I'm kinda pissed as a long review on Ratchetts thread and a long PM both erased just before sending so I'm not in the mood for the review but here's the teaser pics.
I will be reviewing/comparing the new Ratchett Song and the Delrin/ stainless steel mV adapters.
I am officially naming the the Delrin version the .....Dong......
Similar pieces but very different materials. The Delrin Dong isn't really a production piece either.
I would rate each as 6 out of 7 on the cannabis leaf rating scale

Ratchett's Song fits nicely and no leaks whatsoever. It is most versatile as you can draw straight
from the Song, add a regular whip for straight draws, add a MFLB water whip and use the nice glass
14 mm adapter end as a mouthpiece and it even has a nice wood piece to hold, or use MFLB water whip and insert into bubbler, or use just the Song and invert into bubbler. Extremely versatile which adds to the already supremely versatile mV bag of tricks.
If you have medical/ weak hand issues, the Song acts as a gripper to more easily loosen/ tighten the mV cover.
Inverted into bubbler, it never pulls out glass adapter when removed.
With stock cover and flexicone, attaching a whip to nipple is not solid as it easily falls off but with Song any whip attaches rock solid. Pic below is stock cover but whip attachment is not solid.
Minor weaknesses: drawing straight from Song is not a great mouth feel. It is very flexible which allows one to insert whip BUT inverted on bubbler, you need to hold constantly or remove mV between hits--no big deal.
The 14 mm is very flexible. The 18 mm is much firmer so when inverted on an 18 mm center joint bubbler like my Mobius--you can sort of leave it stand by itself.
On to the Dong.....
My dad was a machinist so I love the stainless steel machined interior and Delrin exterior.
Nice tight connection and no leaks.
Superior feel for straight draw use. A really nice mouth feel. I had loved the angled stock mouthpiece but Dong stays much cooler and I am getting used to/liking the straight shot/ no angle. Was it lazylathe who also liked straight shot/ no angle mouthpiece---I hear you now.
No easy whip attachment so much fewer options on how to use.
It can easily stand by itself inverted in bubbler BUT doing so, it will often pull out the glass adapter when removed.
I also had one episode where mV / Dong was left inverted in bubbler and I was hitting it hard on red. When removed, pulled out the glass adapter AND was really stuck to it so it took 5-10 minutes to get them apart. I'm thinking it really got hot and expanded/ wedged solidly into the adapter. After that I would pull it out between hits on highest temp.
Both are nice pieces.