Any pic's of the production units yet Vaporfection? my maniacal checking and re checking of this board for updates has lead me to believe that my one harmless interest in your product has lead to a full blown addiction.
just out of curiosity, where did you hear that?I heard January is the new release date.
I heard it directly from Dan at Vaporfection.just out of curiosity, where did you hear that?
I heard it from Dan too. But he did mention that nothing is promised, but thats their expected release but theyre still finalizing production. They will let us know as soon as possible. I already pre-ordered mine, since they going to sell fast!I heard it directly from Dan at Vaporfection.
I spoke to Dan as well, to confirm the release date, thinking I might cancel my pre-order.
Mid to end of January due to redesigning the computer board, replacing heating dial with up and down button, and of course, the holidays.
I told him while I look forward to the MiVape, that as the delays continue, and the portable vape market continues to grow(I brought his attention to the VB 2 which has ears perked) they run the risk of becoming obsolete before release.
Dan seemed reasonable and understood not only pre-orderers frustration but the companies lack of FC presence, but he said as they waited on manufacturers, they felt to post with no news was pointless.
He did assure me the MiVape will be worth the wait. The air path sounds like a strategic maze designed to heat the load then cool the draw on the way to your lips. It sounded impressive.
The final thought I shared with him was they could continue to hold my money but I would imagine a mass exodus if the January date were to be pushed back further.
High hopes!
Room in the market for more than one portable that's for sure. I'm still keeping my eyes on this one although the VB 2 does have my attention as my primary portable.To me, the new VB 2.0 may get big hits with the water tool and all, but I think the whole point of a PORTABLE vaporizer is to quickly, easily and stealthily you can get medicated when you can't use your home vaporizer, like the Cloud. The MiVape looks like and is about the size of an iPhone. This will make people think you're just carrying around your phone. With the VB 2.0, a GLASS water tool isn't going to be the most portable thing in the world, and carrying around a case isn't exactly stealth. Plus, thing of how the VB would look in your pocket XD. Not trying to hate on the VB, just my.
I don't think you can Ever be discreet when vaping in public .
Yes the Pax is stealthy and discreet to hold and carry .
But if you put a straw/pen/stem thing in your mouth ,
then inhale/draw/suck in motion .
Then exhale a cloud of vapor ,
People that see it happen , will wonder openly....what's going on over there ?![]()
Okay so I get that Vaporfection is trying to perfect the Mivape before its released and not go through another Vv/Vv2 problem. But all these delays and new compenents, upgrades, etc... Is really disheartening. This vaporizer was supposed to be released a full year ago, and its been in pre-production testing since the last failed release date in May. LCD screen, different buttons, new computer board, these all seem like things I would address in my first week or two of testing, not 5-6 months after the 4th or so failed release date, so why are these problems just being addressed and changed now?
To me, it just seems like they were working on the Vivape last year, came up with the mivape in the process but couldnt actually figure out how to make/manufacture it into a reality. Im not saying this is what is happening, its just kinda what the evidence suggests. (Computer mock-up of the mivape, which looks way better than what they came up with, failed release dates over and over, and it took about a year to get a real picture of a "prototype" unit. Also the first real pic of the prototype came about 4 months after pre production testing began). Also, im not sure about others, but after the missed release in may, i was under the impression that the missed releases were due to fixing batter issues. Now im starting to think that it was due to not having an actual unit ready to produce. I could be wrong, but who knows.
I think vaporfection could have learned a little from the cloud, because it just feels like the same thing is happening with this. Other companies have clearly learned a lesson, VB and TV both just announced new products, have pictures of real actual units, and have already tested them or are testing them when they got announced. All my negativity aside, im still contemplating re-preordering by tomorrow with the 30% off is just too good to pass up...
I totally understand how you feel! I was on the fence about it too, but decided to jump the gun and put my pre-order in. The viVape has won many awards including the Cannibis Cup in A,sterdam as best vaporizer, and it beat tons of others. I am so happy with my viVape 2 that I can wait for the miVape. Instant gratification isn't ALWAYS the greatest in the end. Many company's like VB and TV are putting out as much info as they can in such a short period, because they are most likely half-assing it to appease their customers. But when you rush a product, you will fail to notice the minor glitches, that cause problems in the long run. I would rather spend time waiting a bit longer than having the hassle of constantly sending back the vaporizer you know?
Many company's like VB and TV are putting out as much info as they can in such a short period, because they are most likely half-assing it to appease their customers.