Paying it Forward - A New Direction


A shout-out to @DRCousCous
Thanks for the awesome Micro NC dab straw, and the Sneaky Pete bubbler and Dab rig.
Thanks also for the Starry V3 Vaporizer.
The glass pieces that comprise the neat dab rig have already gone to a home.
I kept the bubbler as the patient already had a similar bubbler.. I can share it with another!
Visits have been regularly scheduled...
I've had my 3rd Vaccination (Pfizer Booster #3 last week)
I offer rides to get Covid Vaccinations to all patients that I serve.
I will continue to encourage vaccinations and offering rides to make it easy.
About half of my patients are immunocompromised and are eligible for the 3rd Pfizer shot.
Most got the Pfizer for the 1st two, because of the location that is easiest for me to bring them.
I now have a Fry's Pharmacy that is helping me get other patients in and done rapidly.
Thanks for reading... I wish all a well medicated and glorious day!


Hope you well Uncle @Vitolo been a while.
I have been... and I am sorry I'm behind on Loving your post and thanking you.
Things went well, and I've had a good supply of vaporizers new and used to work with.
"Paying it Forward" was accepted in a Church community, and so I concentrated my attention there for the last couple of months.
This started out as a room and 12 Congregation Member's that fit the criteria for the program.
It turned into a lengthier stay than I expected, and I was made to feel welcome.
The meetings got larger, as some of the Patients had low income friends with chronic medical issues.
These additional patients that were not of the congregation were also made to feel welcome, and I witnessed offerings of programs, food, services without any pressure applied ever for anyone to join the Church or to donate... all just generous offers to help.
All in all there wound up being 21 patients.
A half dozen were old smokers and were converting to vapor under medical encouragement.
Amazingly, most were first time patients... some that have had cards for many months.
A number had their cards for over a year!
These patients that were new to Marijuana certification were:
  • with little income
  • rare transportation opportunities
  • Little education... but biggest of all...
  • The Pandemic happened right after their certification!
Everyone in the world's been isolated, and the room at the Church has now been relinquished to
Fall activity use... as I have met the needs of all of that Church community.
I just now am starting to hear from the "Hidden" low income chronic and terminal patients that were certified just prior to Covid 19.
Some were given my information, but were fearful of going anywhere, so did not make contact until very recently.
I can relate! know I hid out in the beginning for a good long while.
When entering back into serving the community, it was done in very slow and cautious steps.
I still take great precautions.
I have had the 3rd Vaccination... the Pfizer Booster to accompany the Pfizer #1 & #2 I received.
There is one special forum member I need to thank again, as they made it all possible.
A member I have mentioned before that prefers anonymity.
"Yeah you"!
While I gathered my wits, and eventually found resources to keep me clean, distant, and safe... generous person provided me repeatedly with latex exam gloves, and N95 Masks, and when alcohol disappeared
from most places, he provided me with Iso, enough to get me through until... as I said earlier I gathered my wits and
was able to find some resources.
That's a couple of years worth of protection, which obviously worked, because I am here to tell the tale.
The protection, combined with my existing OCD nature made me less likely to be contaminated by exposure.
Thank you for the supplies.
Your vape donations are getting into homes.... each and every one of them!
If I have forgotten to mention anyone's help, or overlooked thanking one of you for sending vapes,
you've my apologies.
While I feel as young as ever, I admit that my memory might be less proficient than it was.
I have a great excuse... besides the coma and brain injury... I just turned 70 years old in September.
Besides all those that I just thanked.. I want to thank every one of you.
I'd like to thank all of you that cared to read about this adventure.
If you're here... then you're vaping.. and this is a good thing. Thanks for doing it and not combusting.
If you read through the post, then you also love people, and are fans of giving a hand up to someone down...
.. for this I love you!
Talk to you soon!
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Thank you for the detailed update Uncle Vito!
Yes it wasn't long ago when ISO was hard to find.
For the first year of Covid 19 I had one bottle of it
to reuse and reuse and reuse and it was fine.

I have found that memory and holding on to thoughts
have increased and gotten better over time
since I started adding lion's mane mushroom powder
into my morning oatmeal and it's almost tasteless.
It has many benefits.
Something you might want to check out
Old friend.


