Errlmod came in today but I feel like my g9 had better flavor. My TC is'nt working as well with this errlmod either. Quartz nail actually tasted worst than the ceramic on the errlmod as well. It always tastes kind of burnt..
How are you guys cleaning these bubblers? The one with the ErllMOD has a spashcap that pretty much prevents water from ever leaving. I can run water through it to rinse out the used water, but there is always some up in the bubbler all the time. Can kinda shake it out a bit, but otherwise I can't figure out this puzzle. It gets dirty rather quick.
Started using the ceramic today. I agree the ErrlMOD ceramic tastes iffy. Not bad, but I think the Ti tastes better. I will have to do more testing. I think the ceramic is more efficient too, so I was bummed when the taste was subpar.
I'm actually considering getting an enail still though. I like this lil' bugger, but I don't think it's going to be able to keep up with me.
I also get a bit of paranoia holding this device with glass attached so close to my face. I practice good battery care, but still I just worry one day I'll have a bad experience with my unit. I'm probably worrying too much, but it does cross my mind.
Still very happy with the unit though. No plans on giving up on it. I just don't think it can be my main device.
It does work in Temp Control mode with my VTC Mini. I was using it between 45 and 55 watts in Ni TC mode and a little less in VW
I received my Greenlight version of the 510 henail. It has the ceramic top and screw in ceramic nails. It came in a nice pelican style case and it holds an extra battery plus your mod and a few other atomizers in the case as well. It does work in Temp Control mode with my VTC Mini. I was using it between 45 and 55 watts in Ni TC mode and a little less in VW. One big plus is that the glass from these also fits the Divine tribe 2.7 mouthpiece with a piece of tubing like a glove so I don't have to carry my PWTA too!
I first posted this review of the PTFE top 3 click type unit with Ti and this is MUCH better. The box mod gives you so much more power and control and the ceramic top, although more fragile, is a huge improvement over the PTFE that was melting under extreme conditions.
On the down side I was sent 2 Atomizer units and 1 was DOA? They do have a warranty service department in Ca. so we will get to test that out at least. I have several G9 products and this is my first faulty unit so I feel confident they will replace it
So in conclusion this is definitely bringing the Henail back into the rotation where the DT atty took over! They can now share the spotlight...and the battery and case![]()
what are you using to fit that on your DT?
i'm thinking i want something like this in my line up. I should be able to power the henail with my tc100w, as soon as i replace the 2x 18650 i needed elsewhere.
is this what I should buy?
how much are they on single orders? i've never done any alibabba buyingYes, But I would get it from the source and cut out the middle man.
how much are they on single orders? i've never done any alibabba buying
I have this one but the Dr. Dabber branded one and it is the best out of the g9 and errlmod. Haven't tried the source nail yet, but I will try that if the boost mod breaks.
I have been using 55w 560tc and it has been pretty nice for me. I do about two heat ups, so about 20 seconds. And thank you for the warning about the source, the bigger dish was interesting but that's the only reason.I have the source, don't waste your time, doesn't hang with the G9, ErrlMOD, or this new one from Edabs.
The KT 510 just came in today. Most similar to the greenlight 510nail, but it didnt break within the first 5 uses, so its already got the g9 one beat.
The quartz on mine tastes worse than my Errlmod. I know others have thought the errlmod quartz tasted off, so who the hell knows... I noticed that the instructions on this one suggested using much lower wattage than the others came with. I didnt really follow the instructions, but did lower my wattage to 50w (noramlly run 60+ with my errlmod). This thing seemed to heat up plenty and delivered right on par with the ErrlMod. So far seems like a winner. Whats next?![]()
You definitely have to hold the fire button down until it's hot enough. I prefer it because it heats up a lot quicker. I can cut my dab and take it and be done in 30 seconds roughly.My question about the box mod version vs the the one that comes with its own battery like the boost or bolt is on the box mod say you have one button to fire it up do you have to hold the button down for a certain amount of time until it's ready to dab with? Vs the,battery version where u can cycle it on and light will change when it's ready to dab or u can cycle again for hotter temp..I'm clueless about the box mod seems better maybe so what's the opinion or way to best use it?
$29.90, G9 reps speak decent english and are really helpful too.
they got back to me. $49 each.
3 with shipping = $195
should i counter offer or just wait? i'm not in a rush for it
If that's with EMS shipping that's probably about right. I haven't tried the edabs one but I find it hard to believe that one is better than the other. I would be wiling to bet that they are all close to the same device, but I know that G9's came out long before any of the others which leads me to believe it is the original. As far as longevity is concerned I have only used my G9 one maybe 30 times so far but it's holding up well to red hot heat ups for cleaning so far. I have my first email on this product from them almost a year ago when they were still using PTFE for the tops. They all look like the exact same very simple ceramic heater with screw on nail on a ceramic top now. Most of the real electronics you provide yourself with the box mod. $50 shipped sounds fair for the G9 or Errl mod. Mine came with 2 atomizers and 3 nails, not sure if that's standard or not? and the little pelican style case is pretty nice! Much better than the crappy aluminum box most give you. Maybe the Errlmod is a little better for the extra $20, I have no idea? They look exactly the same to me minus the carb cap.
Try sending them this link and see if they can beat that price and give you one for $40 shipped perhaps? You can always ask for a slow boat shipping quote to see if they can do tha for less.