VapeLife X
I got mine over the weekend and I like it more than I thought I would. ..it would be nice if it had the ability to have the temps fine tuned....anyone have any practice pro tips? I have the bubbler with the slotted holes
I got mine over the weekend and I like it more than I thought I would. ..it would be nice if it had the ability to have the temps fine tuned....anyone have any practice pro tips? I have the bubbler with the slotted holes
What would the advantage be to that besides the low temp aspect? Would it cit down on wasted oil in the bubbler (my biggest gripe).Yeah, Instead of getting the nail hot and "Dabbing". Pre load small dabs and slowly hit as the nail heats up. When you are about 3/4 into your hit triple click to turn the heater off and conserve your meds for a second hit. Play with turning it on and off or "Pulse" method to get nice low temp dabs all day long!
"WakeAndVape, post: 894364, member: 14360" Would it cit down on wasted oil in the bubbler .
With the new glass the reclaim is much improved but if its really bothering you try with no water once . If you only bring it up to first temp cycle it is still pretty cool full flavor ,and I find I personally don't really need the water . I have used water /no water off and on for week or two at a time, and found much less build up with no water for me, but I still like to switch to water for the more familiar feel of a regular rig ....
Looks like this thread is a little bit in the dead side, how are you guys getting on with the HEnail? I got one for Xmas and used it last night for the first time with a few bits of shatter, sift yet to try some high grade bubble but that will be put to rights tonight. Few Q's
Do you season the nail at all?
Read it's a good idea to preload the dab, turn on and inhale while capped and warming up to temp to get the best flavours coming thru, flavours every thing to me?
any other tips would be greatly appreciated
gave it a good cleaning today and it's come up sparkling, mines a Dabbie via vapefiend.
Bought myself one for xmas as well. I got the vape life version was $130 delivered with a coupon they sent me in the mail.
Love it. Its my new daily driver.
I like mine, BUT it seems like over time it has gotten noticeably less potent. Not sure if it's just a battery issue or whatnot ...but when I take off the ti nail/cup small peices of the white ceramic rod are scraping out.
I do still like it though
Just got mine in today. Overall, I am satisfied with it. I still need to find that sweet spot for getting big clouds and still conserving. I'm finding that it is easier to work with crumble and "clear" or "clarity" type products. I haven't had too great of success with shatter yet, but like I said I just got it.
I got my h-enail from dhgate. No issues at all. Would have been here quicker (usa) if it weren't for the holidays, but it only took 6 days. I got 2 of them for $128 shipped.
They are both 18650, but I think the airizer is only a 2100ish mah. That is just capacity, so not a huge deals...that said, I am not sure what the discharge c rating is on the airizer. The stock henail is 30Do arizer air batts work in this vape ?I might be grabbing this and the evolve
How many dabs per chargeI paid a bit more for mine also via vapefiend but I thought for the extra money I'll have a little more peace of mind if anything goes wrong after all the Dabbie is his (although not his creation, I mean branding) so I've done that for a good reason. I think with the boost one the heat settings are different but no entirely sure to be honest might just be branding yet again.
I emailed them about ceramic nails they said keep and eye out for around Jan 10/11th onwards about them being available, might be and idea to ask them to include them with your kit or at a least a freebie tester as your clearly paying a little more than others have?
Still loving mine now I have the technique down that bit more, very good flavour and insane amount of clouds when done right, just takes time to get it right![]()
So I purchased a dr dabbler boost yesterday for $176 using an fc code but looking at this thread it looks like I paid to much for a different name. Does anyone know a difference between the 2? Maybe I should cancel my order and get this one. Any suggestions?