magicflight said:
PS: If you have any suggestions as to how I might improve our communications/marketing, I would be interested to know them.
Ok. Suggestion. Don't have any engineers or product development guys write your ad copy. They should provide input, but not be intimately involved in marketing communications.
Communicating here is a mixed bag. On one hand, you are desiring input into product development, but on the other, the site offers you a free marketing vehicle.
Engineers and product development people can't market a product worth a damn, and marketing guys typically can't screw in a light bulb without instructions.
I guess the problem here is that, as you've said, you are more geared into engineering and development and your are communicating on that level, but you are also, in a very real sense, marketing your product, and in most cases, the two don't mix.
When I look at your product, and then read things like, "....both the resistivity and infrared emissivity change -- both of which result in non-linear changes of energy flow. The mathematical/physical curve describing these changes (a 4th power equation) have a natural inflection point that limits the max temperature attained.", my eyes just do one of these >>>>>>>>

, and for me, the product then loses some credibility because it seems like it's being over-sold, if that makes any sense.
I also question when you say, "It is true that we are a smallish startup with fewer than 15 people involved in design/development (excluding testers, of which there are many more), which just happens to have excellent lab support.", for that implies that you have 15 engineer/design/developement people plus a whole bunch of testers AND excellent lab support. I just don't see how a start up venture like this could have these kinds of resources, especially for a product, that by it's very nature, would have relatively low volume sales. To me, a small start up company is what Purple Days is all about. Two people banging out product on their dining room table.
Having lab support and 15 people involved in design and development on a product such as this is just a bit tough to comprehend and to me, it sounds like an over-the-top sales pitch designed to lend credibility.
Anyway, you asked for some input, and I provided some. I'm just sensitive to stuff like this because of my marketing/advertising/sales background. I promise that you will get no more input from me on this, 'cause I think I've said all that there is to say.