That's why I said to have a look at the lattice.
It's hard to see from side on, but everything about the piece looks fine to me visually.
If there's nothing defective with the lattice itself, then I can't see how it's a build quality issue.
That's no to say it can't be a build issue, but based on the leviathan pieces I own, and the look of your piece in the vid, it looks good to me.
The stacking looks a bit low, but there are so many user factors that can affect stacking.
A few of those draws looked VERY light, to the point where bubbles started for a second, then stopped because you either stopped drawing for a second, or put very low negative pressure in there.
Like that middle video, it looks like very light draw, followed by a short burst of very high draw at the end.
You want a moderate draw, slowly increase draw speed and you should see the stacking rise up.
You should start to see how your draw speed affects things.
A very hard, quick pull will not lead to good stacking, even on my fritters it causes the bubbles to pop.
Sometimes you just need to get a feel for the piece, I remember having a little but of trouble getting it to stack well when I first got it, but pretty soon I had it sorted.
The stacking in your last video looked ok, with a bit more water I'd guess it would've been stacking more like the example vid you posted.