Well-Known Member
Just a quick update: Steven replied again after I asked when he is shipping and said they are all being packed and should go out in 2 days.
Inline idea is clever, but I'd be worried more than half of it wouldn't even fire.
Inline definitely fits the form factor better, but I'd prefer a simple shower head that I know is gonna work even if it looks a little silly. (Not surprisingly) It kinda seems like there's not a lot of demand for such a piece though![]()
I sent him a separate message about doing a function test, and he has replied saying don't worry it.
@blankrider I'm all about the honeybuckets, but not sure of the purpose of a drop down honeybucket. It looks cool, but I was under the impression that drop downs were mostly designed for use with enails. And you can't put an enail on a honeybucket... Is there another use for drop downs?
Tanks aside, though, there's still interest here in some sorta multi-hose desktop bub, right??
While your new design looks a lot better to me, I don't get why we are trying to move away from the original 242 design.Updated suggestion for the 242 and how to alter uptake tubes to accommodate suggested MP change.
The old path has been scribbled over in pencil, ignore that.
New path is drawn in green/blue.
The idea would be the green/blue path would swoop UNDER the other path, then do a last second U turn as it comes up in height to meet the vortex chamber, thus we get the right direction.
These pics got me thinking of a different take on the idea, for those with trouble pulling etc. I have seen many posts with people unable to pull very hard or such and see a gap in the market for an autopulling bong. What about instead of the main chamber on the left we still leave the glass joint, but leave it for a vape/oil/flower attachment like a 14mm female, have it go into a stemline as pictured, and on the alternate side have a 45 degree addon style perc attachment with a carb at the bottom opposite the joint- this way you could fill your water somewhat in your piece with the cap plugged manually (and fill the water accordingly to your desired hit size, attach this water-bong ish attachment that will pour into the rig, and subsequently pull air from the bowl/chamber area while you have a plug in the hose side. This is a huge stretch but Honestly either this or a semi functional auto-pulling bong whether you need to attach a little fan or otherwise I think would have a huge impact on the medicinal community where the only autopulling bong is the hamm recycler that they can dream about on youtube. This may also be very do-able using a second recycling chamber that we could pour then flood into a different pool for the kind of auto pull. Making some big leaps for the imagination here, but I still think a lot of medicinal users like I said before would really dig this style piece that they can have water diffused without having any bong-like pull. Any ideas here would be awesome, I'm just doing this for the many threads I've seen saying "I have trouble with pulling from bongs because they're too stressful" or "I started vaping for my health, and don't have the lungpower to pull a regular bong, what rig would you recommend" etc.Okay, I'm getting really excited about this idea. I've got an image of an amazing looking bubbler in my head that I would love to see become a reality. I personally don't have any real interest in using it as a hookah, (@cybrguy) although I have many friends who would jump on the idea. What I'm stoked about is something big and wide with a low center of gravity, that would theoretically be stable enough to park next to me on my couch and vape through without having to lift anything to my mouth. I'd primarily use it as a one person bubbler myself, (@snackmaster and @hd_rider) but I could see the two hose option, if it works well enough, becoming a regular thing with my girlfriend. I also love the idea of having a horizontal glass cylinder amongst my collection of vertical cylinders, while fulfilling my need for a whip mouthpiece-style bub. Also the option of group dabs, as @Monsoon said, would be the shit.
Given the nature of the design it would also be super easy to transport (nothing breakable sticking off, essentially just a glass cylinder) and, with multiple connection points for hoses (even just two would do the trick), you'd have a lot of versatility regarding configuration. You could have one hose or two, and the option of using a hookah-style check valve if you want depending on your setup, choice of length of hose, and choice of mouthpieces on the end.
It would be great with an inline perc. Essentially the whole thing would be just a large inline chamber with legs with a perc running along the bottom and attachments on the top. I have zero photoshop skills, but I drew up a picture on my computer to try to illustrate what's in my head, and realized 20 minutes in to it I would have been better off drawing it on paper and taking a picture.Whatever, though, it's done, so here it is. Perhaps one of you with magical image-manipulation powers could take a whack at it at some point if the idea takes off....
I'm essentially thinking something that looks roughly like this but smaller:
I imagine it about 10 to 12 inches across, with the needed open chamber underneath the inlet joint and a long inline perc running along the bottom of the tank. Like so:
So .... Do you guys think this would be as awesome as I do?
