Ok, so the other night, I was using my LSV, and noticed that a bit of wear was already showing on those exposed inner power wires

I was hoping I'd be able to wait for my replacement black one, but I didn't want to risk it, so it was time for a little repair job
I got my LSV up to temp, then I carefully opened the base so I could get an idea of how hot it gets at the inside of that base piece.
I was happy to find it really only gets warm to the touch on that insulating rubber cement stuff they use to hold the cord in place.
I used a little utility knife to cut around the hole that the power cord goes into, which basically meant I now had a power cord that wasn't attached to the base piece.
Then I used the utility knife to cut back a little bit of that outer insulation (maybe 4-5mm) that had started to split.
I pushed that cord through the hole until I could see the outer insulation peeking its head through the inside side of the base plate, and hot-glued it in place.
I now have a fully functional LSV
Here are some pics:
My Tools
The finished repair:
(My hot glue is the yellowish looking bit)
And a quick pic of the insides
EDIT: I'm thinking of maybe doing some modding experiments with my LSV once my replacement comes...
I'm thinking removable power cord to start