with. Hang in there
@smokeydabear .
I prefer the peace for flavor over the vm as well. The VM is much stealthier. It is a well built machine and I have had great adventures with it. But the combination of flavor with the visual aspect of seeing what is taking place draws me in more. I kind of like the additional size. Plus the fact that I can stick it in my pocket loaded up, ready to use is a big win for me.
If fragility is a concern , I had a thought. Idk. if it has been mentioned or controlable. You could always grab a ss. mouthpiece from Lily and make a
combat ready
Peace. (←Irony.

) I'm not saying to do that, but it could work. I may give this a try later. I can report on the strength of the Triihouse glass. I was extending my Lily glass mouthpiece, when I had a fairly severe spasm. I jerked the stem out and my hand just let go? Well it fell at least four feet onto my tile floor, gave three horrifying bounces and came to a rest. After a while I was able to pick it up and it was only slightly chipped! To my amazement it had survived basicly unharmed. It is sharp now so I ordered a replacement, but it is completely usable as a back up still. YMMV.