Soooooo friends... Last night I sat down to watch The Big Lebowski, my all time favorite movie (atleast that kind of movie), and took my new LSV for a test run. I let it heat on high, turned the knob to about 50% power, and I put in only a small pinch of herb at first.. Got a few visible hits, but was simply trying to test the dial to find the sweet spot. Needless to say, I was already pretty blazed from this testing, even getting pretty damn stoned off the non-visible compounds entering my lungs.. But I knew I wouldn't just pack her up so soon, so I put in another couple pinches of herb, and from there I kept the knob between 55% and 70% of full power. I proceeded to vape this for the remainder of the movie, stirring intermittently and getting great milky hits. I definitely almost burnt the bud a few times, not purposely at all, and obviously got monster hits, but luckily nothing was set on fire and I didnt burn it to the point of it tasting bad.. just got some very thick vapor. After the movie ended, I sat there for a while, stoned, but finally packed up my equipment and fell asleep. I dont really remember this since I was so stoned, and still pretty greened over this morning!

Big props to 7th floor!! I'm totally satisfied! As great as my hopes were for the LSV, my expectations were breached. The only thing that was the slightest bit iffy was holding the unit the whole time, but its not too big of a deal, and even less of a big deal for me to make a nice little stand for it.
Also I wanna note that the MFLB began to pull me away from smoking, realising how inneffecient it is and all.. I've been able to cut down on my use tremendously seeing as how I'm pretty much completely a user for recreation rather than a specific illness. The LSV has pushed me even more in this direction as It got me past where smoking gets me. I think its funny in a stupid way how much bud I was smoking on a nightly basis before starting to vape. Luckily, vaping showed me the true amount of bud needed to get really stoned (not much at all). The only thing that's gotten me equally high lately has been a couple swigs of the green dragon that I made not too long ago.
Whoever made the comment about non-combustible forms of ingesting herb being more psychedelic, im on your boat buddy!