So i just did a side by side of my MiniVap and my Crafty!
Do not attempt this if you have to do stuff... Like shovel snow...You going to want a nice comfy chair and a good movie!!
Strain - Headband
Minivap - Small basket, half full on GREEN
Crafty - Half load, Oil pad at 180 Degrees C
Instant thick cloud from the Crafty. Very flavourful and rich tasting but no real discernible traits.
5 Second inhale on MV, nice dense cloud, not as dense as the Crafty but what the hell is that taste!!
Lemony, diesel yummyness!!!
And so it went for at least 5 good rips on each unit. My first inhale was to test the amount and flavour of the vapour.
The discernible difference for me was that the MV just continued to produce clouds and taste great!
The Crafty soon lost all flavour and taste.
The end result was i was extremely medicated from both devices!
They both have pros and cons and both serve their own purposes!
I could live without my Crafty but NOT my MiniVap!
All i can say is:
"I love my MiniVap!"