Been spending a bit more time with Lily over the past few days - more than I have in a looong time. Remembering all the things I loved about this vape - and Daisy. Honestly, how could I forget those on-demand, deceptively smooth, full convection, pipe style rips?!
But also, remembering the things I didn't like so much, such as inconsistent torch lighters and the small, sometimes difficult to remove without destroying, steel mesh screens.
I can deal with shitty lighters if I'm using them for heat then hit style vapes but for direct draw butane vapes I want something I can trust to perform without spluttering. Anyway, I bought a VM Station kit a while back which also came with a VM torch (to replace my failing original), & this has been fairly solid ever since - I've been using it with the Anvil a lot recently & it now seems to be doing the biz with Lily.
As for the screen, this time around I found a rimless basket from one of my old RBT vapes fits nicely & although early days, so far it's working out well as I can grab the edge to lift it out with a pair of tweezers to clean it after a few bowls & then easily reseat it.
Nice to take a trip down memory lane!
Looking forward to having a play with the Volski Vector even more now.