I have been holding off on posting in this thread, until I've read every single post (I'm around page 120...) But, after reading this post, and having my first not so great session with the Pax, I had to post.
First, I'll say that I ordered my Pax (AJ12135) in Onyx last Friday, from the Ploom website, and received it on Tuesday of this week. From first sight, it was love

I knew my Cloud had found it's portable soul mate! After having read the first ~120 pages of this thread, and skimmed beyond to the current posts (still reading every post from pg 120 on, just taking a while.) I was able to fire up the Pax after a good charge, and get some great results! I packed it up with ~0.4g of some Chocolope, and had a very nice tasty session with a friend. I was beyond medicated after this session, and even after reading this thread, I was still surprised at the punch this thing delivers!
I've had several sessions since then, all giving the same awesome results! I've packed as little as ~.15, just packing it down tight into the bottom of the oven, and got similar results to that of a full oven...I really love how in the morning when I wake up, I can turn it on and have tasty low temp vape by the time my eyes are opened! Also, it's such a relief to be able to leave the Cloud and glass at home, when I go away for the night, or a couple days.
Fast forward to last night after work. I had vaped maybe 6 oven loads since getting the vape, including one on my break about 2 hours prior. I decided to clean the mouthpiece out, as it had a visible resiny film when you looked down in the mouthpiece, and I saw a little piece of fuzz stuck in it

I had already cleaned the mouthpiece once the day before, without any issues...I used ISO, and a pipe cleaner (both included) and went at the mouth piece. I got it nice and clean, rinsed it and let it dry, inhaling through it to speed up the process. Once it was totally dry, I packed the oven with .4 of M.O.B, and left for my boyfriends place. It's a 5 minute drive, and the pax was in my hand the whole time.
When I got there and got inside, I went to turn on the Pax and the mouthpiece was soooo sticky/stuck feeling. Before and after cleaning it, I pushed it in, and it was perfectly easy to remove/insert/turn on and off. But now, it was sticky and was rising so slow, that if you didn't pay attention, you couldn't see it coming up. I pulled it out, and the mouthpiece's metal tube was dry/not sticky, and the little ring that moves freely moved as free as ever.
I inserted the mouth piece, and it was really tough to get in, but it moved slowly (felt like what I would assume it would if gunked up, yet it never felt like this before I cleaned it, etc) It was tricky to get it to click in to close, but I got it easy enough. Once in, and off, I tried to turn it on. The mouth piece again was so stiff, that it rose very slowly. The LED indicator came on and went purple as usual, but once the mouth piece was almost fully extended, the LED went red, displaying temp, as if the MP wasn't installed. So, I went to push the MP back in, and saw the light go purple. I figured, maybe if I hold it here until it's warm, the MP will loosen up, and I can get it to recognize that it's installed.
Sure enough, the LED turned green after about a minute, while I kept it partially depressed. As I let the MP come up the rest of the way on it's own, it was much smoother, but the LED went back to red. So, I closed the MP, (very smooth/quick like before it started sticking) and opened it again, and it went purple to green, as it should. So, if I keep it warm; no issues...but now whenever it cools down, after sessions, the MP is stiff, and slow to come out, and won't heat up unless partially depressed...pretty much as described in Jonah Hex's post. When I read that post a few minutes ago, I chuckled, and was proud that I figured it out before I read it
So, after I post this, I'm going to give the Pax a full clean, and see if the MP re-inserts normally, with it's gun-slide smoothness/quickness...
A couple things to mention; I always take several puffs after turning off the Pax, to cool down the oven and remove excess vapor, and I only charge with the unit right side up (charger on top) when the unit is warmer than room temp. I believe these two things should help reduce the buildup in the MP and the tube that the MP goes into. I am just curious as to why my issue "popped up," as opposed to it starting to get stickier and stickier each time I turned it on before a sesh...kind of weird how the action stayed the same up until just after I cleaned the mouthpiece the second time.
So, I'll go ahead with the full clean, and be super careful of the temp button! I'm still loving this thing, it's really an amazing portable! I can see how it's not going to be the right vape for everyone, but what vape would be? For me, this thing fills a big niche, and is going to be around for a long time to come! Expect an actual review here at some point, and more posts in this thread from me....Sorry for the long one!