my replacement MV has failed after about two months of use, which is about 2x as long as it took the first one to fail. I have strange luck. I've managed to remain stoic about the whole thing because the experience is so good when this thing works that I am resolved to just stay the course until I get one that is not a dud. so I'm waiting on vapornation to receive a new shipment from Hermes which will hopefully be mid-January or so. they also told me that Hermes has assured them that the issues have been addressed and the next shipment will replace the stock of MV's, which has apparently been so problematic that vapornation has made the decision to stop shipping the stock they currently have on hand.
in the meantime, I succumbed to a particularly acute flare-up of VAS yesterday and wound up with a Crafty. it's quite nifty, and it definitely works as advertised. extraction is quite rapid and vapor is abundant. it's very nicely made and perfect for quick and discreet sessions on the go
however I have to say that IMO the flavor and effects provided by the Crafty are noticeably inferior to what you get out of the MV. I'm only 4 sessions in with the Crafty, but my experience thus far has only reinforced my opinion that the miniVAP offers the best vaping experience I've ever had.
TL;DR - sitting here with an MV-shaped hole in my heart, again. tried to fill it with a Crafty...made me appreciate the MV even more