Salutations everybody,
My question stands:
...what's their susceptor's weight exactly??
Or at least please provide exact dimmensions to extrapolate some crude approximation of
WEIGHT. The susceptor's metal weight, that is. ... Just in case i might sound, euh... "Confusing"!
...about loading...'s not a cloud machine and it's not very effective...
Correction, i've got reasons to seriously suspect that the workload and its corresponding energy source are just poorly matched. That's all.
Using 1 single battery i wouldn't expect the performances of a table unit, which doesn't mean i can't do great visuals vaporizing only 20 ~ 25 mg per toke, routinely. That's why i asked the WEIGHT question exactly, because mass combined to specific heat capacity (of a susceptor metal), temperature (and heat-transfer processes included) shall determine what amount of vegetal substrate covered with trichomes, hopefully (...), that can be reasonably expected to vaporize. Most unfortunately, the choice of a conductive heat source proves piss-poor at best judging from what we can all read. Doesn't it??
Now imagine if the load ain't perfectly dry...
Hence my comment on a "thermal bottle" again. To the very least, stop wasting the precious energy as it gets generated, for starters. Next convert to convection, pre-heating time will stretch but your tokes will gain in multiples features simultaneously. Yet this still requires sand-dry cannabic bowls i'd say, otherwise too much energy is eventually lost for too little useful purpose, etc., etc.
Instead build a "Heat Charge" that stays relatively contained until inhalation begins, the process is essentially dynamic: it's a time-compressed experience, so just don't bother too much about thermostatic temperature except the Curie temperature - provided Loto Labs ever felt necessary/convenient (or even ju$tified...) to have a Curie alloy implementing their susceptor function at all...
IMO 2 slices of SiC foam around a permeable stainless-steel core laid out to provide both a "shielding" and a "radiator" component would work great in a "Micro-Bursting" situation where no material is allowed sufficient time to over-heat. Correct me if i'm wrong but NASA boys would likely agree such consumption method actually relies on "adiabatic approximation" to accomplish its wonders... Which is about heat traveling at some finite speed in solid matter - that's like when i torch-clean my screens on the back of my Bronze Sherlock and never fear to endure skin burns.
Draining a single battery in vain just ain't the solution: think improved energy conversion instead!!
A Susceptor's weight combined to its Curie point, if any, will set the maximum cannabis load a Heat Charge can handle. It's essentially transitional in ritual terms, heat injection must be followed by inhalation without wasting time. While air remains static the pockets inclosed in SiC foam matrixes will behave more like a heat insulator than a radiator, then in presence of a dynamic airflow a contrasted transition occurs: the temporarily-stored heat shall be transfered as efficiently/quickly as practically possible, from the Hybrid Core to its target work-load almost directly, except for a Brass Screen preventing excessive hot-spotting. That's all that i'd want in between because it's meant to be the:
Shortest Path of Least Transformation
Consequently, a somewhat reduced energy budget i believe. But that's me.
In conclusion, this Loto Labs IH generator ain't sexy in terms of energy output but now that it's there in the real world i'd advise its proud owners to consider exploring enhanced alternatives to this unfinished capsule of theirs. For all i can tell it was hand-drawn on a pizza box (...) in a moment of intense illumination under the sky of Italy anyway!...
Good day, have fun!!