Thanks for the tip on the lion's mane, @jeffp. I suppose my memory could use some fine tuning and more clarity.
I've been preparing for a new year already!
It’s been so long since we’ve really caught up.
Things got suddenly calm around here, after a solid month of seeing a patient a day minimum.
Thanksgiving’s approach helped that.
I share pictures and meme’s to stay involved and to be entertained by everyone else’s forum entries.
I have not shared findings about vaporizers… but have been involved in a couple of projects involving new
tools, vapes and products. I will get to sharing what’s new soon.
Where I have been more irresponsible is my absence in this thread to tell of some of the
interactions I have had over the course of the Summer, and more recently.
Thanks to the strong support I have had from forum members, and those connected vapor related
products, I never slowed down, and never turned a patient away. I have not in over a year now had to place a patient on a list, because I did not have an appropriate vaporizer to share, except in cases of a desired specific Unit.
The thing is, I have not been sharing only basic tools.. I have been sharing reliable vapes with warranties in some cases… and in the re-homed vapes… there is mojo.
I have never gotten a non-functioning vape, and vapes are usually long lived tools.
When summer ended, the homeless gathering places patient population thinned out.
I had depleted my small torch based units. Lotuses gone, more sadder was the end of my stack of DynaVaps. They have sure built a rock solid following. I left one summer transient patient with the promise that when I found a DynaVap it would be his. I found a doozy.
A contest winner of a beautiful new DynaVap “Vong” donated his prize to the program.
Lovely wooden body, and in the clever new packaging that resembles a BIG DynaVap.
The patient has no phone, but had been calling me weekly. His calls slowed, but I knew I’d hear from him. He did call and was as happy as a kid. He was in his working days a landscaper, and is used to the sun and weather, but when he got Cancer he lost work, and then the hospital bills lost him transportation, relationship, and residence. It was ten years ago, but he did not get stronger, and conditions spiraled. He got a perfect vape. I gave him a half dozen lighters with it.
The same older classic Volcano that I have written about twice has come home.
It’s 3rd Owner has passed. It sits here all new with brand new EZ Valve, bags… filter on bottom, and
a brilliant shine. It will be placed again after the Holidays.
The Volcano is a vape I like to save for couples or for those that need to have the vapor collecting done totally for them. A caregiver can easily feed the vapor to his/her patient.
I take a detour in the post to thank @Alan . What an Engineer!
He has given me 2 Cardboard HIs and 2 Bamboo HIs. One of each in 3/8” and 7/16” Heater cover size. I’ve been experimenting to see which is more desirable, and why.
Besides the great opportunity to vape & test, Alan has donated all four for the local Patient population. More artillery. More direction and choices. More precise placement of the optimal tool for a patients preferences and needs.
I have said it before.
Helping a patient to feel well isn’t just about the meds effects, and the healthier administration using vapor. It is elevating their self image by allowing them the grace to use the same tools they see in advertisements… in the dispensaries and online.
It’s the “Ain’t my life grand” factor.
The woman that was on Dialysis that I would sit with outside her appointment and we Vaporized before she was called in. I liked her. I brought the laptop that was donated with me from @iDRINKBLEACH to our last session and we laughed it up as we looked at FC “memes” and vape posts.
It was one year ago that she quit Dialysis to go be with her family “down south”. I kind of forgot about her, but after Halloween I got a call from her family in Texas. They found my card among her possessions and advised me of her passing.
The sweet young lady with the first donated Tafée Bowle is going to be my first visit after this holiday week.
It has almost been a year for her… and she has no issue at all with her Bowle, but has requested a new “tin” of screens. Something so easy. During our visit I never saw her face up close. I saw her Medical Marijuana Card, which revealed her image. We talked on Zoom. Talking on Zoom with patients is rare for me, but I like it. Seeing their face helps me know them.
The mask.
The pandemic memories.
I can’t remember the faces…..
All of the masks…. smiles and heartbreak expressed only through eyes. Measuring comprehension from 6 feet away, through eyes covered in glasses…. and a mask.
In the past I could not Zoom with someone that has no computer or even a place to plug one in.
To my delight, in the recent past I am seeing very financially affected patients that have smart phones. Companies and programs are getting phones to more low-income individuals.
Moving forward, I feel ready for the new year.
I have desktops and portables ready for the new chapter. The pandemics not going anywhere too soon, so I will continue masking with strangers., and still encourage them to exercise caution.
I saw my first twins in September, just after my birthday.
Not identical twins, and very different in all ways but both were diagnosed with colon cancer and PTSD.
One wanted a desktop, and was given a Vapor Brothers Original Box vape and did not choose to look at portables.
The other wanted a only a portable, and got a well used but functional VaporGenie, and a new Iolite. He has chosen the Butane path.
They have started sharing an apartment for medical convenience, so I am sure there will be comparisons, and maybe even changed opinions.
I went through many POTV “One” units this Fall. When Patients like a vape it seems that it’s popularity grows through the Universal mind.
