For the past 5 months I've been a diehard, 100% concentrates only omicron/omicron v2 user. Didn't touch herb during that time, enjoying the convenience of the omicron's "daily sipping". Two things about that: 1) my tolerance went up so fast I don't even enjoy the high anymore and it takes an hour just to feel something and 2) the omicron seems to add a bad metallic/chemical flavor to the concentrates. Trying it on a thermovape dart, you can tell the obvious difference. The dart tastes like a clean ti nail, the omicron tastes like chinese nychrome wire, most noticeable in the first 20-40 hits of the gram.
Anyways, I used to have an arizer solo. It was my choice for herb. I sold it when I went concentrates, then I used a friend's last weekend and started nearly crying and bawling at the taste. I had forgotten about how good it was, and I had been missing out on it for the past 5-6 months of my life!!
So, I literally had my M107 arizer solo, spare screens and bent 4 hole stems ready to check out, added into planetvape's cart.
I don't know how, but I then saw vitolo's LSV video on youtube (I believe I was searching for arizer solo + glass to see how it milked with glass attached). That spun me off into another 3 hours of research..
But thanks to this thread (well.. the first 25 pages kind of scared me), and Vitolo's testimony (thank you), I feel pretty confident in making this wildcard purchase over the solo that I already know I love. I bought the LSV, along with a spare heater cover, a spare long transfer wand, a fatty bowl adapter, and some screens. I absolutely cannot wait, I shipped it to my home address but am currently in Seattle until next Sunday, so the wait is going to be agonizing. Hope I can make it...
Thanks for the great information in this thread, everyone. I'll be sure to come back and follow up to see whether the LSV meets, exceeds, or falls short of expectations.
EDIT: God, it's only been 6 hours since I placed the order and I am going out of my mind. I'm pretty sure I have watched *EVERY* LSV video out there, including tokinGLX's sneak peak of it even before it was released. Anyone have anything for me to watch while I chomp at the bit all week?