Edit: it seems most of my video links broke in the quoting process, so for the full post go to the other threadHonestly from personal experience and that of others I'd avoid the fritted disk for our concept pieces. I've repeated myself a lot on hating fritted discs but to be honest nearly every collector I know sees them for the gimmick they are. There are already plenty of fritted/honeycomb style options mass produced and to be honest a fritted disk performs terribly compared to other glass options. The making of the frit even can have an effect and I've seen some DGs with broken frits from overuse and they just break on cleaning. The frit specifically is just not a very viable design. If we are looking for innovative production glass designs, we are still missing some really cool designs I think a lot of people would dig.
Micah evans flat recycler (this one looks surprisingly easy to produce for a micah evans and I guess that's why it's his new prodo, can explain design in detail function if interested but should look straightforward enough from the 2 vids)here's a better vid of it's function as that first one was short- although this one is worked, I find that I prefer the larger style with the 90 degree joint as in this vid
The other diffy pump, the classic. This looks like it still works great for those looking for a good cycling rig with low diffusion, here's another vid of it in action
The bubbler/bongs that I'd really see get more production are those with the 34mm joints for a build a bong. For example having a bubbler with a removeable 34mm-18mm female downstem similar to the illadelph ones, then being able to throw it on a stemline or straight stemless style
34mm female bong (that could also be detachable, as a base unit swap that you can then add your desired percs/ice/mouthpiece) I see as a huge advantage, on top of the extra ease of cleaning. Many friends I know are big fans of build a bongs but they are so pricey and not available on markets like dhgate, but for the people I know that do have them have them as a house piece (and there is definitely a market in that it has its advantages if one person breaks it, they can simply replace the piece they broke, or upgrade in my buddies case hah). For more ideas there is always the hoss website- and various other brands.![]()
Finally to my knowledge there is not a handless torch tube vape out there- as mentioned by @blankrider on page 6, and most if not all people I know own a torch that would fit such a style rig, and I figure it could be extremely moderately priced for what it is, hopefully below 25$. I'm not quite sure what happened with that discussion in particular, whether it got drowned out by other posts or lack of interest, but pieces like that are a great option for those needing a 10mm domeless flavor rig on the go.}
Edit: oh and how could I forget, a variation on the elks that run shrink perc reycler style would be an awesome piece too and I bet sell quickly like this using this style of perc
Umm, no?to be honest a fritted disk performs terribly compared to other glass options.
Maybe you got lucky and got a good frit, possibly from your use of prefilters, or frequent cleaning, but I've seen a lot of complaints about the fritted disc and how quickly it clogs. Not saying it's a bad rig if that is the pull you want, but after pulling a ton of pieces alongside a goldstein at a dab bar and water testing I just personally dislike the frit and hit. It just feels sloshy and not satisfying ime in comparison to glass welded perc tubes, seems to really rob flavor and just not really provide the satisfying hit to end it. Everyone has their own opinions though, and personally as far as glass designs go I wouldn't go beyond the DG original style, but still using chinese percs scares me. There are plenty of great designs (the micah evans flatcycler, the original diffy pump classic, etc) out there that haven't been done yet by china and can be done quite well with relative ease. Sorry to rag on your daily driver, just my opinion of the piece.ive been using a dave goldstien for a few years. i've seen no change to the fritted disc perc and i really enjoy to the tube as a daily driver, i use it a few times a day. i use the prefilters and a drop of cranberry extract, no problems here.
Saying you don't like it doesn't mean it performs terribly...Maybe you got lucky and got a good frit, possibly from your use of prefilters, or frequent cleaning, but I've seen a lot of complaints about the fritted disc and how quickly it clogs. Not saying it's a bad rig if that is the pull you want, but after pulling a ton of pieces alongside a goldstein at a dab bar and water testing I just personally dislike the frit and hit. It just feels sloshy and not satisfying ime in comparison to glass welded perc tubes, seems to really rob flavor and just not really provide the satisfying hit to end it. Everyone has their own opinions though, and personally as far as glass designs go I wouldn't go beyond the DG original style, but still using chinese percs scares me. There are plenty of great designs (the micah evans flatcycler, the original diffy pump classic, etc) out there that haven't been done yet by china and can be done quite well with relative ease. Sorry to rag on your daily driver, just my opinion of the piece.
