Just order it, they send to US
Ah I looked around the site I must be blind didn't see a place where they said they did my apologies.
Just order it, they send to US
Ah I looked around the site I must be blind didn't see a place where they said they did my apologies.
I wish I could take credit, but it was a Reddit vaporist name of /u/tamag21 that made this discovery, sacrificed his unit, and shared it with the world. My only goal is share this knowledge so that people interested in using this unit are aware of what it actually is, and what its dangers are. Health hazards from inhaling vapors released from melting PTFE and heated solder are serious and real, and I promise that I did not share this information in some weird desire to profit from it.I find it interesting that the W9 people appear to be the one's driving the safety concerns and "spreading the good word" --- One would think that these portable enails have been hurting their herc business.
That said, I do appreciate that w9 is there to keep everyone on their toes and push for a health conscious vaping community.
I got this reply from @VapeFiend.com after asking about this issue, asked for permission before having this posted:
"I’m sorry to hear about your concerns, however I will be happy to put your fears at rest. Dabbie is safe to use, however there are some understandable concerns around heating teflon and its relatives to high temperatures. Mostly these fears originate in the catering industry, where teflon-coated pans are often heated to very high temperatures for long periods of time. Dabbie is different, for several reasons:
1. The nail and heat rod are not teflon coated. The upper section of Dabbie is made from a relative of teflon that is specially engineered for its high temperature resistance. Although this material is in proximity to the nail and heat rod, it never reaches the temperatures that the nail and heat rod reach. We have proved this in a range of tests.
2. Teflon does not begin to give off fumes unless it is heated to high temperatures (around 340 celcius) for 10 minutes or more. The material in Dabbie is never at high temperatures, as even the heat rod and nail are only heated to 304 c, and never for more than 30 seconds before they begin to cool down. Even a minute between heat-ups allows Dabbie to cool fully, but we recommend a five minute gap between heat-ups.
3. Nonetheless, in the interests of absolute safety, which is always our top priority at Vapefiend, we do not recommend heating the unit beyond the first heating. Customer feedback tells us that the majority of customers do not heat Dabbie beyond the first heat-up anyway.
4. We are also working on a “Dabbie Pro” model, which will replace the Teflon material with ceramic, and will also include a ceramic nail. These are due to go into production in the next two weeks."
I'm no expert but seems like a good answer to me.
mod note: Your posts on another manufacturer's product are in violation of the rules you agreed to when you were approved as a commercial poster. Negative posts on a competitor's products are never OK, regardless of the situation.
It'll never be the right thing to do on this forum, and it's common sense, assuming you've read the rules, which he obviously didn't (member or manuf. rules), that the thing to do is contact any staff member (or all of us for that matter) about the issue. The member rules clearly spell out that materials safety discussion is not to be done in a vape thread, but in General Vaporization. If we weren't about safety and health foremost, we wouldn't be doing the FC forum thing in the first place, so we're certainly not going to bury a safety issue for any manufacturer, as long time members will attest. Other posters in the thread could also have been contacted via PM in order to pass on any concerns or warnings without breaking the rules.Again though, sometimes breaking rules is the right thing to do,
The member rules clearly spell out that materials safety discussion is not to be done in a vape thread, but in General Vaporization. s.
It's not that you can't mention a safety issue in a vape thread at all. You just can't discuss it/argue it in the vape thread, since in some cases there are insufficient facts to end the 'discussion', and it ends up in an endless argument that can't be resolved. The thread can be hijacked by the discussion and the product's rep can be damaged, sometimes unfairly. If you read the rules, the material safety topic is made clear, and if there are questions, staff can be contacted via conversation just like any other forum member. We can also be notified of issues by reporting a post. We don't penalize members for reporting an issue that needs to be addressed just because the post isn't a rules violation. While we'll never be able to classify every product out there as safe or unsafe, we have no problem warning people about products that may be hazardous to use. The other thing to keep in mind is that any product in the 'upcoming and unreleased' section may never get a vape thread here for a number of reasons. We may well end up adding some kind of warning to these sections to make it clear that the products should be approached with caution. If you're going to jump on every new cheap product that comes along in this market, you're asking for trouble. While we don't tolerate people condemning everything made in China as garbage or dangerous (because it's just not true), it's well documented that some companies in China and other countries with few safety regulations, have produced products that are not safe, from toys to wallboard.Sorry to ask for clarification, but after having skimmed the member rules... it seems it is fine to post a link in a vape thread (such as this one) over to a safety/hazard discussion thread about said product that's on a different forum or in the appropriate place on this one.
If that's the case, is there any issue with delving the safety / hazard related posts in this thread over to it's own thread in General Vaporization? Thus the discussion can continue and build of what exists here (also cleaning this thread up to abide to the rules as they stand).
Apologies if I'm poking my head into something I shouldn't be...just throwing out what came to mind.
Thanks. Got my first (off brand dhgate) nectar collector on the way. I usually only use water or bubble hash concentrates, but was gifted a bunch of good crumble for helping a friend, and looking for a good way to consume it. If the nectar collector doesnt hit the spot i will be back.
So it seems material usage concerns are the issue some seem to be concerned about and i don't blame you. Certainly important.
Can someone please recommend the best value h enail from dhgate? There is a ton out there, i dont want to overpay, but i also dont want to get a bad product. Any recommendations with links would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
At this point I don't think it would be wise to recommend any of them. If this had been bought up just a week earlier I wouldn't have gone near it until more tests were done.
I also hope there's an upgrade part. I love the performance of this thing but don't think I'll be buying a whole new unit.
The Cloud V variant may yet be safe though. I do hope that the story provided earlier regarding that product was true and that the dangerous ones are just bad knock-offs. This form factor is something that I could really see becoming a mainstay in years to come.
It seems that Cloud V did their own R & R on the Cloud V Electro nail and is not a Chinese knock off. Am I right?
This shit is just not on.I'm one who owns this device and I had it for about 2 wks (casual after work use, three to 4 hits a night) until experiencing an odd odor that was not there when first using the device. My H-ENAIL (green light ver but from edabsdirect) is starting to get the charred look around the ceramic heating element / nail seating. I notice the same odd smell when not vaping extracts..with a thoroughly cleaned / IPA'd nail.
This signals to me that all things pointed out by others previously are probably true to a certain degree, but others can judge for themselves. I stopped immediately using the device after my own observations and it's beyond coincidence to see this being brought up.
Yes, I should have cleaned the residual off, but I'm in a rush out the door... def not the same degree of usage as seen on the reddit post, but I did not like the funky odor being given off (and making a variety of types taste the same imo).![]()
Greetings, I have been using my Greenlight G9 H-enail for a few months now. Here is my technique. It eliminates using the clumsy dabber tool, and minimizes the temperature build-up, and allows me to experience the true pleasure of the terpenes.
Forthwith, . . I pre-load the nail with 2 pieces of wax, each about the size of a lentil. I place the carb cap onto the glass piece. I initiate the heat cycle. Before the green light even comes on, there is vapor to be had. I take long slow draws until the green light (heat cycle) goes off. I immediately press the button 3 more times to start another heat cycle. Vapor clouds ! I continue to draw, until there is no more vapor production. Since I am drawing air into the device almost constantly, the nail never gets all that hot, allowing for wonderful low-temp dabs.
By the way, anything can be misused/abused, especially devices for getting stoned. I have read many fucking stupid techniques some people employ which are "way out of bounds". Many of these dimwits then use a forum to bitch about "failures". Guess what ? More than a few people have been murdered with a #2 pencil. Shall we pile-on and demonize the pencil ? ! ? !