God, I cannot wait. iloveb00bs: want to make a run to an SF vapor lounge / dispensary in the afternoon one of these days? @OF wants to join too I believe.
Has anyone used their LSV in a vapor lounge? I understand the cording is kind of prohibitive but I really wonder how the combusters see you whip out that giant long... LSV (ok, is it just me and the videos exaggerating size, or does the LSV with the long wanD actually seem about as long as a toy lightsaber? I know the camera adds about 2 inces, but....

oh, one more thing iloveb00bs: there's a "vapor lounge" closer to us, PHC collective, right off zanker rd. Unfortunately they have only no2 and extreme Q vapes that you pay to use. I asked them if I could use my own vape, so I took my old arizer solo in there an year ago... and just hung out, did some work on the laptop and enjoyed the $120 worth of hash I just bought from them in the arizer. The owners kept giving me dirty looks though, so I got a bad vibe and left. On the way out I asked the owners: "is it ok if I continue to bring my own vape, or is that not generally allowed?" They said "oh, it's ok for now.. but that's just what we were discussing."
Hopefully the SF Vapor Lounges are more "BYOV" friendly, I'm sure a lot of us FC'ers have dedicated poratble rigs they would rather use than pay to use a village bicycle vaporizer..
@turk: MedEx? And oh, vapor room! a friend of mine works at twitter, it is a regular twitter ops admin stop.

As for the one hour time limits. Time limits, eh... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED
@iloveb00bs: man, I love that last video, still watching it hahah. I feel like I'm getting high just watching that, esp. the cloud at 4:20! The aquaiius looks sweet too, like a little stony android