When one patient asks about a certain Vaporizer, it no longer surprises me when another asks about it a few weeks later.
In the middle of October I was at a Doctors Office, to show her the Tafée Bowle.
She asked how she could get a very special patient one of them. I asked how long it would take the patient to get there. The Doctor asked me to wait, saw two more patients, and closed for lunch. She wanted to drive me there, but Dusty was with me, so I followed. It was close.
The Tafée Bowle was already with me, along with Delta 3D filling tool, loading stand and a set of screens (Oh… and a test condom also).
From the time I walked into the Doctor’s Office I got updates on 3 patients, and 3 blocks away, I met a new patient that had a computer… was a Vaporization fan (but had never vaped) and she had already seen Tafée Bowle videos (she never saw the ones I made, so the 3 of us watched together).
What a fortuitous trip. It was like killing 3 birds with one stone!
It doesn’t have to be a vaporizer, or anything valuable at all.
I have learned this year to hold my tongue, and say nothing at all if it can’t be positive. The pandemic has created a new dynamic, and there are so many mixed beliefs. I believe very strongly in the schools of thought I subscribe to.
Here is what I have matured enough to accomplish:
Never before had patients that I met spoken about current affairs.
Covid, and the Political climate, has caused a desire in some to vent.
I avoid any controversial topic.
When I am with a patient, and they begin to speak of their personal realities and views on topics of the day, I turn on a smile. It does not leave. I show concern where appropriate, but as soon as my “Spidey senses” begin to tingle, I direct the conversation to remain within the bounds of immediate health and wellness discussion, and to positive and pleasant things that surround availability of cannabinoid products… and Vapor talk.
I’m not sneaky about it.
I deflect the cause to myself.
“I am sorry, but I have not kept up with that topic on news or media, so I can not discuss it intelligently.”
I want to thank all of you.
Those that have sent units, and those who have shown support.
Just knowing that the forum members care about Medical Patients in need is a blessing.
Many of you have sent me emails of support.
I do not take those lightly, and they are as vital to me as any tangible physical item.
It makes me want to get out there and change things for more patients.
Thanks for reading.
I wish each of you Golden Days, filled with thick, rich, medicating vapor…
.. and Joy!
Love Vito
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A Shout-Out Never Yet Given
I've a few friends that I have made over the years on forums and from the the Vaporizer Industry.
Most are long distance friends, but a couple have been to my home.
Linus from @vaporbrothers has been to my home to visit, and has helped many of my local low-income patients with units and wand/whip set-ups.
With the challenges that he has faced with changes to shipping and the industry itself, that is a generous and caring feat.
I have a real good friend in the forum world that has never wanted acknowledgement, preferring to help in the background.
@ChooChooCharlie has been to visit, check out my vape room and set-up for the patients, and we have kept up communication for years.
If you are following new vaporizers in their threads, you might be familiar with the CouchLog (look it up!).
I received a Padauk CouchLog as a gift from him. He has given his blessing for this rare beauty to be shared with the community, though thorough testing is in order, as this is kind of special. Since he posted in that thread that he was sending it on to me, this opened a dialogue in which it was mutually agreed upon that I could lay some credit where credit is due.
So many of you have helped with vaporizers, tools and more and I hope I have thanked you all appropriately.
@ChooChooCharlie has outfitted a very good number of my patients with brand new vaporizers.
I always ask if a donor will allow me to give thanks here or if they want anonymity/privacy.
This good friend has a great deal of humility, so I let the thanks slide.
He's the only person I email back and forth with randomly to shoot the breeze.
We understand one another.
Thanks, good friend for closing the gaps and helping so many low income terminally & Chronically Ill Patients
to be touched. You would not have me give public thanks because of your wonderful modest approach to life. The vaporizers, parts, and tools
were given freely from your heart. There is not more word I can say without getting emotional.
I took a break the day before Thanksgiving and began seeing patients here again last Friday.
Those days I took off were overwhelming in the amount of free time I had. I took care of so many tasks that I did not think about in a while.
Dusty has been the center of attention all week, and he loves it! I love him being that center of attention also.
I will post more as I start up again for December's pre- Christmas visits.
Thank all of you for reading.
This will be a difficult season emotionally for many.
I lost 3 patients to Covid this year... not Covid related illness.... just Covid.
Remember that others have had family and friends affected too.
If not by disease, then by lack of work and so many other complications.
Be kind!
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Members have asked me a few times if I had a wish list to post.
I now do have a simple wish to add my list.
I have 3 Volcanos out in the community.
2 are in Hospice settings and one is in a home with a senior couple.
All 3 Volcanos were on their last bag, and now two of the 3 patient's bags have sprung leaks.
I never thought I would run out, as I bought many boxes a few years back.
The best deal I have found is at Planet of the Vapes at $49 for a package of 6 bags.
If anyone would like to help, it would be very positive for these 3 patients.
This is where I found this deal:


Friends... The need for the Volcano Bag replacements for the Hospice patients has been met.
Thank you for helping ( I will wait for permission to give public thanks).
I felt so very embarrassed for forgetting these few Hospice/Volcano patients, but
the generosity of members has come to the rescue again.


Friends... The need for the Volcano Bag replacements for the Hospice patients has been met.
I am behind in my comments and thanks here.
Not only has Paying it Forward received the promise of Volcano Bags, but POTV "ONE" units have been sent also.
Now... this is a big one:
A long time FC Member has also made a donation to the patient fund.
This member requested no kudos or thanks, preferring an anonymous status... but this help should be recognized, nonetheless.
During Covid's escalation, patients are still being seen, and receiving help in the form of Vaporizers, and support/maintenance.
I am being more cautious than ever before, and am asking patients to be tested (and even vaccinated) in time for our appointments.
What is remarkable, is that out of all patients that I see, or have seen... not a single one has had any reservation about being vaccinated.
This makes my work feel safer.
God Bless you all.
A New Year is upon us, and the 2 years of pandemic has seen the Low-Income, Terminally/Chronically Ill population here served at a higher rate than expected.
It has been a successful time for these patients, thanks to the support received and the time put in!
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Update is due.
Omicron spreads... Work and life go on.
Due to the patients I see, my Doctor just put me on the fast track for a 4th vaccination.
He wrote an order for it, and sent it to pharmacy. They contacted me, and saw that my last booster was 5.5 months ago.. and that the Doctor is now recommending a Moderna Booster. I will be called on the first approval date.
Time for some pretty important shout-outs!
I did not allow the Volcano patients to run out of bags on purpose.
They have so little maintenance that I forgot about them.
It was luck of the draw that all bags went south at once.
All current supplies and tools arrived by the grace of the Universe, and the hands of:
@Grass Yes
My heartfelt thanks for your help on this.
It actually saved me the embarrassment of telling a number of Patients that I "let stuff run out"!
I have been provided a new tool for my personal use, and to use as an educational unit for patients.
The maker of the tool does not yet have an FC account, but he is well known.
New Heavy Hitter is here.
The donation of a "Qaroma-Taroma-Ceroma" came from Qaromashop.
You can read his thread at:
Thanks to all.
I'm heading out to face the weather, the virus, the confused and dazed public, the monsters....
and a few dear patients that will welcome me as though I were family.


A shout-out to @Southeastern
Thank you for the pair of 2 new Vaponic Vapes that arrived. Fact is, I am on my way to deliver one now, to a family that
lives in a VW Van. This will be ideal for them. I am bringing a package of lighters with me.
It has been a hectic month already, and it only just began.
Talk to you all soon.
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The me that you did not know about.
When I say, that I want patients in my position to feel as well as I do, I am very serious.
I provide 3 services for my community. You know about one of the services.
  1. I give Vaporizers to Patients and teach them about other alternatives to combustion.
  2. I buy them Hickory Canes, and I teach them to use these canes for Mobility and self Defense.
  3. I also Acquire Dogs for my patients, and then I help them feel safe, by training them with their dogs for protection.
These are the 3 hats that I have been wearing since my Coma.
I charge nothing for any of these services.
Seeing a patient comfortable, confident, mobile, and fearless lets me sleep at night.
I never shared it all before, because this venue is about Medical marijuana and Vaporization.
I have known you all long enough to reveal my other duties.
Low Income Terminally/Chronically Ill Patients are my concern, because that is my life, the
life I have learned to be happy with!
MMJ- My day work:

Dogs- My weekend work

Canes/Self Defense- M-W-F Mornings with Patients (at home and at Senior Center)

if you touch each card it will open for you.
Now you know the whole Vito.
If you are friends with any chronically/terminally Ill Low-income patients that live in Tucson...
and you feel that they could benefit from these services, please refer them to me so that they can benefit!
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Grass Yes

Staff member
This is so fantastic. In the last few years I have become more involved in Mutual Aid groups and you are the living embodiment of mutual aid in your community. It's so powerful to be able to directly help people. Thank you for sharing this. It inspires me to figure out how to support people in my local community.


Well-Known Member
The me that you did not know about.
When I say, that I want patients in my position to feel as well as I do, I am very serious.
I provide 3 services for my community. You know about one of the services.
  1. I give Vaporizers to Patients and teach them about other alternatives to combustion.
  2. I buy them Hickory Canes, and I teach them to use these canes for Mobility and self Defense.
  3. I also Acquire Dogs for my patients, and then I help them feel safe, by training them with their dogs for protection.
These are the 3 hats that I have been wearing since my Coma.
I charge nothing for any of these services.
Seeing a patient comfortable, confident, mobile, and fearless lets me sleep at night.
I never shared it all before, because this venue is about Medical marijuana and Vaporization.
I have known you all long enough to reveal my other duties.
Low Income Terminally/Chronically Ill Patients are my concern, because that is my life, the
life I have learned to be happy with!
MMJ- My day work:

Dogs- My weekend work

Canes/Self Defense- M-W-F Mornings with Patients (at home and at Senior Center)

if you touch each card it will open for you.
Now you know the whole Vito.
If you are friends with any chronically/terminally Ill Low-income patients that live in Tucson...
and you feel that they could benefit from these services, please refer them to me so that they can benefit!

Yes, you do great work, and you are part of the institutional memory of this place. Plus I've already learned a ton from your comments and videos like how to use my Cherry Purple Days Lost Dog Alpha as a massager! 🤓I'm chronically almost bed-bound in bad back pain (spondylolisthesis) luckily still teaching from home, but I don't know how long that will last. I feel like buying everything because of VAS, but also because who knows how long I'll have this income. I love to see you happily puffing away on your log vapes etc. Vapes are one of my main pleasures now...for medicating but also for F U N. Thanks for what you do.


I am back and have a start ahead of me.
The me that you did not know about.
When I say, that I want patients in my position to feel as well as I do, I am very serious.
I provide 3 services for my community. You know about one of the services.
  1. I give Vaporizers to Patients and teach them about other alternatives to combustion.
  2. I buy them Hickory Canes, and I teach them to use these canes for Mobility and self Defense.
  3. I also Acquire Dogs for my patients, and then I help them feel safe, by training them with their dogs for protection.
These are the 3 hats that I have been wearing since my Coma.
I charge nothing for any of these services.
Seeing a patient comfortable, confident, mobile, and fearless lets me sleep at night.
I never shared it all before, because this venue is about Medical marijuana and Vaporization.
I have known you all long enough to reveal my other duties.
Low Income Terminally/Chronically Ill Patients are my concern, because that is my life, the
life I have learned to be happy with!
MMJ- My day work:

Dogs- My weekend work

Canes/Self Defense- M-W-F Mornings with Patients (at home and at Senior Center)

if you touch each card it will open for you.
Now you know the whole Vito.
If you are friends with any chronically/terminally Ill Low-income patients that live in Tucson...
and you feel that they could benefit from these services, please refer them to me so that they can benefit!
I'm ready too... roll up my sleeves ready.
Here's where I have been hiding:


@warren0728 I received your package.
I now have 2 grinders and some really nice portables that are absolutely clean!
You have maintained your tools perfectly!
I have collected 8 units that have issues, and I will start right in using the portables you have sent as "loaners", as I decipher issues.
I will do this as soon as I grab batteries/chargers.
I am excited to have a plan of action!


