With the out of body talk in mind

.. My mv made me momentarily trip last night

. I ran nearly 12 miles after ingesting two large baskets after a four or five day MV, and indeed all things vape, hiatus(spelling) as well as just work generally minimising my usage since a little before the Xmas period

First instance was the top visible part of a telephone pole momentarily phased into a giant figure bounding along a large hill a little in the background distance. Like in that movie about the trolls in one of the Scandanavian countries, cannot recall the exact one or its name.. Maybe trolls?

.. And I was actually going to be running right up to the bottom of said hill.
Second, at first glance looked light a really large Chinese lantern sitting in the mid distance in the middle of the road. As I neared it appeared to change position slightly off to the side, before resuming it's previous position.
The real Trippy bit came when I got closer and the 'lantern' (in my head) took on the guise of an open and waiting entrance to a small space craft with a small figure standing inside.
At this point I really got "that feeling" and could've continued on and into it but actively forced myself to take a measure of myself.
Then it turned into a house window, and the distance disruption ceased to facilitate the skewed mind image.
It was about 2100 hrs when I left my abode, and it was dark as sh#t so had a head torch on.
Third Trippy bit. It was windy as you like and leaves kinda started to move funny, almost animatedly

.. I jumped over a few so as not to hurt them
I need to lay off it more often

What a run! The mind is an amazing thing

Sorry for the long crazy post
Edit: I almost forgot, there was a field of sheep not long after the "spacecraft". They were all clustering together and following me with their gaze. Thing is, in the dark and with the head torch,they ended up looking like foot and a half tall beings with eyes all big and lit up.. I gave a loud bahhh to make them scarper away, as well as convince myself that they were indeed, only sheep. Class.