Let's get something straight,
one more fucking time, I have
never said the Aromazap or Myrtlezap were un-safe. I have
never said you will get Lead poisoning from using one of these products.
@ Obelisk - Maybe you missed post #83
"Our brass is alloy 260 which is lead free. Thank you for your kind words.
J.C. Pell
National Sales Manager
K&S Engineering"
That is the brass tubing you tested. It is declared Lead free and you tested it and it is Lead free. Where is the surprise? Take your unit apart and test the heat sink and you will get the same results that I did.
See post #94 where Rick ignores the other portions of the airpath? Same as you are doing.
Or see his post #1601 in the Mzap thread. "As far as I know the heatsink material and the washer are not ROHs (sic)" Also he fails to mention the 1" sleeve which I will test later.
So your negative results are to be expected. And my positive results are not surprising, seeing what Rick just said about the heat sink.
This forum is here for the sharing of information. If this forum and this thread were available when I made our purchase in 2003 I would have known about the Lead in the Aromazap airpath. But the only info I had to go on (buyer beware) was Rick's FAQ which touted his Lead free solder. According to Rick he knew of the Lead content of brass from the beginning (see post #1601).

But choose not to share that info.
I choose, for me and my family, not to breathe through a heated product that contains Lead. You choose for yours. But today in 2010 you can make a more informed choice than the one available to me in 2003. You now know the Aromazap and Myrtlezap contain Lead, the manufacterer says so, the tests prove it.
Oh BTW post # 119 is quite interesting, considering Rick says several places that there is Lead in his product. "We will not be spending any money for tests to prove the negative " Well of course not, because the tests will be positive.
So there is no need to cloud the issue. The Aromazap (tested) and the Myrtlezap (using the same materials) both contain Lead. Period. End of question. The manufacturer says they do!
I am not saying they are un-safe. I am not saying you shouldn't buy them. I am just sharing information, you must draw your own conclusions.
Now lets start a list of all vape makers who use brass in their airpath. And post any test results or further mfg information on the Lead content of their product.
1- Aromazap, available at
Manufacturer info: FAQ page- "We use no lead solder in all of our constuction processes. We do use brass tubing in the manufacture of the heatport assembly and the vapor stem tips. Brass contains a very tiny amount of lead."
Test results on an Aromazap heat sink using the Pro-Lab Lead Surface Test Kit.
Positive for Lead.
2- Myrtlezap, available at
Manufacturer info: FAQ page- "We use no lead solder in all of our constuction processes. We do use brass tubing in the manufacture of the heatport assembly and the vapor stem tips. Brass contains a very tiny amount of lead."
Test results: untested
3- looking for another vaporizer manufacturer who uses brass in the airpath to add to the list.