I asked @MUSA Vaporizer if there were any updates to his latest batch of units, to which I was told "No"
He sent me this pic:
Now I see new solid core wires and a new nut on the power connector I think.
To me this is an update that people need to know about since it negates what has happened above in this thread.
Apparently a new update to how the glass is connected inside.
So a few updates that are important as this is a newer revision imo!
I have no issues with this new version but older versions should be updated or an update kit offered for those that can DIY.
@lazylathe listen. First at all you didn't ask me to post this picture
Second: the wires has no difference to the twisted ones. It's just an optical change to prevent pictures like AZN ones!
And the nut isn't new.
But I told you that in private message, why you telling something different now?(don't answer it, I really don't want to know it, because you do that since weeks!)
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