Paying it Forward - A New Direction


Back in the saddle.
In the old days I had a constant flow of patients with Vapes that required parts and "brainstorming".
These days I am better equipped to teach, help, demonstrate, and above all give vaporizers to the right
patient for a perfect fit.
My eyes are a bit worse, and my grip a bit less steady.
So many Vapor aficionados have taken a liking to the new heavy hitting portables.
This has been a time of testing, repairing, and adjusting.
Last night I had a repair that kept me awake until 7 a.m. today😳
My house is still a disaster area, with parts and cords/plugs piled... Bit by bit I put things in order.
I have a patient that I got an SSV for a dozen years ago. Like all patients with the old school desktops, maintenance and replacement parts
is ongoing.
This one SSV owner has had an issue with it for a couple of years now, but I had no way to help her.
I have had this vape for 10 days, trying to figure it out.
With all of the clutter here, I could not dedicate enough time to focus on that one unit.
I decided that at 10 pm I would call everything off and work until this was solved.
So many things at once.
Raising the ceramic.
Handheld Wand and Standard HC were not matching up as they should.
Both of these pieces had been replaced a few times in the years gone by, and never bought as a set.
These two would not work together.
I did clean a caked on screen, and domed the screen up as is tradition.
Why the heck did this take all night?
I had 4 HCs, and 3 wands. Each wand had to be tested with all 4 HCs.
After taking notes and labeling things, In order to move on to the next HC, I had to shut the unit, and then wait for the HC to get completely
cool to the touch. It's better to not twist hot glass.
The very last combo possible was the one that worked. I was done and it was 5:30 a.m.
Needed extra time now for it to cool and put it all away.
Eyes seeing twinkles.. by the time I brushed teeth and showered it was 7:00 a.m.
At 10:30 I ran to the post office forgetting that it was Saturday hours and they were closed.
It's 4:00 P.M. now.
I think I'll sleep before I deliver this SSV.
Thanks for reading!
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Things are shaping up around here!
I finally have found all cords and matched them with all portables.
I have checked the charge on all vapes, and done a session with each, and they all work as though the law never interrupted my journey.
A few days ago, I went through Inhalaters. INH04 lost it’s charging port about 10 years ago, however
INH05, 5S,6,& XP all still work like day 1. Each provided a full session.
Yesterday, I went through favorites and did a session with each. Left to right that is
Solo (OG), Grasshopper (OG), Tafée Bowle, Angus, Venty, Fury 2 Mighty2, and Mighty+. All perfect!

The only vaporizer, I have not begun to evaluate and charge yet is a collection of Pax 1 & 2s.
There are 6 Pax Vapes that I have not begun on yet. I like the Pax units, but they need extra time to look at.
All used already reconditioned Patients Portables still have charges and function too.
*The Vaporizer that kicked my ass and astounded me yesterday was my Solo.
It’s the original Solo I got in 2011.
In 2016 I changed the battery… ONCE. That’s it.
I got distracted from using my Solo, due to the influx of new technology.
Bad move. I love the Solo as much as I did that first week.
I learned that I have 60 rides left on a the local paramedical transit for disabled. I found out that I can give these rides to others!
Two patients come today, using “SunVan” saving me gas and from going out into the Desert heat!
I have a Tera and a Fog ready for them.
In preparation, the Tera and the Fog were my first Portable sessions of the day, after finishing my traditional SSV morning ritual.
Happy as hell to feel like Vito again.
Fully Medicated to Level 10, and it’s only 8:45 a.m.
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This week has been a blessing in so many ways.
Letting people use a transit service with my saved tickets is wonderful for all (the patients sit ion a well air conditioned
bus). They are cooler than I am, but my blessing is I do not have to leave and walk to the car under the Fireball. 🤣
Just the right tools were here at the right time all the way around.
The first is a young fellow... 38. He started having numerous problems in his stomach, and circulatory system. He uses MMJ but I convinced him to become a patient for lower taxes and greater access to the better meds. I met him when his dad died, and he has called me "Pops" since... the name he called his dad.
A lady in his apartments gave him the money to get his MMJ Card.
This is his little girl here:

I had him over to try some vapor and he was amazed.
He received a new Aura by Flowermate, and is learning to try a different path.
I am really worried about his health. His legs have swollen up terribly, and he says his Doc has it under control
Giving him the Aura reminded me that I still had a few, and managed to share all 3 with card holders at the Senior Center.
I promise friends... no more trouble from me. I met them way over the hill from the center at the park.
All octogenarians, they were bright and full of spirit.
They were enrolled shortly before our meeting in a chair exercise group.
All 3 suffered different levels of osteoarthritis.
I related because I am also am diagnosed similarly.
I don't use the diclofenac gels. I avoid topical crap at all cause my dog will obsess on that spot!
I use Marijuana. Topically too! Orally as well!!
So do these three gals, now!
How convenient to have 3 identical units to give to 3 close friends.
They can troubleshoot together and feel a unique extra aspect to their bond.😊
I saw one other patient that was referred to me by my Friend Sammy (I've written about him).
He lives at the same Assisted Living Facility as Sammy, only he is ambulatory, and lives in an independent living apartment.
He has a card already, and the vape that caught his eye right away was a Firefly.
I am still unpacking and it was in a box filled with pieces, cords and cables, and I did not ever see it.
Somehow he reached way down in there and pulled out THE CORRECT CORD also!
It was fate. It took a charge fast, and I didn't have to teach him anything except what ABV was and how to enhance
his MMJ experience with it.
All in all a really wonderful week halfway through.
I mentioned in the Elecropath thread that I had only a small kitchen spot as my only power & counter space here at home.

I have used the spot near sink for all desktop vaping and the spot opposite for all charging.
A family member from FC here among us has given me this AND a power strip to go with it.

I have vapes all around me but using this cart can set up the days vapes, with power cord and leave them until I need the space, and can unload back to their spots.
I do not have a vape room like in the older days, but now will have a Vape Cart!
Thanks for reading and letting me share my excitement of the week, and this great surprise!
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Space has always been tight, and I'm good with that.
I showed you my current vape surface, and The SSV is always on too, but the space is not
easily reached.

Barely room for my glasses!
The space is so tight that even the items behind me here have no place to be stored,
so I treat them as functional semi furniture that can be moved.

I love my space, and I would be reluctant to ever move.
I share the pictures so you see what I mean.
That explained....
I am as excited as heck. I thought a cart would be nice, but never imagined one that could be folded.
My mind reals with the possibilities.
I could move the SSV to my new Vape Cart, only placing it near the computer again when I must fold up (wait for it...) "The Vape Cart".
It's funny that I was so busy getting re-situated, and feeling cramped I never thought of looking for a sturdy but still fold-away cart.
I'll let you know how it goes!
P.S. the Vape Cart ordered has No Assembly Required!😁
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