@Mister G...i wish I could give you a friendly middle finger for making my vaporizer choice THAT much harder...i have an extra finger for
@1_gr8_underdog too for the confusion!
Tbh...i just think the daisy looks too clunky BUT the fact that that's everyone's keeper makes my VAS a bit manic...so now I have to do way more daisy digging.
@subway13029 what is your ultimate favorite flame powered vape?
I see you have a mighty like myself...i know none can compare on cloud production, but effects are another story
@1_gr8_underdog (more details)
I am looking for a flame powered vape that is easy to use outside, I work outside and want something I can take a few pulls from here and there on demand (when possible) I currently use battery powered portables but heat up time and session length has me seeking alternatives
To answer your questions:
1) not a HUGE factor as I like both, convection has a cleaner taste while condition has a more full vapor spectrum if that makes sense?
2) I mostly have session style vapes so getting one to fall into the other category might not be a bad thing
3) you know how hard this shit is already! I have too many vapes as it is and to make matters worse...i mainly use portable vapes, but am looking to get a home unit, a flame powered and the grasshopper when it comes out, I need this endless spending cycle to end!
Thanks for everyone's input too