ok, so apparently 20mm Sic dishes and storm cell caps are backordered for a few weeks. What are the advantages or reasons that one would opt for a 16mm version?
LOL, other than the obvious one being that they are in stock...
You guys make me jealous with your storm cell caps, I should have ordered one from the start. How many tips are there and what parts come with the new design? Anyone care to show more pics?
Thanks, the pointy one looks fun. Do you like the first one with the hole best? I talked to Josh about using SiC for those tips or a whole dabber and he was already on it.There are four tips including the pincer one that I posted awhile ago. Here are a few pics.
I just got my dnail and I'm on back order for the Liger. I was wondering what temps are preferred for just the Liger Ti bucket, which are preferred for the SiC and which for the Quartz?I have not used my Quartz insert yet since the sic is so tasty. I run mine around 670 with the dnail coil. I love how there is no vapor trail.
I just got my dnail and I'm on back order for the Liger. I was wondering what temps are preferred for just the Liger Ti bucket, which are preferred for the SiC and which for the Quartz?
I use it the same way, but I use around 660-670 as my temp. I always try to finish the dab in 1 hit.Just curious how others are using their Liger banger with an e-nail. I'm relatively new to dabbing, so don't really know the protocol for all this stuff. Here is how I'm using it, would love others' comments on optimal use. Note: I am using the silicon carbide insert.
- After a lot of playing around with temperature, I've settled on around 615 degrees.
- After dropping the dab in, inhaling continuously, stir for a few seconds then place Storm cap on. Remove Storm cap at end of inhale.
- The first hit, of course, is the biggest. I usually hold it in as long as I can, sometimes remembering to do that thing where you breathe out maybe 1/4-1/3 then breathe in more fresh air so as to retain it longer. Not sure this does that much, but playing around with it currently.
- Then, in part due to the relatively low temperature, there is still some oil left in the bucket. With the Storm cap off, it just "threads" smoke a little but doesn't vaporize. Put the Storm cap back on and inhale deeply, then remove Storm cap. This always produces a reasonable cloud of vapor, though smaller than the first. I usually get 3 good hits out of one dab, but honestly, you can continue cap-inhale-remove-cap for a good 2-3 additional inhales with the caveat that each one is smaller than the last.
- After I've completed my chosen amount of dabs (usually 2-5 smallish dabs of concentrate), I turn it off and immediately swab with a dry q-tip
- I've only been cleaning it as needed -- when the airflow gets restricted or enough reclaim has built up that it threatens to drip a glob. This is typically taking it apart then soaking overnight in ISO, followed by cleaning with q-tips.
How do you use this magical little piece of machined titanium?
Simple... To the average person this must be confuzzling....
I mean, I have to explain the language we are using here to my stoner friends. Cannot even imagine trying to explain this to my parents lol...
You put the Dabb in the cap? Basket of vapor? Insert your storm cap here? Lol
Just broke my Liger down for the first time to clean and WOW!! Complex little piece! 7 pieces to this little gadget! This nail kicks ass. I don't even need a carb cap the dab cyclones until gone and no vapor trails!
By the way, It's really not even dirty!!! After countless dabs!!
Damn you guys, between the overly positive reviews and the rising Canadian Peso I'm getting really tempted to order one. With the carb caps on backorder, anyone found a decent alternative? I've got something like 5 caps here so I figure I've got one that works okay temporarily. Also how does the anodized colour hold up? I'm guessing torching will change it for sure but how about just using the enail coil? I'd probably get the rainbow one so it's less of an issue but still good to know.
I'm kind of tired of all the waiting. I had to wait on my Banger, still on hold for my carb cap, still waiting on my SiC Insert. The only thing that was in stock was my Quartz. The funds were deducted immediately though, not the normal state of pending for a backorder product. I can't understand why the carb caps didn't come on with the banger, it's all Ti. I'm just kind of bummed with this whole half ass experience. No carb i have fits this, and I sacrificed the Sapphire experience for this and settled for SiC,quartz and Ti. And did I mention my funds have already been deducted! Just a little venting!!![]()