It's definitely not in stock and that's an old picture before it was redesigned.
yes it's sad, the original release date was August two years ago. But it clearly wasn't ready and needed to be redesigned and tested. They ran out of funds for R&D most likely and got bought out by a major company and completely redesigned the Mivape from the ground up in about a years time...I checked through their Instagram and read the comments on the recent MiVape posts. People asked when they could get one and the owner of the account responded August. So as sad as that is, we at least have a date to hope for!
I believe it's in production as we speak should be a few weeks away they're teasing a bunch on fb/twitter/Instagram and they went quiet on the Mivape for a little stretch so I'm taking that as a good signLast I heard was end of August well..... It's the end of August....
Maybe they need some kind of indiegogo/kickstarter participation?
My solo could use a partner in crime.
None beyond the vague "before Christmas".
We are currently in our production on the miVape. As for a ship date, we still don’t have it finalized. I don’t think it will be ready by Christmas, but will be available shortly after.
Well the mivape should be out soon, I'm guessing. Maybe January? Does anyone know about a preorder for this time around? I'm getting a bit tired of my ascent and hoping there is something better coming out soon!