Quick Review:
The LSV came packaged nicely in a beautiful Hemp bag that is sleek and full of pockets. It warms up in 2 minutes and the body only gets really warm at most even after 30 minutes of vaping. Mine came with a waterpipe adapter bowlpiece which I use with my 13 Inch bong.
All you do is plug it in and turn to about 3:00 and wait two minutes, then dial back to 12:00 or so. At first I couldn't understand the design purpose of the bud being able to fall so close to the heater when using the transfer wand. So I always held it parallell to the ground so no bud could fall. But now I realize when you suck to take a hit the herb immediately gets sucked up back into the wand so it all vapes evenly. So I no longer think the design is bad at all in that way.
Transfer wand:
Ok, I vaped half a transfer wand bowl with two people, thats probably .3 total. And at with the temp at 12 it was already getting tasty vapor. Then up to 1 and its even thicker vapor(friends start coughing from taking too big of hits

) And when I moved it to 2 o'clock the vapor was as white as smoke, the hits where tremendous! I thought it must have burnt but the herb was still greenish brown and light. We all took a few more of these smoke like huge but smooth vapor cloud hits, and we were all so medicated. The bowl was only brown not even too dark, but I just put it in the ABV jar. I would use even less weed with 3 people next time.
And now packing the wand with small amounts alone. Ok, I have had the best alone seshes packing about .05 to .1. With .05 the vapor will be fairly thin, but still tasty and can get you where you want to be. You probably would need to start at 2 o'clock to get vapor with that small amount. But about .1 per sesh alone, to be really medicated, is what I pack. I mean can you really ask for less? Thats pretty damn efficient in my eyes. So with about .075 this morning I hit the transfer wand like 10 times, then crushed it up and got even more POWERFULL unexpected hits. This thing is great.
Now with the waterpipe adapter, I see a potential problem. The herb rests about 2 inches or more away from the heating element, verses the transfer wands bowl being plugged right up by it. So with .1 now I have to start at about 2 o'clock to get vapor, and with less herb, the b-loads are very thin. This could be due to my beaker bottom bong, I might have got too thick a bong I'm thinking, its a lung buster. But still .1 alone in the bong will get a few milky hits and then several more thin ones. But the temp will be past 3 for me too even be getting it browned because the bud is so far compared to the wand. And even at the full temp it can get, it wont burn the hurb. Does this mean hash wouldn't be able to get hot enough in the waterpipe attachment, I dont know?
So to me the waterpipe attachment is for packing with alot of people, because half full it gets milky at like 2 o'clock and keeps mliking up to 3 o'clock, providing a fat sesh. But I wish they would make a shorter bowl for this so the heater is as close as with the wand, for personal use to be funner.
It will reek up the room equally so as the Buddha or SSV would, thats a little more than a log vape usually. But nothing you cant cover up. And the taste, especially with the wand, is excellent. I mean top notch tasty, its almost all glass on glass, and the closest I tried to that. It tastes better than the DBV because of the whips taste, and I must say, even better than the PD. And way better than the MFLB. Hits similar to the Ion come to think of it...
It comes with a 3 year warranty, looks and feels sturdy, comes with a great bag, and is semi portable, good for the car maybe.
Smokers will like it because it packs the hardest vape punch that I ever tried, with the wand half full, way more potent than the Buddha was. And thats not too much herb either. And alone it hits fat and amazing(with the wand at least, not too impressive with the waterpipe).
So the waterpipe problem can be fixed easily with a new efficient water pipe adapter, its not the LSVs internal fault or anything. So all in all I love it, but want to see new attachments and a muliti position swiveling stand. And semi-lower price, because I feel like I could have got a soldering iron and put the heater cover on it myself. but even saying that I'm happy with it at the expensie price, the transfer wand is that nice to me.