Edit: More frit love, I see that people can enjoy them, just that there are better options and designs out there, and as you can see a lot of people trying to offload them on sites like nuggetry
Edit2: And to why it performs terribly: why would you choose it over another option? for a large can vape you can get a downgrid inline or a waffle, stereo matrix, etc, for performance and diffusion. And for dabbing you gain so much more gunk on the frit that it actually needs to be cleaned regularly to function, and there are plenty of better flavor saving options for dabs. And I'm not a fan of honeycombs specifically either, I'd rather see 5 hole or 3 hole percs in that place.
To stretch my point and try to stay on topic, that I think and the posts above enstate why people like the DG, because they own a real DG that was probably made in the years they were actually being made with care and not mass prodo'd. And it does come down to personal preference on the pull and hell a frit can be your favorite piece, yet I can see issues in the design itself which is why I posted what I did above. not sure how we got on the topic of illadelphs and there wasn't quite any mention of what style piece you were using which changes things drastically.Saying you don't like it doesn't mean it performs terribly...
That's my point.
Honestly I wouldn't consider any stemline/inline to be anywhere near a fritter for the amount of diffusion it provides...
I traded my Sovereignty king Stemline for my first DG mini can Prototype rig - and I couldn't be happier...
I guess we're getting a bit off topic here, but what I'm trying to get across is just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not functional, which was the vibe I got from your anti-frit post...
Another Example - The D022. Heaps of members seem to love it.
I think that 2nd chamber with the slitted perc looks stupid, and either that chamber should be enlarged and have a decent perc added, or that 2nd chamber should be dropped completely.
I'm not going to say that it functions terribly though - clearly it doesn't as there are many people very happy with it's function - it's just not for me...
I'm one of those guys. I think it looks silly too, and I usually refer to the second chamber as it's tumor. But it isn't the FUNCTION of that perc that draws my appreciation. Instead it is how the chamber pulls the MP away from the main body and allows a much better look at the main chamber for adjusting my Lotus hits. That and how unrestricted the airflow is makes the D022 a great piece for me with the Lotus, and it's looks are secondary in this case.Another Example - The D022. Heaps of members seem to love it.
I think that 2nd chamber with the slitted perc looks stupid, and either that chamber should be enlarged and have a decent perc added, or that 2nd chamber should be dropped completely.
I'm not going to say that it functions terribly though - clearly it doesn't as there are many people very happy with it's function - it's just not for me...
Another Example - The D022. Heaps of members seem to love it.
I think that 2nd chamber with the slitted perc looks stupid
On the subject of drop downs... They have many intended uses. I own a couple and they have changed my life. I would consider their best feature is how much space they give you. I don't think anyone wants to have their face inches from a hot nail yet they keep making rigs smaller and smaller.
They are awesome for E-nails but can be used with anything from dome and nail to bangers to honey buckets. It is nice not to have the flame of your torch so close to your rig when you are heating things up. Drop downs can also help with heat transfer if that is an issue for you.
The last cool feature is how much claim they collect. Instead of oil just running down into your rig and gumming up the works a large majority of it collects in the drop down leaving your rig fairly free of oil boogers. I like to let it just collect in the drop down and then when I have a lot it is easy to reclaim. I can even just stick a dabber down in it and scoop out a glob if I want.
Here is my gb-242 which I use daily and rarely clean. As you can see the drop down has probably 90% of the claim and there is just a small amount in the uptake tubes of the 242
Here is a link for that specific drop down. It is very nicely made and perfectly straight. For all I know it could be from china though. For sure worth the price either way
Modnote: Picture rotated
I would recommend the fc710 to both your points. You will still have to support your enano to some degree, but it does contain a lot of water for support. And as for dabbing goes, the diffy pump seems to be great and I'm hyped to receive mine. (and I rarely purchase china glass until these recent designs)Anyone have an idea of whether a drop-down would properly support an enano? Imagine its attached to a pretty large recycler for balance. I guess I could just hold it up. Im strictly concentrates these days and am too lazy to clean the big piece for claim. On that note what about for pairing with the FC-710? Maybe not as necessary for that piece? Thanks!
Here is a link for that specific drop down. It is very nicely made and perfectly straight. For all I know it could be from china though. For sure worth the price either way
Modnote: Picture rotated
EDIT: while we are on th subject of dropdown combo items, am I the only one who would be intrested in a drop down reclaim catcher? Something like this:
As for the mouthpieces, I personally like 2, 8 and 7 the most, in that order. The girlfriend likes 2 and 7 most... I dunno if that counts as an additional vote. I like the idea of multiple mouthpiece options, though, and perhaps an option or two for different whip lengths.
Got any links? I'm intrigued.
Count me in for a hookah