M&M TECH - 60mm Single "Mesh Perc" Sidecar Vapor Rig w/ 18mm Dome - Rasta
been looking for one of these for a while…….anyway you could show some fc love and still toss in an ac or throw me one discounted? I would have ordered b4 christmas of who but unfortunately my doctor sectioned 12 me into an mental ward, where I without my natural meds 4 2 weeks so I missed the deadline. Did get to meet Oprah inside the loony bin though. Her half nephew was there on her recommendation. Also got offered an awesome job by a wealthy car dealer in NE in there. Was without my meds for 2 weeks but I met a lot of cool people and now I don't have a tolerance what so ever! 1 wax dab and done for this guy!
I went in for threating to kill my father if he tried to lay another finger on me…….fucked up part is my father used to choke me out all the time( been beaten since I was 5…am now 20) and tell me he was going to fuckin punch my face in til I was dead
MMJ use for ptsd all the way!!!
spoke to a nice gentleman on the phone and he was able to answer every question/concern that my overly medicated ass had with ease!
awesome first time experience with their customer service! can't wait to get this 5inch lattice rig