Good reads, nice to see the discussion and posts here.
The microdosing journey continues here, I hope everyone is well

. Been some months now since my last post, I again increased my cannabis intake around Christmas holiays & through New Years (past it a couple weeks too). I probably doubled my intake from 0.30 grams per week to 0.60 grams per week. I did stick to the routine of weekend vaping & Monday to Thursday breaks except for 3 or so days. Over this time, I kept the same bowl size (0.050 grams) but vaped many more bowls. I did test out a larger bowl and it was too much to comfortably handle. And I found that this higher holiday cannabis use resulted in me greening out ~30-40% of the time (in the evening).
I picked up a bunch of new batches of quality fresh potent cannabis in December and for the first time in over a year. Much of my cannabis is even older than that and in the 1-2 year age range. And the new batches are significantly stronger with more full spectrum f/x than my old batches. Very potent

. This new stuff and the holidays are why I haven't posted much here in the last 5-6 months or so... been very high on the weekends and that's when I visit FC. Too high to be able to post well or efficiently

After the holidays I began to lower my tolerance back to normal, and within three weeks I was back to vaping a single bowl on Friday again with great results

. The next few weeks after that, I did bump up my Friday cannabis intake a little again (to optimize the experience), but for the last 3-4 weeks I've been able to repeatedly enjoy a single bowl on Fridays

. The high has gotten better every day, and I'm not greening out like I was before.
Here's the current routine I've been aiming for and doing , 0.050 gram size bowls and one bowl on Friday, 1-2 bowls on Saturday & two bowls on Sunday. Then a vaping break from Monday through Thursday

. I stretch that Friday bowl out for hours by doing three sessions & temp stepping

. Sometimes I'm successful doing the same thing and only having one bowl again on Saturday, otherwise it's not as stretched out time-wise and I vape another bowl. Same things on Sunday. I'm hoping to slowly string together an extended cannabis intake of 0.20 grams per weekend or so. I've come close & the highs are as good as they've been in the last quarter, and better than when vaping the older batches. Greening out is much less of an issue too.
Saturday I vaped switched from one to two 0.050 gram bowls of cannabis for the first time in three weeks and I damn near greened out around 9 pm

. Crazy. Got to bed early and slept well

Anyway, hope some people find all this microdosing talk helpful. It was very inspirational to me years back and I'm trying to pay it forward.
can someone help regarding edibles for microdosing?
it's my first time trying to switch from vaping (mostly to be more discreet and efficient)
in my country i can only get one type of reliable edible as a round soft fruit candy or something.
it contains 100ml of oil, supposed to be quality stuff but no other info.
anyway, how would you suggest i "micro-eat" it?
by the amount of oil used, how small a piece i should cut?
Unless you know the amount of THC they put in the oil, it's a big guess. I'd try to microdose based on the weight and the strength of the f/x you get... if 100 ml is close to 100 grams for example, I'd split it up into 10 servings and then trying one serving at a time. If 100 ml is like 50 grams, then I'd do something like 5 servings. And remember, it can take 2+ hrs to begin to feel something after a serving, especially if your stomach isn't empty. Try that, see how it goes, rate it and then adjust the dose up or down from there.
Microdosing of edibles is less than 100mg THC. Around 50mg or so maybe
Microdosing edibles is a way less amount. If vaping 0.050 grams cannabis is generally considered microdosing, and we go w/ a 20% avg THC content that would come out to 7 mg of THC in doing edibles (0.007 grams) [assuming a 30% loss of THC / cannabinoids; I've seen the literature show a range of loss from vaping from 30-40% or more in vaping. Personally I think 40% loss is a better estimate, making the edible dose equivalent 6 mg

. In Canada, the maximum legal edible dose is 10 mg per piece.
Still high here today, so sorry for any spelling / grammar issues
Enjoy the microdosing routine everyone & have a great weekend