I know there are a lot of milanna owners that also have the mistvape touch. I really hate hotspots (haven't been using my lsv and Daisy as much) and prefer vapes like my mighty, minivap, herbie, and volcano where it doesn't require thinking and get even abv.
However the strong interest for these manual vapes has grown and I want to give it another try. I think I would prefer the mistvape touch over milanna because the heater is not as powerful? so less hotspots? Can anyone share their experiences regarding the 2 vapes on this issue? Also like the price point.
Hmm well usually a hot spot happens in almost any manual pure convection on demand vape that I know of if you don't stir (including Thermovape, Elevape, Firefly, Underdog, LSV, DaisyBricks, etc) so given the vapes you listed it seems like the Grasshopper and I think Venus Apollo might be more up your alley for more automatic pure convection? I mean the Mighty is a total hybrid and Volcano is very automatic, Cloud Evo is mostly too (not sure about Herbie or MiniVap but those seem like maybe the most automatic convection available)
When it comes to avoiding hot spots without stirring, as I am able to do with both my MistVape Touch and my Milaana, the key is trigger use which controls the heat, and draw technique which controls the airflow through the herbs. MVT was easy for me bc of my experience with Milaana probably, but both units I still tend to stir even if not necessarily every hit (unless in a portable situation where I want to be stealthier, like in a movie theater) largely for flavor preservation though its ofcourse makes an even extraction much easier for manual vapes like these.
I will say you may be right that the Touch could provide an easier learning curve for you being slightly slower to get hotter, but really that could make it even harder on you potentially. There is also a difference between 14mm and 18mm (Milaana can do both with DDave mods), their heater designs, airflow paths, and ofcourse the triggers too so all those variables do amount to slightly different experiences though both are extremely efficient, tasty, and effective (and a bit easier to control vs Daisy and LSV for me)
So yeah if you are starting to feel the manual pure convection on demand itch again, despite your more automatic leanings, the price of the Touch makes it more accessible with a potentially more forgiving learning curve as I described. Hope that helps, PM me if you want more comparative details
I worked with the new double ended gong stems and there isn't room to cut a ledge. You have to position the screen with push sticks so I will supply those. Haven't done anything with the short double ended gong stems, have to figure out how to mount those in the lathe for trimming.
Ah so the shorty might be able to take the ledge for the screen okay? If so I'd probably rather one of those then, though only the longer one would work with hydratubes which are a bit too wide for the Mist body if they sit low.
I'm still getting to know my new Touch a bit, while not quite as forgiving as the beta and it's coil, this one is way more efficient so I accidentally killed my bowls sooner than planned and got pretty gone, with varying amounts even. Staying low temp it is easier to get a more even targeted extraction, but even going harder you can get great sizeable hits and solid extraction albeit less tasty as the top of the bowl can "overcook" a bit, though it's narrow enough to not leave much green either.
As always, much more testing to do