The journey started with a kind of magic fligh launch box vape. I sadly could not find any pictures of my mflb kind of vape but it worked well!
After that experience, i wanted to create a desktop vaporizer (the battery life of portable vaporizer fucked me up since years at this point!

And my very first desktop unit was born!
The heating element was inside the glass heater tube. A well working vape as well! (first picture)
After i had that personal success i tried to improve my vape in design at first, and this unit came out:
In this vape i had the heating wire wraped around the glass heater tube and the airflow was 100% glass.
The heater core was wraped with high temperature heating material and a ceramic insulation.
Worked well,too but the unit itself got really hot on the housing!
(i really loved that vape, but it wasnt perfect yet!)
I tried to determine the hot housing and placed the heating elemint again inside the glass tube!
The origin musa design was born!
The vape worked well, but still i felt that there is some more improvement possible!
I tried to make my vape as clean as possible. I realised that the Aromed was the only medicinal vaporizer and i changed to the aromed heating element.
The Musa was born.
After some very successfull years with the Musa V1 i developed the Musa V2.