Most people believe Jimmy Carter was some sort of Left Winger. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Historian David N. Gibbs, author of “The Revolt of the Rich,” says we mustn’t whitewash President Carter’s record.
1976: win as a moderate Republican vs Nixon's unelected VP
1980: run as a moderate Republican, eat shit
1984: run as a moderate Republican, eat shit
1988: run as a moderate Republican, eat shit
1992: win as a moderate Republican because Ross Perot split the vote
1996: win as a moderate Republican because Ross Perot split the vote
2000: run as a moderate Republican, eat shit
2004: run as a moderate Republican, eat shit
2008: run with populist messaging and a charismatic leader, win
2012: smaller win with a charismatic leader
2016: run as a moderate Republican, eat shit
2020: barely win because Trump got COVID during early voting
2024: run as a moderate Republican, eat shit
Liberals: you have to run as a moderate Republican, it's the only way to win!