Well-Known Member
@warren0728 I received your package.
I now have 2 grinders and some really nice portables that are absolutely clean!
You have maintained your tools perfectly!
I have collected 8 units that have issues, and I will start right in using the portables you have sent as "loaners", as I decipher issues.
I will do this as soon as I grab batteries/chargers.
I am excited to have a plan of action!
the batteries should be there monday ... enough for each vape to have to have one and a backup!


I was so far unable to secure a van to drive with to collect my tools... in another nearby city.
Regardless, tomorrow I get to go and hand pick whatever I can fit into my car from my collection of units and tools.
I'd like to thank @warren0728 not only for the donation of the half dozen 18650 type portables, but for changing my mind about using a new grinder. I have owned more grinder makes than I can count, and tested each once to decide on correct match for local patients. I never sat down and used any other grinder.
While tomorrow I will have my grinders, I did have my eyes open to "other" grinder technology that has passed me by.
Start slow is my plan, and remaining in compliance is paramount.
My schedule with patients begins on June 1st.
I need time to get to know what tools are where. Gheez it's been over 2 years since I have used these things.
I have seen a few new patients, to visit and learn about their needs.
A few older regular patients have responded, so I'm setting up "upkeep" of glass and tubing.
I guess I better start looking for 91% Iso!
Thanks for reading!
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Hi friends.
Yesterday I went to Vail to look at my vapes.
The overwhelming decisions about what was most important at this moment were finally made. Monday I will be leaving Rocket Man home and returning to Vail. My friend in Vail will drive the big boxes in her vehicle, while I use my back seat and trunk.
I decided what to bring home for this weekend:
**Enough tools and glass to work on a patient's problematic SSV.
It was the unit I was on my way to pick up when they arrested me in early 2022.
I picked it up yesterday, over 2 years late!
The owner was loaned a portable, an Airvape Legacy, which he may very well get to keep when this is done.
My vision being less sharp and fingers a bit less nimble have been making this particular SSV tricky.
I already broke one standard HC
1st one to break at my own hands in a dozen years. Luckily I still had 2 in stock.

For my personal use for this week to hold me over until I get all the rest;
  1. Volcano
  2. SSV
  3. Aluminum Classic VaporGenie w/Walnut bowl
  4. Iolite
  5. WISPR E (yup an electric WISPR)
  6. Fury2
  7. Aura
All of the above are loaded for action... and I clean the one prior while I use the one designated as "next".
I love doing a Volcano bag of some nice bud. It's the Vaporist's version of being at the fair and eating cotton candy.
My first back to back Volcano bags at 369º had me pretty darned happy to be alive.:ko:
Thanks for reading.


Paying it Forward
The road has been bumpy at times.
That’s what happens when you care about something greatly.
I truly love what I have been doing with patients since 2010. The routine was so positive, but today is a different day.
Now that I have all of my Vaporizers back at home, and have reached out to many patients, it became clear that I need to start from scratch, and face the truth that things have changed.
Covid put a dent in proximity, and made paying it forward challenging. That was 2-3 years… and then my going to prison and being on Parole took another 2-3 years.
While I have already taken care of all maintenance issues for those patients remaining in contact with me, it took many years to build that patient base. Wasn’t this supposed to be automatic… the world snapping back to 6 years ago in it’s entirety?
I do have a few speaking engagements and demos coming up. I look forward to that.
I sure have more personal vapes than I remembered.
When the Feds said everything had to be gone in 12 hours, that did not give me time to take inventory of all of my personal vapes that inched their way to the back of a shelf, top of the closet, or bottom of drawer.
How I will proceed.
I am going to spread my collection of totally functional but no longer in daily rotation vapes to the patients that I meet.
I have a couple of brand new units from before my absence.
My vapes that are too complex to use for a new disabled patient, I will offer in classified ads here on the forum at very low cost.
Those couple of vapes that are brand new, but that I have duplicates of, I will offer in the classified ads here also at a very encouraging cost.
I will use the funds obtained for parts and consumable goods as well as to help myself through
Immediate Automobile costs (emissions, registration, and Insurance).
I believe this will be efficient in the process of providing Vaporizers to lower income patients for the long term, as well as the immediate need to keep me on the road to provide these services.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna buy this mini glass umbrella, but read Vito's post above, so sent him the amount instead


Cash is better than an umbrella for those rainy days of sudden car expenses. I'm hoping there are others out there who can also contribute
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