Well-Known Member
I'm really changing my idea about what to buy every 30 min or so@GymWolf I'm late to the thread today so I'm not sure what the open question is, TM is minimal maintenance, depending how you use it exactly, like I am using glass stem WPA through other glass pieces, hardly ever have to clean anything, with the cooling unit you have to clean more... I also have Phineas cooling glass stems to use instead of that stock setup now... Yes I milk bowls, I start as low as possible on the dial, and move it up tiny bit by tiny bit for each hit, but you're still not going to get 30 hits which is I think what you were asking for? I don't think you're going to get 20, closer to 12 max probably? No starting required, but if you load too much, then you will need to stir, though you probably would get more hits then... And yeah you never know if you will have problems, I just don't want you to spend all the money and get mad, plenty of people buy it and love it out of the box, but some people get defects and some people struggle, nothing is for everyone and nothing is perfect, typically...
Pushing you towards the Air Max, was because you seem to really want to milk a bowl, and that has very slow extraction, yes to eat up is slower, but they have sped it up to where it is about 15 seconds now I think? Certainly not on demand, but I don't know that's what I said about having to compromise, every vape is going to be a compromise, you may want to compromise on the on-demand feature itself...
TM is a little faster to heat up than X-Max probably, but it's still not instant on demand, exactly, depends on the temp settings and the battery level, but generally it is faster and I consider it instant for my needs, I'm just saying it's not like a Hopper IO at all or a Tafée Bowle (those are truly instant, like sticky bricks)
Not sure if I missed anything, but yes the TM is still my overall favorite, most versatile and effective and flavorful, some of the best vapor quality the way I use it. If I had to have just one vape, this would be it...
If you could score a splinter, preset up with a mod, that might be an ideal, although it still wouldn't be as simple and portable per se, durable, in a sense, but slowing down your session would be perfect potentially (also great vapor quality)

Right now i'm on the xmax side again, i'm rewatching all the reviews and previews from troy and sneakypete (or really everyone who reviewed these 2 devices) and i can't take a decision to save my life (or my weed in this case

A lot of reviews says that with the TM stirring is required or you get the burned ring of death in your load

Does the xmax 3 hit at least as strong as a solo\air\fierce, if yes then that's plenty enough to keep me away from combustion, but i'm super curious to try a super heavy hitter, the heaviest hitter i had was my faulty inhlater xp (but that thing was combusting most probably) and a grasshopper but that one had such an harsh vapor that the heavy hits were more painfull than pleasing.
I love\hate researching for new vapes to buy

I have to decide today, if i'm lucky maybe they are gonna ship the device before the week end.
P.s. i would never hate anyone in here for the advices i got, in the end nobody is forcing my hand and every bit of info is well appreciated.
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